The future is here, and it's talking to you. Voice technology has been on the rise for years now, transforming how we communicate with our devices and making everything from cooking dinner to getting directions easier than ever before. But what about advertising? With out-of-home (OOH) ads becoming more prevalent every day, it was only a matter of time before voice technology found its way into this space as well. In this post, we'll explore how voice technology is changing OOH advertising and why brands need to pay attention if they want to stay ahead of the game. So sit back, relax, and get ready to have your mind blown by the power of sound!

1- What is Voice Technology?

Voice technology is one of the most rapidly advancing technologies in recent years. Its speed, accuracy and functionality have made it an attractive option for many businesses and consumers.

Voice technology can be used for a variety of tasks, from voice-activated search to hands-free control of smart devices. This technology is often used in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI) to create even more powerful tools. For example, Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa are two well-known examples of voice assistants that use AI to provide a more natural user experience.

OOH advertising is one industry that is beginning to adopt voice technology. Voice-activated billboards are now being tested in several major cities around the world. These billboards can respond to questions from passersby and provide information about nearby products and services.

As voice technology continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see even more widespread adoption of this convenient and user-friendly tool.

2- The Different Types of Voice Technology

As the use of voice-activated assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home continues to grow, so does the potential for voice technology to be used in out-of-home advertising. Here are some of the different types of voice technology that are being used or developed for use in OOH advertising:

2.1. Voice-activated displays: These are interactive displays that can be controlled by voice commands. For example, a user could say “show me” and the display would show information about the product or service being advertised.

2.2. Audio recognition: This technology can identify spoken words and phrases, which can be used to trigger certain actions or display specific information. For example, if a user says “I need a taxi”, a nearby taxi ad could start displaying information about booking a ride.

2.3. Voiceprint recognition: This is similar to audio recognition, but it can also identify individual voices. This could be used to personalize ads based on who is speaking, or to target ads specifically to people who have been identified as likely customers.

2.4. Text-to-speech: This technology converts text into spoken words, which can be used to create dynamic and interactive ads that respond to users’ questions or commands. For example, an ad for a restaurant could answer questions about menu items or prices.

3- The Benefits of Voice Technology in Advertising

Voice technology is revolutionizing the advertising industry with its ability to target consumers through their mobile devices. Here are some benefits of using voice technology in advertising:

-Increased Engagement: Voice technology allows advertisers to interact with consumers on a personal level, which can result in increased engagement and conversions.
-Improved Targeting: Voice technology gives advertisers the ability to target consumers based on their location, demographics, and interests. This ensures that ads are more relevant to the consumer, which can lead to higher conversion rates.
-Data Collection: Voice technology provides advertisers with valuable data about consumers, including what they are interested in and how they respond to ads. This data can be used to improve targeting and ROI for future campaigns.

4- The Challenges of Voice Technology in Advertising

Voice technology is still in its early stages, and there are many challenges that need to be overcome before it can be widely adopted in advertising.

One of the biggest challenges is accuracy. Voice recognition technology is not perfect, and it can often mistranscribe words or misunderstood what is being said. This can lead to ads that are inaccurate or even offensive.

Another challenge is the cost of voice technology. The hardware and software required to power voice-enabled ads can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that consumers will actually use them.

Finally, there is the issue of privacy. Voice-enabled ads could potentially collect a lot of sensitive data about people's preferences and habits. This data could be used for targeted advertising or even sold to third parties without people's consent.

5- The Future of Voice Technology in Advertising

Voice technology is rapidly becoming one of the most popular methods of interacting with digital devices, and it is only natural that this trend would eventually make its way into the world of advertising. Voice-enabled advertising is still in its early stages, but it has already begun to change the way brands reach out to consumers.

There are a number of advantages that voice technology brings to the table for advertisers. For one, it allows for a more personal interaction between brands and consumers. Voice-based ads can be tailored specifically to an individual based on their location, demographics, and even past interactions with the brand. This ensures that each ad is relevant to the person hearing it, which can increase both engagement and conversion rates.

Another benefit of voice-based advertising is that it can be integrated seamlessly into existing platforms such as smart speakers and virtual assistants. This means that brands can reach consumers through channels that they are already using on a daily basis, making it easy for them to discover new products and services.

As more and more consumers begin to adopt voice-enabled devices, it is clear that voice technology will play a major role in the future of advertising. Brands that are able to capitalize on this trend will be well-positioned to reach their target audiences in a more personal and effective way.


The rise of voice technology in OOH advertising has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses to reach potential customers more effectively and efficiently. By using voice recognition technology, brands can interact with their audiences on a more personal level and create campaigns that are tailored to fit their needs. Voice technology is an exciting new innovation that will no doubt revolutionize the way we advertise in the future.