Using programmatic advertising in the digital out-of-home sector is a new way to target consumer advertisements. It is a form of marketing that uses technology to automate buying and selling ad space. Advertisers can use this type of marketing to target specific audiences with laser precision. 


Programmatic advertising in the digital out-of-home sector has grown exponentially in recent years. This growth is because programmatic advertising provides a more efficient way to target consumers with ads.


Now, programmatic advertising is being used in the digital out-of-home sector. DOOH is a type of advertising that uses digital displays, such as screens in elevators or on billboards. Programmatic advertising in DOOH is growing, allowing advertisers to target specific audiences accurately. 


This blog post will explore programmatic advertising in DOOH sector and how it is changing the landscape of out-of-home advertising.

1. Programmatic DOOH: The Next Step in Digital OOH.


Programmatic digital out-of-home advertising is a form of programmatic advertising that targets audiences through digital displays in public spaces such as bus shelters, shopping malls, and airports. This type of marketing allows for more targeted and efficient ad spending by only serving ads to those who are most likely to be interested in them.


With the continued growth of DOOH, programmatic is poised to become the primary way these ads are bought and sold. By using programmatic buying, advertisers can target specific audiences with laser precision and ensure their message is seen by those most likely to be interested in it.


2. Key Features Of Programmatic Advertising For DOOH


Digital out-of-home advertising is becoming increasingly popular, with advertisers looking for new ways to reach consumers. 


a. Programmatic advertising allows DOOH advertisers to automate the buying and selling of ad space in real time, using data to target specific audiences.


b. For DOOH advertisers, programmatic advertising is a terrific approach to contact their target demographic precisely. Using data, programmatic buying can identify the best time, place, and message for your ad. This means that you can be sure that your ad reaches the right people at the right time – when they're most likely to be interested in what you have to say.


c. Programmatic buying can also help you optimize your ad spend by only paying for ads seen by people who are actually in your target audience. This means you're not wasting money on ads that no one will see.


d. If you're looking for a way to get the most out of your DOOH advertising budget, programmatic buying is a great option. It's efficient and effective and ensures that your ad reaches the right people at the right time.

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3. Why invest in the development of programmatic DOOH?


Today, programmatic DOOH is one of the most effective ways to reach consumers. 


Programmatic DOOH can help you increase the efficiency of your media spending by allowing you to target specific audiences with laser precision. With programmatic DOOH, you can reach consumers even when they're on the go. This type of advertising allows you to target consumers based on location, making it ideal for reaching commuters and other mobile audiences. DOOH is more effective than traditional out-of-home advertising methods. One study found that programmatic DOOH ads generated a recall rate twice as high as traditional out-of-home ads. It can be a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. In many cases, you can get started with a small budget and scale up as needed.


Consider investing in the development of programmatic DOOH:

3.1 Advanced attribution


To deliver more accurate targeting, programmatic DOOH enables you to combine data received by the device with audience insights from outside attribution vendors. Advertisers may launch high-performance omnichannel campaigns that include DOOH thanks to a robust data environment. 


3.2 Data-rich inventory


Rich statistics about each inventory asset, including average foot traffic, average viewability, and ad engagement rates, may be provided by DOOH to media buyers. Brands find merchandise more desirable, and DOOH system owners benefit more from their inventory.


Advertisers can run consecutive ad campaigns across channels, undertake extensive segmentation, and buy ad units in areas where their target audience congregates. For instance, use mobile ads first to reach transit users. Retarget them there with a relevant advertisement displayed on a computer screen.

3.3 Better ad experience


Digital adverts are less successful because of the widespread use of ad-blocking software. Similar to this, many common digital ad formats prevent the creation of immersive watching experiences (except for in-game advertising and native ad placements).


Conversely, DOOH advertisements can link the physical and digital worlds. Dynamically changing the ad creative will make it more distinctive and memorable. Advertising on DOOH can be linked to current events like the weather, game scores, or the volume of nearby vehicles.

