Digital marketers, are you ready to break free of the confines of your computer screen? You know, step away from the pixelated world where you’ve spent years honing your craft and dive into the wild, wonderful world of out-of-home advertising?

Here on the wild side, you’ll find all sorts of classic and creative ways to get your message out into the real world. From billboards and bus stop benches to neon signs and building wraps, out-of-home (OOH) advertising is a great way to reach potential customers.

But first things first—before you can start experimenting with OOH campaigns, you gotta get up to speed on what works and what doesn't. Don't worry; this beginner's guide will have you well on your way to being an OOH whiz in no time!

So put those digital sunglasses on –we’re about to show you how brilliant the analog world can be!

1.What Is Out-of-Home Advertising?

Are you feeling stuck in the digital advertising world and need tips to branch out into larger advertising channels? Look no further than Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising! Put simply, OOH is a form of marketing that involves placing advertisements in public places such as billboards, busses, malls, and more.

Think of it as the wild west of advertising: billboards the size of entire buildings, massive digital screens next to busy highways—it’s a far cry from the small ad banners or website pop-ups you’re used to seeing online. With OOH, you can create huge impact that'll have people turning their heads!


Plus, with OOH, your advertisements remain visible 24/7! That means that your message can get in front of a lot of eyes; research suggests that OOH campaigns are perfect for reaching wide audiences and driving brand awareness. What's not to love?


So if you're looking for ways to shake up your marketing strategy with something new and exciting – say hello to Out-of-Home Advertising!

2. The Different Types of OOH Ads: Billboards, Transit, Street Furniture, Place-Based

 When it comes to out-of-home (OOH) advertising, there's a whole world of possibilities available – from striking billboards showcasing your message to transit ad campaigns that let you hitch a ride on the marketing express. Here's breakdown of the different types of OOH ads and where you can find them:

 2.1 Billboards: When it comes to billboard ads, you can take your pick. They come in all shapes and sizes – tall, short, wide or narrow – taking up prime real estate on highways and streetsides in cities around the world.

 2.2 Transit Ads: All aboard! This is your ticket to getting your message out to people who are always in motion. You'll see these ads on everything from busses and subway cars, to airport shuttles and ferries.

 2.3 Street Furniture Ads: These ads are found at street level – think bus stops, newsstands or taxi stands. They bring attention to an ad that might otherwise be overlooked by foot traffic.

2.4 Place-Based Ads: Don't forget about places like malls, gyms and movie theaters – they're the perfect place for an ad campaign when you want to target people who are already in their leisure time zone!

 Ready for a jump-start on your OOH ad career? We know we are!

3. Why OOH Advertising Matters for Digital Marketers

 Hey digital marketer, have you ever wondered why out-of-home advertising matters? If so, you’re not alone. While it’s true that many digital marketers have spent their entire careers dabbling solely in the digital advertising world, those who are eager to learn about OOH advertising are making a wise choice.

 OOH helps reach users beyond the screen and is great for spreading awareness, getting attention and building trust. Plus, unlike digital ads that are competing for limited online space and attention, OOH campaigns can be placed in areas where your target audience may already be congregating.

Why not take the risk then? There has never been a better moment to become familiar with OOH advertising thanks to its combination of affordability, scalability, and flexibility. For the purpose of getting you commenced, consider the following suggestions:

3.1 Get familiar with the different types of out-of-home ads: billboards, bus shelters, bus wraps, airport signage and more.

3.2 Set realistic goals for your campaign - know what you're trying to achieve before diving in!

3.3 Come up with creative ideas that stand out from the crowd - think outside the box!

3.4 Leverage existing data to identify the best locations and times at which to run your ad campaign.


Track results - measure effectiveness through metrics like impressions and conversions.

4. How to Measure the Impact and ROI of Your OOH Campaign

For digital marketers, making the transition from the virtual world to the real world of out-of-home (OOH) advertising can feel like a culture shock. But with the right strategy and proper measurement, you can see if it's worth your time and money.

 Fortunately, there are a few ways to measure the impact and ROI of an OOH campaign:

4.1 Measure Ad Recall - Ad recall measures whether people remember seeing your ad after being exposed to it. You can do this by conducting surveys before and after your campaign - if the results show an increase in ad recall, then you know your OOH advertising is working!

4.2 Track Online Traffic - OOH campaigns are a great way to drive traffic to an online location like your website or social accounts. When setting up an OOH campaign, be sure to track URL or hashtag usage to measure how many people are finding you through your outdoor ads.

4.3 Check Sales - To get a more direct look at ROI, tracking sales is key. You can see if foot traffic or orders made online have increased during a particular campaign, which will tell you whether or not it was successful.

4.4 Ultimately, how you measure the impact and ROI of an OOH campaign will depend on your individual goals and marketing objectives—but these three tips should help get you started!

 5. Tips for Developing an Effective OOH Advertising Strategy

 If you've been keeping up, now you know the ins and outs of out-of-home (OOH) advertising—and that there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. You might be ready to jump in and go all-in on your new OOH campaign, but don't let the excitement get away from you. Developing an effective strategy is key, so here are some tips to help you get off on the right foot:

5.1 Research Your Area: Before investing in any kind of ad space, do your homework and look at what already exists in the area. It’s important to consider existing advertisements when designing yours—you don't want to blend into the background anonymously or worse yet, clash with other ads. Being aware of your surroundings is also helpful in understanding what type of creatives will resonate with your target audience.

5.2 Make It Memorable: Make sure your creatives leave an impression! OOH offers marketers a unique way to capture attention with bold colors, compelling language, and high-res graphics—all designed to stick in viewers' minds.

 5.3 Think Local & Long-Term: The beauty of OOH advertising is that it allows marketers to target potential customers based on their location. So think local: What demographic are you targeting? Where do they live? How can your campaign reach them most effectively? It pays off for the long-term as well; by investing in retargeting ads, you can make sure that people who have seen or interacted with your campaign's creatives will know about it for months or even years down the line.

 6. OOH Advertising Trends to Watch

 As a digital marketer, you probably feel like you've seen it all when it comes to the world of online advertising. But now let's talk about out-of-home (OOH) advertising, which is a good way to reach out to people who may not be online as often as you.

 If you're diving into the world of OOH advertising, here are a few trends you should keep an eye on:

6.1 Increased Use of Smart Technology: OOH technology has come a long way in recent years and there's no doubt that smart technology is increasingly being utilized in out-of-home campaigns. From location-based targeting to facial recognition technology, the possibilities are numerous.

 6.2 Experiential Marketing: Experiential marketing is becoming increasingly popular and OOH experiences can really bring your message to life in an engaging way. For example, you might create an immersive campaign that encourages passersby to engage with your brand through music or scents or other stimuli.

6.3 Creative Formats: Creative formats like 3D printing, projection mapping and augmented reality are some of the newest additions to the world of OOH advertising and they can bring your message to life in ways that were previously unimaginable.

 No matter what trends appeal to you the most, it's important to remember that creating effective out-of-home advertisements requires creativity and an eye for detail—just like digital marketing!


In conclusion, out-of-home advertising isn't as daunting as it may seem! Digital marketers may feel a bit out of their element when faced with a new form of marketing, but just remember: it's not rocket science. A little bit of research and knowledge about the marketplace can go a long way. 

So don't be afraid to venture outside of your digital comfort zone and get creative with your campaigns and campaigns. After all, it's the only way to truly stand out from the crowd.