
OOH advertising is a great way to reach your target audience. However, there are many variables involved in running an effective campaign. One key feature of OOH advertising is data: the ability to track campaign performance, identify areas of improvement, and improve targeting strategies over time. In this post we'll take a closer look at how OOH data helps you make decisions about where and when to advertise—and how it can be applied beyond just billboard ads!


Targeting is the process of choosing which people or households to show your ads to. Targeting can be done at the network level, at the ad level, or at the device level.

In order for targeting to be effective, it must be based on accurate information about your audience so that you can create ads that are relevant and engaging. This means:

  • Advertisers should have accurate data about their target audience (e.g., age range).

  • Advertisers should have access to high-quality data about their target audience (e.g., what platforms they use).

Advertisers should have access to tools that make it easy for them to create and manage their campaigns.

- Advertisers should have access to tools that make it easy for them to create and manage their campaigns. - Advertisers should have access to high-quality data about their target audience (e.g., what platforms they use).


Tracking is the process of collecting data about how people respond to your campaign. Tracking can be done through a variety of methods, including:

  • Telemetry - tracking how many people have clicked on an ad and what they do next (e.g., click on an online Want-to-Buy page)

  • Conversion tracking - measuring whether someone has made a purchase from your site or app as a result of seeing one of your ads

Website tracking - tracking how many people visit your site or app after seeing your ad, and how they interact with it (e.g., click on a certain button) Mobile device ID - tracking the unique identifier associated with each person’s mobile device

Measuring effectiveness

Measuring campaign effectiveness is a key step in the process of determining whether or not your OOH advertising campaign has been successful. There are many ways to measure the success of an OOH advertising campaign, but we'll focus on three key metrics: audience response, campaign response and performance metrics.

The first strategy for measuring audience response is tracking how many people view each ad or visit a particular website after seeing it in print or online (i.e., pageviews). This type of data can be collected through Google Analytics or another third-party internet analytics tool like Piwik (see below). Once you've collected this information it's important that you analyze it so that you can determine which ads were most effective at influencing behavior by reaching specific audiences with their message at specific times during those days/weeks/months etc...

OOH advertising data helps you target the right audiences and measure their response to your campaigns.

OOH advertising is the use of outdoor media, such as billboards and transit shelters, to advertise products or services.

The role of data in OOH targeting: Data helps you target the right audiences and measure their response to your campaigns. You can use data to monitor how each billboard location performs over time, whether it's attracting new customers or losing them; what kinds of people are visiting these locations (age group? gender? household income level); how many people visit those same locations in different days/weeks/months; etc., which allows you to make adjustments accordingly.

The role of data in OOH tracking: Information collected from billboards helps advertisers determine if a campaign was successful by providing feedback about which ads worked well together (for example: “Which ad did best?"), which ads didn't perform well together (for example "What failed?"), etc., so that further campaigns can be more targeted toward specific demographics based on past results.


Now that you’ve learned about the key elements of OOH advertising, it’s time to start planning your own campaign. If you haven’t already, sign up for a free trial of our platform so that you can get started right away! We’re committed to helping consumers make smarter and more informed decisions about their brands by giving them access to more information than ever before.