3.4 Easier ad rotation


Unlike traditional OOH, once the campaign period has passed, you don't need to replace any marketing materials. When you use programmatic execution, your management expenses are reduced, and your profit margins are raised since you can quickly switch between campaigns after the impressions have been delivered.


3. 5 Better pricing dynamics


Real-time auctions based on standards can be conducted in place of negotiating fixed-price contracts with advertisers. Brands can place bids on the DOOH inventory that is currently available and get the greatest offers for the highest price. Or choose the less desirable alternative.


This enables you to adapt pricing dynamically to the current supply and demand. Owners of DOOH will also see higher fill rates at the same time. To keep devoted brands, you can configure your platform to allow programmatic guaranteed deals or private marketplace advertising partnerships.


4. Programmatic Advertising process 


Programmatic advertising in DOOH sector is becoming increasingly popular. This type of advertising allows for more targeted and efficient ad spending and provides better ROI data to advertisers.


This process provides several advantages over traditional methods of out-of-home advertising. 


  • It allows for more accurate targeting of consumers. 

  • It provides near real-time feedback on the campaign's effectiveness so that adjustments can be made on the fly if necessary. 

  • It generally leads to lower costs per impression than traditional methods.

4.1 Find the right Demand Side Platform (DSP)


An automated DSP system enables advertisers to acquire and control digital ad inventory. DSPs have it all streamlined for you on a single platform, saving you the time and effort of negotiating arrangements and data requirements with publishers one at a time.


Publishers utilize a similar platform to manage and market our DOOH inventory, while advertisers deal with DSPs. Some businesses, but not all, offer such services for a more comprehensive strategy.


Not all DSPs offer access to DOOH publishers, and they all have different relationships with data collection firms. After researching its capabilities, choose the one that best fits your campaign's objectives.


4.2 Establish a budget


When establishing an initial test budget to purchase your first DOOH ad, we advise that you start small. Once you are comfortable with the procedure, you can increase your purchases and benefit from omnichannel possibilities.


When DOOH, internet, and mobile displays are used concurrently to target consumers at each stage of their customer journey, there is much potential for developing effective campaigns.

4.3 Grab your content


Depending on where you want to position your out-of-home advertisement, you might only need to spend a little time on fresh creative. Suppose you already have the material running on other screens or online. In that case, it can be readily redesigned to work on DOOH platforms.


The efficiency of your content could boom by making minor messaging adjustments to target consumers.

4.4 Set campaign conditions


The goal of this phase is to optimize your campaign's parameters. Your target demographic, CPM (cost per thousand impressions) budget and other details will be determined in collaboration with your DSP of choice.


There are many worthwhile data sources and targeting choices to consider, even though programmatic DOOH doesn't offer the same one-to-one targeting that you find with web and mobile ads. Key examples include mobile location data, data from the Census Bureau, and visual technology.

4.5 Enter the Ad Exchange


A transparent, real-time marketplace where vast pools of inventory are bought and traded is called the Ad Exchange (purchases happen in about the time it takes to blink). Your DSP will use the campaign data to identify the optimal SSP to supply inventory that will help you achieve your objectives.


The ad exchange offers programmatic media buying options, including Private Marketplace, Automated Guaranteed, and Preferred Deals. Real-Time Bidding, an open auction technology that enables the purchasing and selling merchandise one impression at a time, is the most typical one you'll come across.

5. Programmatic DOOH working 


A new method of purchasing and selling digital out-of-home advertising is programmatic DOOH. It is built on real-time Bidding, enabling programmatic technology to direct trading between buyers and sellers. In other words, inventory is purchased and sold in real time, and market forces set prices...


This type of trading has been used in other industries for some time now. Still, it has only recently been introduced to the world of DOOH advertising. There are several benefits that this new system offers both buyers and sellers.


For buyers, programmatic DOOH provides greater transparency and control over where their ads are seen. They can also target specific locations and demographics more effectively than before. And because they only pay when their ad is seen, they can be sure they are getting value for money.


