Event marketing is a vast industry that is only getting bigger. And as event marketers, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage our audiences and promote events. DOOH advertising is the perfect solution for any events you may be planning. It's a versatile, cost-effective, and attention-grabbing way to reach your target audience. 


This blog post will explore the benefits of DOOH advertising and how it can help make your event a success. From increasing brand awareness to generating leads, DOOH is the perfect marketing tool for any event marketer.


DOOH is a type of marketing that uses digital displays in public places. It's a versatile tool that can be used for any number of events, from concerts to festivals to product launches. DOOH is the perfect way to reach your target audience with a customized message in a high-traffic area. And with the advent of programmatic DOOH, you can now buy and place your ads in real-time, making it easier than ever to get your message out there. 


If you're looking for a way to take your event marketing to the next level, consider using DOOH as part of your strategy. Here we will explore some of the advantages of using DOOH for events and how you can get started.


It is a new and unique way to catch people's attention. It's eye-catching, vibrant, and, best of all – versatile. No matter what kind of event you're planning, DOOH can be the perfect companion to help make it a success. It can be used to enhance any event.


1. Using DOOH for Events .


Digital Out-of-Home  is a rapidly growing industry that offers advertisers a unique and interactive way to reach consumers. DOOH is especially well-suited for events, allowing advertisers to target a specific audience and deliver highly customized messages.


DOOH provides some benefits for event marketers, including the ability to:


1.1 Target a specific audience: DOOH allows event marketers to target a specific audience with their message. For example, if you are hosting an event for millennials, you can use DOOH to reach them with your marketing message.


1.2 Deliver highly customized messages: With DOOH, you can deliver tailored messages to your target audience. This means that your message will be more relevant and impactful than if you were to use traditional marketing channels.


1.3 Increase brand awareness: DOOH provides event marketers an opportunity to increase brand awareness among their target audience. By delivering a solid and consistent message across multiple touchpoints, you can ensure that your brand stays top of mind for potential attendees.


1.4 Drive ticket sales: Ultimately, the goal of any event marketing campaign is to drive ticket sales. DOOH can help you achieve this by providing a direct call-to-action that encourages potential attendees to purchase tickets.


DOOH is an effective and efficient way to market your event. It allows you to target a specific audience and deliver highly customized messages that will increase.


Here are four reasons why:


  • DOOH is highly visible and eye-catching.

  •  DOOH is interactive and engaging.

  •  DOOH is targeted and relevant.

  • DOOH is measurable and accountable.

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2. Benefits of using DOOH for events. 


Digital out-of-home advertising is the perfect companion for any event. Here are some benefits of using DOOH for events:


  • Eye-catching and attention-grabbing.

  • Interactive and engaging.

  • Flexible and versatile.

  • Measurable and trackable.


2.1 Digital out-of-home advertising is a relatively new and exciting way to advertise. It allows businesses to target specific locations with laser precision and deliver highly personalized messages to potential customers. What's more, DOOH is exceptionally versatile and can be used for various events, from small gatherings to large conventions.


2.2 There are many benefits to using DOOH for events. The most obvious benefit is that it allows businesses to reach a targeted audience


For example, suppose a business is hosting an event in a specific city. In that case, they can use DOOH to target people who live in that city and are likely to be interested in the event. 


This ensures that the business's message reaches the people most likely to be interested in what they offer.


2.3 Another great benefit of using DOOH for events is that it allows businesses to deliver highly personalized messages. With DOOH, businesses can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This means that businesses can create ads specifically tailored to their target audience, making them much more effective.


2.4 DOOH is highly versatile and can be used for a variety of different types of events. Whether a business is hosting a small gathering or a large convention, DOOH can be used to reach its target audience and deliver highly personalized messages.

3. How to use DOOH for events?


Digital out-of-home advertising is the perfect way to promote your event and get people excited about attending. 

Here are some tips on how to use DOOH to make your event a success:


DOOH is the perfect way to add excitement and energy to any event. From product launches and trade shows to concerts and festivals, DOOH is a versatile tool that can engage with audiences in various ways.


When planning an event, consider how DOOH can be used to enhance the experience. Here are some ideas:

Use DOOH to create a dynamic entranceway that sets the tone for the event.

Use DOOH to deliver targeted messaging throughout the event space.

Use DOOH to create an immersive environment by incorporating audio and video content.

Use DOOH to drive social media engagement by incorporating hashtags and calls to action.

By thinking creatively about how DOOH can be used, event planners can create truly unique and memorable experiences for their guests.

3.1. Plan your campaign. Give yourself time to create eye-catching visuals and choose suitable locations for your digital displays.


3.2. Make sure your message is clear and concise. People will only have a few seconds to read your ad, so ensure they understand your event and why they should attend.


3.3. Use animation and video content to capture attention. Motion graphics and videos are more likely to grab people's attention than static images.


