
As a dental practice owner, you understand the importance of marketing to attract new patients. While there are many different ways to market your practice, out-of-home advertising is one strategy that can have a significant impact on your bottom line. With so many options available, from billboards and bus shelters to car wraps and digital signage, it's important to know how to measure the success of your campaign. In this blog post, we'll explore why out-of-home advertising is important for dental practices and provide tips on how to measure its effectiveness. So let's get started!

1- Why out-of-home advertising is important for dental practices?

Out-of-home advertising is an essential marketing strategy for dental practices. This type of advertising involves placing ads in public places, such as billboards, bus stops, and transit stations. Unlike other forms of advertising like digital or print media that can be ignored or skipped by consumers, out-of-home ads are unavoidable and have a higher chance of reaching potential customers.

Dental practices should invest in out-of-home advertising because it helps to increase brand awareness among their target audience. The goal of any marketing campaign is to get people talking about the product or service being offered. Out-of-home ads are designed to grab people's attention with bold colours, attractive visuals, and catchy phrases.

In addition to increasing brand awareness, out-of-home advertising can also help dental practices generate leads and drive new patient acquisition. A well-placed billboard or sign outside a dental clinic could easily catch the eye of someone looking for a new dentist in the area.

Furthermore, out-of-home advertising has proven effective in building trust between brands and consumers. When people see your ad repeatedly over time while running errands around town or commuting to work every day on public transportation like buses or trains – they become more familiar with your practice which increases their confidence levels when choosing you over competitors.

Investing resources into creating a strong out-of-home campaign is crucial for any dental practice looking to grow its patient base and increase revenue through lead-generation efforts!

2- How to measure the success of your out-of-home advertising campaign?

Measuring the success of your out-of-home advertising campaign is essential to determine if it's worth the investment. There are several ways to track and analyze the effectiveness of your campaign.

Firstly, you can monitor foot traffic in your dental practice before, during, and after the duration of your campaign. If there's an increase in patient visits during or after the campaign, it could be a sign that your advertising efforts were successful.

Secondly, you can evaluate any relevant changes in phone calls or online inquiries for appointments or information about services offered by your dental practice.

Thirdly, consider conducting surveys with patients who have visited specifically because they saw one of your ads. This will give you valuable feedback on which types of advertisements are most effective at drawing attention and driving conversions

Make use of data analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track website visits from people who may have seen an advertisement but did not visit immediately afterwards. With this information in hand, you can adjust future campaigns accordingly based on what has worked best for attracting new patients while keeping costs under control.

3- The different types of out-of-home advertising

Out-of-home advertising is a broad term that encompasses various forms of marketing and promotional activities aimed at reaching consumers outside their homes. One of the most common types of out-of-home advertising is billboards, which are large outdoor displays that showcase brand messages or product offerings.

Another popular type of out-of-home advertising is transit ads, which can be seen on buses, trains, taxis, and other modes of transportation. These ads are highly effective in capturing the attention of commuters and travellers who spend a considerable amount of time en route to their destinations.

Retail media also falls under this category and includes in-store displays, point-of-sale promotions, and digital signage. This form of advertising targets shoppers while they're inside stores or shopping centres to promote specific products or brands.

Street furniture ads such as benches, phone kiosks and bus shelters are also part out-out home advertisements. They offer an opportunity for businesses to reach consumers where they live work, shop or commute daily

These different types all play a vital role in creating awareness about dental practices' services among potential customers who may not have come across them otherwise.

4- What to consider when choosing an out-of-home advertising company?

Choosing the right out-of-home advertising company can make or break your dental practice's marketing campaign. Here are some important factors to consider when making this decision.

Firstly, it is crucial to research and review the reputation of potential companies. Look for testimonials and case studies from previous clients to get an idea of their success rate and customer satisfaction levels.

Secondly, consider the specific services offered by each company. Do they offer a wide range of options like billboards, transit ads, and digital displays? Can they provide customized solutions tailored to your practice's needs?

Thirdly, take into account the location coverage provided by the advertising company. Will they be able to target areas with high foot traffic or places where your target audience is likely to frequent?

Fourthly, evaluate pricing models and budget requirements before committing to any particular company. Make sure you understand exactly what you will be paying for so that there are no hidden costs later on.

Communication is key! Choose a company that prioritizes clear communication throughout every step of the process - from the initial planning stages through reporting on campaign results.

By carefully considering these factors when selecting an out-of-home advertising company for your dental practice’s marketing campaign, you can set yourself up for success in reaching new patients effectively and efficiently.


Out-of-home advertising can be a powerful tool for dental practices to attract new patients and grow their business. By choosing the right type of advertising, setting measurable goals, and partnering with a reputable company, you can ensure that your campaign is successful in reaching your target audience.

But measuring success doesn't stop when the campaign ends. It's important to analyze the data collected from your campaign to identify what worked well and what needs improvement for future campaigns.

Remember that while it may take time and effort to create an effective out-of-home advertising strategy for your dental practice, the benefits are worth it in terms of increased brand awareness and patient acquisition. So don't hesitate to give it a try!