Are you ready to enhance your outdoor advertising game? Look no further than augmented reality (AR) technology. This cutting-edge innovation is revolutionizing the way we experience out-of-home (OOH) media, allowing brands to create immersive and interactive campaigns that captivate audiences like never before. In this post, we'll explore the impact of AR for OOH media and dive into some inspiring examples of successful campaigns. Get ready to be wowed by the potential of AR!

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images on a user's view of the real world, providing a composite view. AR is used in a variety of applications, including video games and training simulations, where it enhances the user's experience by adding interactive elements to otherwise static environments.

In recent years, AR has begun to enter the mainstream with the introduction of mobile AR apps such as Pokémon GO and Snapchat Lenses. These apps use the camera on a smartphones to overlay graphics on the real world, giving users an immersive and interactive experience.

While most people are familiar with mobile AR apps, there are other forms of AR that are beginning to have an impact on OOH media. For example, Microsoft HoloLens is an AR headset that allows users to see and interact with digital content in the real world. This technology is being used by some brands for experiential marketing activations, allowing consumers to get an up-close look at products or even step inside virtual worlds.

As AR technology continues to evolve, it is likely to have a major impact on OOH media. Brands that embrace this technology will be able to create more immersive and interactive experiences for consumers, which could lead to more engagement and brand loyalty.

How is Augmented Reality Used in OOH Media?

There are many potential applications for augmented reality in OOH media. For example, AR could be used to improve the accuracy of targeting and measurement for OOH advertising. It could also be used to create interactive experiences that allow people to engage with ads in new and innovative ways. Additionally, AR could be used to provide real-time information about nearby businesses or landmarks or to give directions and other information to people while they are on the go.
Other potential applications of AR in OOH media include using it to create virtual signs, displays and billboards that can be used to deliver promotional messages and ads. Additionally, AR could be used for location-based advertising, allowing businesses to target customers based on their geographical locations. Finally, AR could be used to improve the accuracy of audience measurement data for OOH campaigns.

Pros and Cons of Using Augmented Reality in OOH Media

When it comes to augmented reality, there are pros and cons to using this technology in OOH media. On the plus side, augmented reality can provide a more interactive and engaging experience for viewers. Additionally, it can help OOH media stand out in a crowded marketplace. On the downside, however, augmented reality can be costly to produce and difficult to execute properly. Additionally, some viewers may find augmented reality intrusive or disruptive.

• Can provide a more interactive and engaging experience for viewers.
• Creates opportunities for OOH media to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
• Allows for creative experimentation with various digital elements.
• Can be used to generate excitement around specific campaigns or promotions.
• Offers up an opportunity to track engagement and response rates.

• Can be costly to produce and difficult to execute properly.
• Some viewers may find augmented reality intrusive or disruptive.
• May require additional hardware or downloads in order to take full advantage of the technology’s capabilities.

What are the implications of using Augmented Reality in OOH media?

There are a number of potential implications for using Augmented Reality (AR) in OOH media. One is that it could lead to increased engagement with ads and other content. AR could also make it possible to deliver more targeted and personalized messages to consumers. Additionally, AR could create new opportunities for interactive experiences and brand-consumer interactions. Finally, AR could potentially increase the effectiveness of OOH media campaigns overall.
Overall, using AR in OOH media has the potential to open up new possibilities for marketers and offer more engaging experiences for consumers.

How can OOH media companies make the most of Augmented Reality?

As the technology of augmented reality (AR) continues to develop, OOH media companies are investigating ways to use AR to enhance the experience of their audiences. Here are some tips on how to make the most of AR for your business:

1. Use AR to create interactive experiences: Allow your audience to interact with your brand in a whole new way by using AR to create an interactive experience. For example, you could place an AR marker near your billboard and when viewers point their phone camera at the marker, they can see a 3D animation of your product in action.

2. Use AR to provide additional information: Enhancing your OOH media with AR can provide your audience with additional information about your product or service. For example, you could place an AR marker next to a physical product in a store and when viewers point their phone camera at the marker, they can see a digital overlay with information about the product, such as reviews or pricing.

3. Use AR to tell a story: Telling a story is one of the most powerful ways to engage your audience and using AR can help you do just that. For example, you could use AR to bring historical figures or events to life right in front of your audience. Or, you could use AR to take them on a virtual tour of your company or product factory.

4. Use AR to drive sales: ultimately, businesses want to increase sales and using AR can help you do just that.
For example, you could use AR to provide virtual try-on experiences, allowing your audience to virtually test products before they make a purchase. Or, you could use AR to place virtual product placements in real-world locations and encourage customers to buy the product right there and then.


Augmented reality has the potential to revolutionize OOH media, making it more immersive and interactive than ever before. With this technology, marketers have the opportunity to create personalized experiences for their audience that will help them stand out in a crowded marketplace. By leveraging AR’s capabilities, businesses can engage with their customers in an entirely new way and reach larger audiences at lower costs. We believe that augmented reality is set to transform OOH advertising by providing an unparalleled level of impact and engagement.