3.4. Target specific demographics with tailored messaging. If you know your target audience, you can create ads that appeal specifically to them.


3.5. Take advantage of real-time data. DOOH provides instant feedback on who's seeing your ad and when, so you can adjust your campaign accordingly.


By following these tips, you can make sure your next event is a success with the help of DOOH advertising!


4. Case studies


When it comes to event marketing, DOOH is the perfect companion. It allows you to reach a broad audience with targeted messaging. Its flexibility means that you can tailor your campaigns to specific events.


Regarding event planning, incorporating digital out-of-home advertising can help you reach your target audience and maximize your impact. 

Here are some case studies that show how DOOH can be used to significant effect at events:


4.1. The University of Florida used DOOH advertising to generate excitement for its football season opener. The campaign reached over 1 million people and resulted in a sell-out game.


4.2. The City of Chicago used DOOH advertising to promote its summer events calendar. The campaign reached over 8 million people and increased attendance at many of the city's events.


4.3. Pepsi used DOOH advertising to create a "live" experience for fans during the Super Bowl. The campaign reached over 100 million people and increased Pepsi product sales.


4.4. The Cannes Film Festival used DOOH to promote films and drive ticket sales.


4.5. Lollapalooza used DOOH to engage with festival-goers and increase brand awareness.


4.6. Coachella used DOOH to create an immersive experience for attendees and generate excitement for the festival.


4.7. The Super Bowl used DOOH to deliver ads in an evident and interactive way.


4.8. The Olympics used DOOH to connect with viewers worldwide and create a sense of community.

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5. Using Digital Signage to Display Events.


Larger crowds will attend events if digital displays are used to broadcast them. No matter how big a modern residential television may be, as discussed here, it is not appropriate for use in a commercial setting. Most individuals who leave their homes will like a large screen to experience the action and anticipate high-quality images. 


Here are a few displays we suggest using to broadcast the critical event.

5.1 Internal DV-LED


In the past two years, the DV-LED market has grown tremendously, opening up large-scale displays like our Indoor DV-LED to enterprises that previously wouldn't have been viable. The visual quality is excellent whether you are sitting close to the screen or at the bar, thanks to the tiny pixel pitches. Since these screens are modular, they can be arranged to fit any area, as demonstrated in the example above. A single video wall seamlessly displays both the live feed and advertisement space.


5.2 Internal DV-LED


In the past two years, the DV-LED market has grown tremendously, opening up large-scale displays like our Indoor DV-LED to enterprises that previously wouldn't have been viable. The visual quality is excellent whether you are sitting close to the screen or at the bar, thanks to the tiny pixel pitches. Since these panels are modular in design, they can be arranged to fit any area, as demonstrated in the image above. A single video wall seamlessly displays the live stream and advertisement space.


5.3 Displays on LCD Video Walls


A firm can create a large display to show sports at a great price using LCD video wall panels. Viewers may need help seeing the 3.5mm bezel between screens. The display can even approach 4K ultra-high definition in some setups without using an extra matrix processor.


5.4 Wall-mounted displays outside


In addition, if you want to stay outside, check out our outdoor advertising displays, which come in sizes ranging from 22" to an incredible 86", have a sleek tablet design, and have tempered glass fronts vandal-proof. These screens are ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one display to show sporting events and display advertising material.


  • Promotion via digital signage


What do you do now that your venue is filled with spectators and you have an excellent digital display to present the event? These digital signage screens can help you advertise your food and services to a receptive audience.


5.5 Displays ads for Advertising


Advertising Displays are ideal if you're searching for a digital signage solution to improve your venue's looks and add an extra layer of security for your investment. The giant tablet style of the sleek enclosure exudes a luxury vibe for your business, where you may display special offers thanks to its magnificent diamond-cut concave aluminum surround and tempered glass front.

5.6 Digital network menu boards


The Network Digital Menu Boards are the market's most affordable option for accurate commercial-grade digital signage. An integrated networked product that provides businesses with the best value for their money. The ability to mount the side of the screen by the side and sync them with one another while content flawlessly flows across them will surely impress sports fans.


5.7 Digital outdoor billboards


Businesses searching for fresh approaches to attract customers might benefit significantly from our outdoor digital billboards. These easily portable, completely waterproof outdoor displays may be moved to busy areas to advertise the activities you are displaying there and when. The Outdoor Digital A-Boards are screens intended to attract new customers to your establishment, unlike the Slimline Pro and Menu Boards, which advertise to patrons already there.



DOOH is the perfect companion for any event because it helps you stay connected with your audience, no matter where they are. It's a great way to share important information and keep everyone updated on what's going on. Plus, it's much more fun! So if you're looking for a way to make your event more interactive and engaging, DOOH is the way to go.


It's the perfect way to get your message across at any event. Whether a small gathering or a large convention, DOOH screens can be placed almost anywhere and used to target specific audiences with laser precision. If you're looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to advertise at events, then contact us for your next campaign.