
Ahmedabad, the city of colours and culture, is known for its vibrant lifestyle and bustling economy. With a growing population and thriving businesses, advertising has become an integral part of the city's landscape. One such mode of advertising that has caught everyone's attention is hoardings. These towering structures not only grab eyeballs with their colourful designs but also provide economic benefits to businesses and the city as a whole. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how hoardings in Ahmedabad have contributed to its economy and why they are a popular choice for advertisers in the city.

1- Hoardings: an overview

Hoardings, also known as billboards, are large advertising displays that are placed along busy roads and highways. These massive structures typically showcase a single product or service in an eye-catching manner to attract the attention of drivers and pedestrians alike.

Hoardings come in various shapes and sizes, from small posters to towering digital boards. They can be found in urban as well as rural areas, giving businesses a wide reach for their marketing campaigns.

The goal of hoardings is simple: to create brand awareness among potential customers. By displaying compelling visuals or messages on these advertising tools, companies aim to imprint their brand image in people's minds.

Hoardings have been around for centuries and continue to play a vital role in modern-day marketing. With advancements in technology, hoardings now incorporate interactive features such as mobile engagement or QR codes that allow users to interact with the ad content directly.

Despite technological innovations increasing its effectiveness over time, hoarding remains one of the most cost-effective forms of outdoor advertising today. Its ability to reach out widely has made it popular among both small local businesses and multinational corporations alike.

2- Economic benefits of hoardings

Hoardings have long been a popular advertising medium and for good reason. One of the key benefits of hoardings is their ability to generate economic benefits for businesses and communities alike.

Firstly, hoardings can have a significant impact on brand awareness. By being placed in high-traffic areas such as highways or busy urban centres, they can reach large audiences and create lasting impressions that can help drive sales and build customer loyalty.

In addition to boosting brand recognition, hoardings also offer an affordable way for businesses to advertise their products or services. Unlike other forms of marketing such as TV commercials or print ads which require ongoing investment, once a hoarding is installed it can continue generating exposure for years with minimal upkeep costs.

Moreover, hoardings provide employment opportunities within the advertising industry itself. From designing and manufacturing the boards themselves to installing them in various locations across cities like Ahmedabad – each stage requires skilled professionals who contribute towards strengthening not only the economy but also local businesses.

There's no denying that hoardings offer numerous economic benefits that make them an attractive option for any business looking to grow its outreach in Ahmedabad.

3- Case study: Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, the largest city in Gujarat, has been a hub of economic growth and development for several years. With its booming economy, Ahmedabad's hoarding industry has also seen significant growth. It is estimated that there are over 5,000 hoardings scattered throughout the city.

The benefits of having hoardings in Ahmedabad are numerous. They offer businesses an opportunity to reach a wider audience by promoting their products or services on a large scale. Hoardings can also create brand awareness and help organizations establish their presence in the market.

A case study conducted by The Economic Times found that almost half of all advertisements placed on hoardings were related to real estate. This highlights how important it is for developers to advertise their projects through this medium as it provides them with high visibility among potential buyers.

Furthermore, hoardings have had a positive impact on local employment rates as they require skilled workers such as graphic designers and installers to create and maintain them.

Hoardings play an essential role in driving economic growth within Ahmedabad. As businesses continue to utilize this advertising method successfully, we can expect even more developments in the future.


To sum up, hoardings are a highly effective form of advertising that can provide significant economic benefits to businesses and boost the local economy. In Ahmedabad, the use of hoardings has proven to be an excellent investment for businesses looking to increase their visibility and reach more customers.

Not only do hoardings generate brand awareness and attract new customers, but they also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the city's landscape. By creating visually appealing advertisements that make a positive impression on passersby, advertisers can help improve Ahmedabad's image as a vibrant and dynamic city.

As such, it is clear that hoardings play a crucial role in promoting economic growth and development in Ahmedabad. As long as businesses continue to invest in this powerful marketing tool, they will reap its many rewards for years to come. So why wait? Contact your nearest advertising agency today and start reaping the benefits of hoarding advertising!