Are you tired of spending countless hours manually managing your out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaigns? Are you looking to increase efficiency and productivity in your advertising efforts? Look no further than automation! By leveraging the power of automation, you can streamline your OOH advertising processes, save time and money, and reach your target audience with greater precision. In this post, we'll explore how to leverage automation for OOH advertising success. So buckle up and get ready to take your advertising game to the next level!

The Basics of OOH Advertising

Out-of-home advertising, or OOH for short, is a type of marketing that includes any form of paid advertising that appears in physical locations such as on billboards, buses, and trains.

While the digital age has led to a decline in traditional forms of OOH advertising, such as printed billboards and bus stop ads, the rise of new technology has created opportunities for marketers to reach consumers through alternative channels.

One of the most popular and effective ways to reach consumers through OOH advertising is through digital signage. Digital signage is a type of electronic display that can show images, video, or other information. It is often used in public places such as retail stores, office buildings, and airports.

Digital signage offers several advantages over traditional forms of OOH advertising. First, it allows for more flexibility in terms of content. For example, retailers can use digital signage to display real-time information about sales and promotions. Second, digital signage is more interactive than traditional forms of OOH advertising; it can include features such as touch screens and QR codes that allow consumers to engage with the content in new ways. Finally, digital signage is more cost-effective than traditional forms of OOH advertising; it requires no printing or production costs, and it can be updated quickly and easily.

If you're interested in using digital signage for your next OOH campaign, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider your audience; where are they

The Benefits of Automating OOH Advertising

There are many benefits to automating OOH advertising. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can save you a lot of time and money. With OOH advertising, you no longer have to worry about planning and executing ad campaigns manually. This means that you can spend more time on other aspects of your business, or simply take some time off!

In addition, automating your OOH advertising can help you to be more efficient and effective with your campaigns. By using data and analytics, you can make sure that your ads are reaching the right people at the right time. You can also track your results so that you can see what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

Finally, automating your OOH advertising can give you a competitive edge. If you’re able to plan and execute your campaigns quickly and efficiently, you’ll be able to outpace your competitors who are still doing things manually. This can give you a significant advantage in terms of both cost and results.

The Different Types of OOH Automation

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is a form of marketing that uses physical displays to reach consumers when they are outside of their homes. OOH automation is the use of technology to automate the process of creating, deploying, and managing OOH campaigns.

There are three different types of OOH automation:

1. Self-service: This type of automation enables advertisers to create and launch their own OOH campaigns without the need for assistance from an agency or other third party.
2. Full-service: With this type of automation, advertisers work with an agency or other third party to create and launch their OOH campaigns. The agency or third party manages the campaign on behalf of the advertiser.
3. Programmatic: Programmatic OOH automation refers to the use of technology to buy and place OOH ads in real time, based on data-driven insights. This type of automation enables advertisers to get their OOH ads in front of consumers more efficiently and effectively than with traditional methods.
No matter the type of OOH automation used, it can help advertisers create more effective and cost-efficient campaigns.

How to Get Started with OOH Advertising Automation

If you're looking to get started with automating your out-of-home (OOH) advertising, there are a few things you'll need to do. First, you'll need to identify what OOH advertising assets you have and where they are located. Next, you'll need to create an inventory of your OOH advertising assets and their associated creative. Finally, you'll need to develop a plan for how you will automate the distribution of your OOH advertising content.

Once you've identified your OOH advertising assets and created an inventory of them, you can begin developing a plan for how to automate their content distribution. There are a few different ways to do this, but one of the most common is through the use of digital signage software. This type of software allows you to manage your OOH content from a single platform and push it out to all of your displays in real-time.

Another way to automate your OOH content distribution is through the use of mobile apps. There are a number of different apps that allow you to remotely control your OOH displays, making it easy to change up your content on the fly.

Finally, some companies also choose to automate their OOH content distribution by using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. By connecting your OOH displays to these platforms, you can automatically share new content with your followers every time it's updated.


OOH advertising can be a very effective marketing tool - if done correctly. By leveraging automation, you can make sure that your campaigns are more successful and efficient. Automation allows you to target the right audiences with the right messages, optimize ad spend, measure ROI and gain insights into what is working and what isn’t. With careful planning and implementation of automation tools for OOH advertising, you will be able to maximize the impact of your campaigns while minimizing costs.