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1. What is Out of Home Media?

Out of home, or OOH, advertising is any form of advertising that takes place outside of the four walls of a store or on the internet. OOH is usually placed in public areas, like in the middle of a sidewalk or on the side of a bus. OOH advertising is extremely targeted because it’s in a place where people are likely to be receptive. OOH is incredibly effective because people are often in places where they aren’t actively looking for something to buy. They’re on their way to work in the morning, driving their kids to school, or taking care of errands. Because they’re not actively seeking products or services, OOH is an effective way to reach them. OOH can be broken into three major categories: Street Retailing, Transit Advertising, and Out-of-Home Digital Displays.

2. What are the different types of Out of Home Advertising?

OOH is often referred to as “out of home” or “OOH”. Street Retailing - This is the most traditional form of OOH advertising, and refers to posters, signs, and other forms of marketing that are located on the sidewalk or storefront of a store. Street Retailing can also refer to in-store posters and signs that are visible from outside a store. Billboards - These are large outdoor posters that are usually located on a major route or a place where a lot of people will see them. Bus or Transportation Retailing - This refers to advertisements that are placed inside of a bus or a subway car, such as inside the seats or on the side of the bus. Transit Advertising - This is a subcategory within Street Retailing, and refers to advertisements placed on the outside of a bus. Out-of-Home Digital Displays - This refers to digital advertisements that are displayed in public areas like on a video billboard, or a screen inside of a bus that people can see as they walk by.

3. How is Out of Home Advertising measured?

Many of the different types of OOH advertising come with their own set of metrics, especially when it comes to digital. Billboards - This is one of the most common forms of OOH, but also one of the most challenging to measure due to the number of variables at play. Bus or Transportation Retailing - The best way to measure the success of this type of OOH is to track the number of people who look at the advertisement. The more people who look at an advertisement, the more successful the campaign will be. Transit Advertising - This is one of the most precise forms of OOH advertising, because measurement is automatic. 

There is a counter attached to most digital billboards that tracks the number of times a customer was exposed to the ad. Out-of-Home Digital Displays - This can be measured in a similar manner to Transit Advertising, but it also has a few other metrics to keep track of such as clicks and views.

4. Why is OOH effective?

OOH is effective for a number of reasons, but one of the most important is that when a customer sees an OOH advertisement, they don’t feel like they’re being “sold to”. OOH advertising is meant to be informative rather than persuasive, and people are much more likely to be receptive to it. OOH is also incredibly targeted, and is able to reach the right customers at the right time. It isn’t like a TV ad, where anyone can see it even if they don’t want to. OOH advertisements are usually located in places where people are going to be receptive, such as on their way to work in the morning or driving their kids to school. OOH also has a long history of success. OOH advertising has been around for decades and is an incredibly reliable form of advertising.

5. Which Brands Use OOH Media?

The list of brands that use OOH is constantly growing, and is largely dependent on the category the company is in. Automobile Brands - OOH advertising is common among automobile brands like Ford and Toyota. Food and Drink Brands - Brands in this category often use OOH such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Retail Brands - There are a lot of retail brands that use OOH, including JC Penny and Walmart. Financial Services - Some financial services brands, including Capital One and Bank of America, use OOH. Health and Beauty - Brands in this category, like Clairol and CoverGirl, also commonly use OOH. Household Products - OOH is commonly used by household product brands such as Clorox and Tide. Media Brands - Some media brands, like TV networks, use OOH. There are many, many more examples of brands that use OOH advertising.

6. Who Instals and Manages OOH Ads?

If your company uses OOH, you will have to hire a third-party company to install and manage the ads for you. These are called OOH media buyers, and there are a few different types. Outsourced OOH Media Buyers - These are companies that manage the entire OOH campaign for you. They source the ads, negotiate prices, and install and manage the ads for you. In-House OOH Media Buyers - Some companies hire a team of people within the company to handle the OOH campaign. Self-Service OOH Media Buyers - This option is becoming increasingly popular, and these companies allow you to do everything yourself. You can source ads, negotiate rates, and install and manage the ads for yourself.

7. Where are most OOH ads placed?

This is largely dependent on the type of OOH ad a company chooses to use. Street Retailing ads, such as posters and signs, are placed on the storefront or sidewalk of a store. Billboards are placed on a major highway or route. Transit Advertising ads are placed inside of a bus or a subway car. Out-of-Home Digital Displays are displayed on a video billboard or inside a bus. It is worth noting that OOH advertising can be placed almost anywhere. There are some limitations, such as not being able to place an ad directly in front of a church because it would violate the “right to privacy”. There are also many places where you can’t place ads, such as places like the inside of a subway car, because they are too small.

8. How much does OOH advertising cost?

The cost of OOH advertising varies greatly depending on which type of advertisement is used and where it is placed. The average cost of a billboard is Rs. 30,000 per month, while an advertisement on a digital billboard can cost anywhere from $500-$5000 per month. The best way to determine the cost of your OOH ad campaign is to source the ads yourself and then get quotes from the companies where you want your ads placed. This will give you an idea of how much the ads will cost and which companies have the best rates. Keep in mind that there is no one standard rate for OOH advertising. It is common for one company to have a lower rate than another, even if they are placing the same type of ad in the same place.