
Bengaluru, also known as the Silicon Valley of India, is a bustling metropolis filled with tall buildings, busy streets and an abundance of hoardings. These gigantic billboards tower over us as we go about our daily lives - on our way to work or school, while shopping for groceries or simply taking a stroll. But have you ever stopped to think about the psychological effects these hoardings might have on you as a consumer? In this blog post, we'll explore the impact that hoarding advertising has on our minds and offer tips on how to deal with any potential negative effects. So buckle up and let's dive into the world of Bengaluru's hoardings!

1- What is hoarding?

Hoarding is a behaviour that involves collecting and keeping large amounts of items that are often considered unnecessary or worthless. These items can include anything from old newspapers and magazines to clothing, books, and even trash. Hoarders typically have an emotional attachment to their possessions and may find it difficult or impossible to part with them.

Hoarding is often associated with other mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also be a symptom of traumatic experiences or significant life changes such as divorce, the death of a loved one, or financial problems.

While hoarding may not seem like a serious problem at first glance, it can have significant negative consequences for the hoarder's physical health and well-being. Cluttered living spaces can increase the risk of falls, fires, and other accidents. The accumulation of dust, mould, and other allergens in cluttered homes can lead to respiratory problems.

If you suspect that you or someone you know may be struggling with hoarding behaviour, it's essential to seek professional help from a mental health therapist who specializes in this area. With therapy support combined with medication management when necessary over time, individuals who struggle with hoarding behaviours could see improvements in their lives overall.

2- The psychological effects of Hoardings in Bengaluru on Consumers

Hoardings are a common sight in Bengaluru, with ads for various products and services plastered across the city. While they serve as an effective marketing tool for businesses, hoardings can have psychological effects on consumers.

One of the primary effects of hoardings is their ability to create a sense of urgency in consumers. These larger-than-life advertisements convey a message that time is running out, causing individuals to feel like they need to act fast or risk missing out on something important.

Moreover, hoardings can also lead to a phenomenon known as FOMO (fear of missing out). Consumers may see ads for exciting events or limited-time offers and feel compelled to participate even if it isn't necessary or practical.

Another impact of hoardings on consumers' psychology is desensitization. With so many different ads vying for attention, people may begin to tune them all out altogether. This could result in fewer sales for businesses that rely heavily on outdoor advertising.

While hoarding can be beneficial from a business perspective - by increasing brand awareness and boosting sales opportunities - it's essential not to overlook the potential psychological effects they may have on those encountering them daily.

3- How to deal with hoarding disorder?

Hoarding disorder can be a challenging condition to deal with, but it is possible to manage it effectively. Here are some tips on how to deal with hoarding disorder:

1. Seek professional help: The first step in dealing with hoarding disorder is seeking professional help from a therapist or psychiatrist who specializes in this area.

2. Recognize the problem: You need to acknowledge that there is an issue and you require assistance in managing your possessions.

3. Start small: Begin by tackling one room at a time instead of trying to clean up everything all at once.

4. Sort out items based on importance: Decide which items hold sentimental value, which ones you use regularly and which ones are no longer needed.

5. Get rid of unwanted items responsibly: Donate usable items or dispose of them properly if they are unusable.

6. Develop healthy habits: Create routines for cleaning your home and maintaining organization, so clutter does not accumulate again.

7. Stay motivated: Keep reminding yourself why you want to overcome hoarding disorder and celebrate small successes along the way.

Remember that dealing with hoarding disorder takes time and patience, but with dedication towards building healthier habits, it can be managed effectively over time!


In a city like Bengaluru, hoardings are an unavoidable aspect of daily life. The sheer number of ads and billboards can have both positive and negative psychological effects on consumers. While they may provide useful information about products or services, they can also contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress and overwhelm in some individuals.

For those who struggle with hoarding disorder, the impact is even more pronounced. It's important for anyone experiencing distress related to hoarding behaviours to seek professional help from a therapist or mental health specialist.

As we move forward as a society, it's also crucial that we continue to evaluate our relationship with advertising and its potential impact on mental health. By being mindful of the messages we consume and promoting responsible marketing practices, we can work towards creating a healthier environment for everyone.

Ultimately, while hoardings may be ubiquitous in Bengaluru's bustling landscape, it is up to each consumer to determine how much influence they allow these ads to wield over their lives.