As technology advances, the world of advertising is also evolving. One such development that has taken the marketing industry by storm is augmented reality (AR) for out-of-home (OOH) media. This exciting technology has revolutionized the way brands interact with their target audience and provides an unparalleled level of engagement that was previously unattainable. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the key advantages of AR for OOH media and how it's changing the face of advertising as we know it. Get ready to be amazed!

1- What is Augmented Reality?

Out-of-home media is one of the most trusted and effective forms of advertising. Augmented reality (AR) is a new technology that is changing the landscape of out-of-home advertising. AR allows advertisers to place digital content in the real world, giving consumers a more immersive and interactive experience with brands.

AR is still in its early stages, but the potential for out-of-home advertising is huge. Advertisers can use AR to create interactive experiences that engage consumers and create a lasting impression. In addition, AR can be used to drive foot traffic to specific locations and increase brand awareness.

2- How can Augmented Reality be Used for OOH Media?

One of the most interesting and unique aspects of augmented reality (AR) is its potential for use in out-of-home (OOH) media. OOH media generally refers to any type of advertising that is seen by consumers when they are not actively seeking it out, such as billboards, bus stop ads, or even product placements in movies and television shows.

AR has the potential to change the way that OOH media is experienced by consumers. For example, imagine if you were walking down the street and saw a billboard for a new movie that was coming out. With AR, you could point your phone at the billboard and get additional information about the movie, such as a trailer or reviews. You could even purchase tickets right then and there.

AR could also be used to create interactive experiences that go beyond simply providing information. For example, you might see a poster for a new restaurant that uses AR to let you see what the inside looks like and what menu items are available. Or you might see a bus stop ad that allows you to play a game or participate in a contest.

The possibilities for how AR can be used in OOH media are endless. And as the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications for this exciting new medium.

3- Advantages of Augmented Reality for OOH Media

One of the most significant advantages of augmented reality for OOH media is that it allows brands to connect with consumers on a more personal level. By overlaying digital content on top of physical objects, brands can create an immersive experience that allows consumers to engage with their products in a completely new way.

In addition to creating more personal engagement, augmented reality also allows brands to track consumer behavior and gather valuable data. By understanding how consumers interact with their products, brands can make better decisions about future marketing and product development strategies.

Finally, augmented reality provides an opportunity for brands to stand out from the competition. With so many brands competing for attention, those that can offer a unique and interactive experience are likely to capture the attention of consumers and stand out in the crowded marketplace.

4- Disadvantages of Augmented Reality for OOH Media

There are a few disadvantages to using augmented reality for OOH media. One is that it can be difficult to create an AR experience that is truly interactive and engaging for users. Additionally, AR experiences often require more time and effort to develop than traditional OOH media, which can increase costs. Finally, AR technology is still relatively new and thus there can be technical glitches or bugs that occur during an AR experience.
These issues can be mitigated, however, by researching and selecting vendors who specialize in AR-based OOH media experiences. Additionally, it is important to test out the experience on multiple devices to ensure that it works properly before launching it publicly.

5- Case Studies of Augmented Reality in OOH Media

There are many potential applications for augmented reality in OOH media. For example, interactive billboards could be used to engage passersby and provide them with information about products or services. Virtual displays could be used to show how a product works or looks in real life. And AR technology can also be used to create immersive experiences that bring people into a brand’s world.

Some of the most successful examples of augmented reality in OOH media come from major brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and Pepsi. In 2013, Coca-Cola launched an AR campaign in Turkey that allowed people to interact with virtual Coke cans. The cans would dispense Coke when people tapped them on their smartphone screens. This campaign was so successful that it was later rolled out in other countries.

McDonald’s has also been a pioneer in using AR in OOH advertising. In 2015, the brand launched an AR game called “McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure” that could be played on special McDonald’s packaging. The game encouraged people to visit McDonald’s restaurants to find hidden treasures. And in 2016, McDonald’s ran an AR promotion in Australia that let people use their smartphone cameras to see virtual Happy Meal boxes appear in front of them.

These are just a few examples of how augmented reality is being used in OOH media today. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and


Augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized the way businesses approach out-of-home media. From increasing customer engagement to offering new opportunities for personalizing the experience, this technology can be used to create a powerful and effective marketing campaign that stands apart from traditional approaches. As technology continues to improve, so too will its applications in OOH media; augmented reality is sure to remain an important tool as we move forward into a more immersive advertising world.