Are you tired of traditional advertising methods that fail to capture your target audience's attention? Then it's time to step up your game with AR for OOH advertising. Augmented Reality (AR) is a cutting-edge technology that allows businesses to create interactive and engaging campaigns that leave a lasting impression on their customers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to take advantage of AR for OOH advertising and enhance your brand visibility like never before! So buckle up, and let's explore the endless possibilities together.

1- What is AR?

AR, or augmented reality, is a technology that superimposes digital content in the real world. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a completely simulated environment, AR allows users to interact with the real world while also seeing digital content. This can be anything from a simple game overlay to full-fledged 3D simulations.

AR has been around for years, but it only recently gained mainstream attention with the release of Pokemon Go. The game used GPS to track players' locations and then overlaid digital creatures in the real world through their phone cameras. While Pokemon Go was more of a novel curiosity than a truly successful game, it proved that AR could be used on a mass scale.

Now that AR is more popular than ever, businesses are starting to take advantage of it for marketing and advertising purposes. For example, some brands are now creating AR filters for Instagram that users can interact with. These filters can be anything from simple animations to fully interactive experiences. By using AR, businesses can create unique and engaging experiences that will reach a wide audience.

2- How Can AR Be Used for Advertising?

There are many ways that AR can be used for advertising. For example, advertisers can create AR experiences that allow users to interact with their products in a fun and engaging way. Additionally, AR can be used to create interactive displays that give consumers more information about a product or service. Finally, AR can also be used to create immersive experiences that allow consumers to step into the world of a brand.
In addition to the above, AR can also be used to create personalized experiences for consumers. For example, a retailer might be able to use AR to show a customer how a product will look on them before they buy it. Furthermore, marketers could use AR to create virtual stores where customers can explore and shop in an interactive way.

3- What Are Some Examples of AR Advertising?

AR advertising is a form of marketing that uses augmented reality to enhance the user experience. AR can be used to add digital content to real-world objects or environments and can be experienced through smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Some examples of AR advertising include:

-Adding a digital overlay to a print ad in a magazine or newspaper
-Displaying interactive 3D content on a billboard or other physical signage
-Embedding AR content in packaging for products
-Creating an AR app for users to experience your brand in a new way
-Creating an interactive AR game to promote a product or service
-Using AR geo-location technology to target customers in specific areas

4- Pros and Cons of AR Advertising

AR Advertising is defined as a type of advertising that uses Augmented Reality to create an interactive experience between the user and the advertisements. The user can view the advertisement through their phone or tablet's camera, and then interact with it in some way. Some examples of AR Advertising include:

-Can be very interactive and engaging for the user
-Can be tailored to the specific user based on their location and interests
-Can be used to promote products or services in a new and innovative way
-Can help drive online traffic to brick-and-mortar locations

-Requires users to have a compatible device and internet connection
-Ads can be intrusive and interruptive if not done well
-May require more time and effort to create than traditional ads
-Can be expensive to produce and deploy

5- How to Get Started with AR Advertising

AR advertising is still in its early stages, but there are already a few platforms that allow brands to create and deliver AR ads. To get started with AR advertising, you'll need to choose an AR platform and create an ad using the platform's tools.

Once you've created your ad, you'll need to deliver it to potential customers. There are a few ways to do this, including using AR-enabled billboards or print ads or delivering them directly to people's phones through an app.

The best way to reach the most people with your AR ad will likely be through an app like Snapchat or Instagram. These platforms have millions of active users, and they're constantly adding new features that make it easy for brands to deliver their ads.
Finally, you'll need to measure the success of your AR ad. Platforms like Snapchat and Instagram provide analytics tools that allow you to track how many people viewed your ad and how often they interacted with it. You can also use third-party analytics tools to track how many people downloaded your app or visited your website after seeing the ad.

By using these tips and keeping up with the latest trends in AR advertising, you can get started creating and delivering successful AR ads for your brand.


Taking advantage of AR for OOH advertising is an innovative way to engage with potential customers and build brand awareness. Incorporating interactive elements into your ads can help you stand out from the competition, as well as reach a wider audience. With the right strategy in place, you’ll be able to maximize the potential of augmented reality and create unforgettable campaigns that will turn heads and make an impact on your target market.