
With the rise of digital marketing in recent years, advertisers are constantly seeking new ways to grab their target audience's attention. One such way is ambient DOOH advertising, a creative and innovative approach that uses digital screens placed strategically in everyday spaces to convey brand messaging. Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic, this form of advertising has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. In this blog post, we'll explore what ambient DOOH advertising is all about and how it has overcome obstacles during these tough times. Join us as we dive into what makes this type of advertising so effective!

1- What is ambient DOOH advertising?

Ambient DOOH advertising is a form of outdoor advertising that utilizes digital technology to display ads in public spaces. Unlike traditional billboards, ambient DOOH ads are dynamic and interactive, providing a more engaging experience for viewers.

These types of ads can be found on screens in places such as shopping centres, airports, bus stops, and other high-traffic locations. They can change based on the time of day or weather conditions, making them highly targeted and effective at reaching specific audiences.

One advantage of ambient DOOH advertising is its flexibility. Advertisers can easily update their messaging or creative content in real time without having to physically replace billboard advertisements. This allows for greater agility in responding to changes in audience behaviour or market trends.

Additionally, ambient DOOH advertising provides opportunities for experiential marketing campaigns that engage viewers beyond simply displaying an ad. Interactive games or experiences can be incorporated into the displays to create memorable brand interactions with potential customers.

Ambient DOOH advertising offers numerous benefits compared to traditional outdoor advertising methods - it's more targeted, flexible and engaging which makes it a popular choice among brands looking to make an impact on their target audience with the help of specialized companies offering high-quality DOOH Advertising services like ours!

2- The benefits of ambient DOOH advertising

Ambient DOOH advertising offers numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to promote their products or services. One key advantage is the ability to target specific audiences with greater precision. Unlike traditional billboards and posters, digital out-of-home (DOOH) platforms can tailor content based on factors such as location, time of day, and even weather conditions.

Another benefit lies in enhanced audience engagement. With dynamic visuals and interactive features, ambient DOOH ads capture consumer attention more effectively than static media forms. This increased engagement leads to better brand recall and a higher likelihood of customers acting upon the displayed message.

Moreover, ambient DOOH allows advertisers to easily modify campaigns in real-time without significant additional costs or delays associated with traditional print materials. This flexibility enables businesses to quickly react to changing market trends or respond promptly to customer feedback.

Ambient DOOH advertising supports sustainable marketing efforts by reducing waste from physical ad materials like paper and plastic while simultaneously offering energy-efficient solutions through LED screens and solar-powered displays.

3- The challenges of ambient DOOH advertising during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented several challenges for ambient DOOH advertising. One of the major challenges is that people are spending more time isolated indoors, reducing the amount of foot traffic in public spaces where ambient ads typically reside.

Another challenge is that brand messaging and creative content must be sensitive to the current situation. Brands need to balance promoting their products or services with showing empathy and understanding towards those affected by the pandemic.

Additionally, due to economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, many brands have reduced their marketing budgets, which can impact the frequency and placement of ambient DOOH advertisements.

With social distancing measures in place, advertisers need to consider how they approach interactive experiences or installations associated with their campaigns. They need to ensure these experiences don't create unsafe situations or violate guidelines established during this time.

While there are certainly obstacles facing ambient DOOH advertising during this time, creativity and flexibility can help marketers navigate these challenges successfully.

4- How ambient DOOH advertising has adapted to the pandemic?

The pandemic has forced businesses to re-evaluate their advertising strategies, including ambient DOOH advertising. With people staying inside more often and avoiding crowds, it may seem like a challenging time for this type of advertising.

However, some companies have found creative ways to adapt. One approach is to use real-time data to display relevant messages that resonate with audiences during the pandemic. For example, an ad could promote social distancing in public places or showcase the importance of wearing masks.

Another adaptation is through location-based targeting. Since people are spending more time at home, advertisers can use geotargeting to reach them where they are most likely to be seen - such as on their smartphones or computers.

Additionally, some companies have shifted their focus from traditional billboards and screens towards digital signage in indoor settings such as malls or airports. This allows for more targeted messaging and reduces the risk of overcrowded outdoor spaces.

While the pandemic has certainly posed challenges for ambient DOOH advertising services, innovative adaptations have allowed these campaigns to remain effective and impactful even in uncertain times.

5- What we can learn from ambient DOOH advertising's resilience in the face of a pandemic?

The pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their advertising strategies, and ambient DOOH advertising is no exception. However, what we can learn from its resilience in the face of a pandemic is that adaptability is key. By embracing new technologies and finding creative ways to engage with consumers, ambient DOOH advertising has managed to weather the storm.

One lesson we can take from this experience is the importance of flexibility. Businesses that were quick to pivot and adjust their messaging for changing circumstances were more likely to succeed than those who clung stubbornly to pre-pandemic marketing plans.

Another takeaway is the power of innovation. Ambient DOOH advertising companies that embraced new technology like AR and VR found themselves well-positioned to offer unique experiences for socially-distanced audiences.

It's important not to overlook the human element in all of this. Ambient DOOH advertisers who showed empathy for their audience's struggles during such a difficult time were able to build stronger relationships and foster greater brand loyalty as a result.

What we can learn from ambient DOOH advertising's resilience during COVID-19 isn't just about surviving a crisis - it's about being adaptable, innovative, and empathetic in all aspects of business even beyond pandemics.


Ambient DOOH advertising has proven to be a resilient and effective form of advertising, even in the face of a pandemic. Its ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances has been an asset in maintaining its effectiveness. The benefits of ambient DOOH advertising are apparent: it is cost-effective, highly visible, and can target specific audiences with ease.

The challenges presented by the pandemic have required companies offering DOOH advertising services to be creative and innovative in their approach. These adaptations include new ways of reaching consumers outside of traditional venues such as transit systems or shopping malls.

We can learn from the example set by businesses engaged in ambient DOOH advertising that resilience and flexibility are key qualities for any company seeking success during challenging times. By being willing to pivot when necessary and embrace new technologies, these companies have demonstrated that they can thrive under difficult conditions.