
Surat, known as the Diamond City of India, is not only famous for its sparkling jewels but also renowned for its vibrant advertising industry. Hoardings advertising in Surat have come a long way from their humble beginnings during the 18th and 19th centuries to their modern-day form. In this blog post, we'll take a historical perspective on how hoarding advertising has evolved in Surat over the years and what the future holds for this dynamic medium. So grab a cup of tea and join us on this journey through time!

1- The Early Days: Hoardings in Surat During the 18th and 19th Centuries

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Surat was an important trading centre for textiles, spices, and diamonds. The city's strategic location on the banks of the Tapti River made it a hub for merchants from all over India and beyond.

The hoardings during this era were simple in design and mainly used to promote goods such as clothing, food items, and household products. These hoardings were typically painted or printed on cloth banners that were hung from wooden frames or bamboo poles.

As time went by, more businesses began to recognize the importance of advertising their products through hoardings. This led to an increase in competition among advertisers which resulted in more creative designs being introduced.

One notable example is the use of multilingual text on hoardings targeting specific ethnic groups such as Parsis and Gujaratis who played a significant role in trade during this period.

Despite their simplicity compared to modern-day billboards with flashy graphics and animations, these early forms of advertising served their purpose effectively - reaching out to potential customers and promoting local businesses within Surat.

2- The Modern Era: Hoardings in Surat During the 20th and 21st Centuries

The modern era of hoardings in Surat began in the early 20th century when advertising became a significant medium for businesses to attract customers. The city's population was growing, and with it came an increase in demand for goods and services.

During this time, hoarding advertisements started featuring more visually appealing designs that were eye-catching to passersby. Advertisements primarily focused on promoting consumer products such as textiles, jewellery, and electronics.

The use of technology has also affected the way hoarding advertising is done. Digital printing techniques have enabled advertisers to produce high-quality images with vibrant colours that can withstand harsh weather conditions.

As we entered the 21st century, there was a shift towards making advertisements more interactive by using augmented reality technology. This allowed consumers to engage with ads through their smartphones or tablets by scanning QR codes or tapping on links.

Another trend that emerged during this period was the integration of social media platforms into outdoor advertising campaigns. By incorporating hashtags or handles onto hoardings, companies could encourage social media users to share content related to their brand online.

Hoarding advertising has come a long way since its early days in Surat. With advancements in technology and creative strategies being implemented by advertisers today, it will be exciting to see what the future holds for this industry!

3- The Future of Hoardings in Surat

As technology progresses, the world of advertising is changing rapidly. Surat's hoarding industry has also been impacted by this shift.

One major trend that we can expect to see in the future of hoardings in Surat is the increased use of digital billboards. These billboards offer more flexibility and creativity than traditional static hoardings. With digital billboards, advertisers can display animated graphics and videos, as well as change their messaging quickly and easily.

Another trend that we may see in Surat's hoarding industry is a greater emphasis on sustainability. As people become increasingly aware of environmental issues, there will likely be a growing demand for eco-friendly advertising options. Advertisers may start looking for ways to create ads that have less negative impact on the environment.

With advancements in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), we may begin to see more targeted advertising campaigns using hoardings. Advertisers will be able to collect data about who is seeing their ads and how they are responding to them, allowing them to tailor their messages specifically for different groups of people.

The future of hoardings advertising in Surat is bright and full of potential for innovation and growth!


The evolution of hoardings in Surat has been a fascinating journey. From simple hand-painted boards to high-tech digital displays, hoardings have come a long way over the centuries. They have played an essential role in advertising and marketing products and services while also serving as landmarks and cultural symbols.

Today, with technological advancements and increasing competition among businesses, hoardings continue to evolve rapidly. The future of hoardings in Surat is likely to be even more exciting with innovations such as augmented reality, interactive displays, and smart billboards.

As we bid adieu to this historical perspective on hoardings' evolution in Surat from the 18th century till now, let us appreciate how far they have come while looking forward to what lies ahead.