Programmatic DOOH offers sellers a more efficient way to sell advertising space. They can reach a wider range of buyers, and because inventory is sold in real-time, they can respond quickly to changes in demand. This means that they can maximize revenue from their ad space while still providing good value to advertisers.


5.1 Environment recognition


Multiple sensors may be included with a DOOH device:


  • Temperature indicators

  • Accelerometers

  • air-quality monitors

  • motion detectors


Contextual advertising and trigger-based purchase campaigns that combine the physical and digital worlds can be made using these sensors.


For example, British Airways placed a digital billboard in London with an ADSB antenna as part of the "Magic of Flying'' campaign. The billboard automatically showed an advertisement synchronized to the plane's flight path whenever a BA plane passed over the area. Such imaginative, dynamic content greatly improved brand recall and viewer engagement with the advertisement.

5.2 Measuring foot traffic


A common reason why advertisers avoid OOH is a lack of measurement. DoOH with programmatic alters that. You may find out how many potential viewers there were for your advertisement. To calculate the potential number of ad impressions, you may also examine each location's popularity.


The following techniques can be used to gauge foot activity around DOOH devices:


  • Smartphone usage

  • number of infrared (IR) sensors

  • Pressure sensors are used.

  • By fusing computer vision with sensor technology


They combine a stereoscopy-based scanner, infrared sensors, a sensor for measuring the MAC addresses of mobile devices, and a mobility viewer device with computer vision. They can measure distinct footfalls at various locations thanks to this combination. Many DOOH inventory providers use the same method to estimate foot traffic.

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5.3 Motion and gesture detection


The most recent DOOH systems come equipped with a camera linked to a computer vision system. You can gather non-personally identifiable audience information with a set-up like this, such as demographics like age and gender or facial expressions. Motion detection systems can also activate advertisement showings and provide an engaging brand experience.

The individuals in the detection range and the amount of pollution they were currently breathing were live-streamed on each screen (using real-time data). Messages varied according to the level of pollution. 

5.4 Geo-targeting and retargeting capabilities


Location data can also be processed for retargeting by sensor-based DOOH systems. For instance, you might count the number of Bluetooth-capable gadgets nearby or identify people by phone addresses. Afterwards, provide this information to marketers for improved targeting.


Using the available geofencing data and the mobile ID information gathered by DOOH devices, a full-stack programmatic digital out-of-home platform creates a high-precision geo campaign based on unique audiences and directed to the best DOOH sites for displaying their advertisements.

5.5 Interactive elements


Systems for DOOH are more than just "huge screens." They have computerized and data processing equipped with connected equipment. As a result, marketers can incorporate third-party data into their campaigns to enhance their personalization and interactivity.


Platforms for DOOH applications can process:


  • POS information

  • feeds on social media

  • Weather information Sports results

  • Pollution amounts

  • Data on traffic


And other outside knowledge acquired via data brokers.


Additionally, interactive DOOH commercials increase audience engagement. Viewers are more effective in raising brand recognition and watching the advertisement longer.

6. Integrating DOOH inventory into programmatic platforms


Digital out-of-home inventory is rapidly being integrated into programmatic advertising platforms. This enables brands and agencies to programmatically purchase ad inventory on DOOH screens in real time, using data-driven targeting and optimization.


Programmatic buying of DOOH inventory offers many benefits for brands and agencies. 


  • It enables them to target specific audiences with laser precision. 

  • It allows for real-time optimization based on performance data. 

  • It allows brands and agencies to scale their DOOH campaigns quickly and easily.


Suppose you're looking to get started with programmatic buying of DOOH inventory. In that case, you can reach an advertising agency with experience in this area. Contact us for your next campaign now!



Programmatic guaranteed ad placements, advertisers want to scale. Many people also want to launch data-rich, dynamic advertising in areas where their ideal targets hang out. However, only a few players offer that kind of seamless purchasing process. Your business can fill this gap.


It is necessary to conquer uncharted new ground in programmatic DOOH. There are many challenges associated with it, but the main ones are data processing, ad viewability measurement, and low-latency ad creative processing.