
If you're thinking about starting a small business, you've probably thought about how to grow it. But did you think about how to get people to your door? OOH advertising is one of the most effective ways to do this. In fact, if you want customers who are happy with their experience and come back again and again--or even just buy something--then an OOH campaign is definitely worth considering.

OOH Advertising Ideas for Small Businesses

OOH advertising is a great way to get your message out there. There are many options for small businesses on a budget, and you can find out what works best for you by talking with a professional who knows the industry.

A few examples of OOH advertising ideas include:

  • Digital Signs: These are the most cost-effective form of OOH advertising because they require no hardware, only power from your building's electrical supply or generator (if needed). They can be placed virtually anywhere in your business' parking lot and display text-based messages about discounts or promotions during certain times of day. They're also useful if you want someone to see something quickly while driving by--an important consideration if you have an office location that tends not to attract foot traffic during non-working hours!

  • Billboards: These are the most recognizable form of OOH advertising because they're usually large and placed on major highways, along busy streets or in highly visible areas like shopping centers. You can choose from a variety of sizes and styles depending on your budget and how much space you need to fill.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


  • The Good:

  • You can reach a large audience with your message.

  • Your ads will be seen by people who are very likely to buy your products or services, as they live in the area where you place them. This makes it much easier for you to get better results than if you advertise through traditional methods such as radio and television ads (where most people have no idea who you are), which may only reach those who already know about your business or product.

  • It's cheap! If done well, there's no cost involved other than some time spent planning the campaign and putting up posters/signs around town - everything else is free!

Do It Yourself OOH Ads


The do it yourself (DIY) OOH advertising idea is a great way to get your brand out there. If you have the time, go for it! You can use your creativity, or you can use a template.

If you're looking for something more professional, there are plenty of stencils available on Amazon that will help make the process easier. Some even come with templates already made up and ready-to-use--so all you have to do is print them out!


A Little Help from a Friend?

If you're looking for a creative agency, the first thing to consider is whether your business is large enough to make this an option. If not, then it's time to look at working with a local agency that specializes in OOH advertising.

Once you've found one or two local agencies that seem right for your needs, it's time to think about who else might be able to help out. It doesn't hurt if they have experience working with clients like yours--but don't worry too much about finding someone who can do what you want; just find someone who has experience working on similar projects as yours and will also be able to provide additional services such as design consultation or planning services beyond simply putting up billboards!

There are lots of affordable options for small businesses to advertise on their own.

If you're looking for a creative agency, the first thing to consider is whether your business is large enough to make this an option. If not, then it's time to look at working with a local agency that specializes in OOH advertising.

Once you've found one or two local agencies that seem right for your needs, it's time to think about who else might be able to help out. It doesn't hurt if they have experience working with clients like yours--but don't worry too much about finding someone who can do what you want; just find someone who has experience working on similar projects as yours and will also be able to provide additional services such as design consultation or planning services beyond simply putting up billboards!


OOH advertising is a great way to promote your business, but it can be expensive. Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable options for small businesses to advertise on their own. Whether you're looking for a low cost method of getting your name out there or want something more creative than traditional signs and banners, these ideas will help get your brand noticed in an exciting new way!