
Are you a dental practice looking to promote your services and attract new patients? Out-of-home advertising (OOH) might be just what you need! OOH advertising refers to any promotional material placed outside of the home, such as billboards, bus shelters, or even digital screens. While it can be an effective way to reach a large audience, there are certain dos and don'ts that every dental practice should know before diving in. In this blog post, we'll explore the best practices for OOH advertising specifically tailored for dental practices so that you can get the most out of your marketing efforts.

The Dos of Out-of-Home Advertising

When it comes to out-of-home advertising for dental practices, certain dos can help you get the most out of your campaign. First and foremost, make sure your message is clear and concise. You want people to be able to understand what you're offering in just a few seconds.

Another important consideration is location. Choose areas where your target audience is likely to be, such as near shopping centres or on busy streets. This will increase the chances of people seeing your ad and taking action.

In addition, think about the design of your ad. Use high-quality images and fonts that are easy to read from a distance. Avoid cluttering the space with too much text or graphics – simplicity is key.

It's also important to track your results so you can measure the success of your campaign. Set up ways to monitor how many people saw or interacted with your ads and adjust accordingly if needed.

Don't forget about targeting specific times of day or seasons when potential patients may be more likely to seek dental services. With these dos in mind, you'll be well on your way towards creating an effective out-of-home advertising campaign for your dental practice!

The Don'ts of Out-of-Home Advertising

When it comes to out-of-home (OOH) advertising for dental practices, there are certain things you should avoid doing. Here are some don'ts that you should keep in mind:

Don't be too wordy: Your billboard or signage needs to convey your message quickly and concisely. Avoid using long sentences or complex words that may confuse potential patients.

Don't neglect visual appeal: OOH ads rely heavily on visuals, so make sure your design is eye-catching and memorable. Don't use low-quality images or stock photos that look generic.

Don't ignore the target audience: It's important to tailor your OOH advertising to your ideal patient demographic. Don't create an ad that doesn't speak directly to them.

Don't forget about location: The placement of your OOH ad is crucial to its success. Don't put up a billboard in an area where few people will see it, or where it may not be relevant.

Don’t go overboard with contact information: While including contact details like phone numbers and websites can increase conversions, don’t clutter the design with too many methods of communication as this could confuse readers and defeat the purpose of having a clear call-to-action.

By avoiding these common mistakes when creating out-of-home advertisements for dental practices, you'll have a better chance at attracting new patients who need oral care services!

Other Types of Advertising to Consider

Aside from out-of-home advertising, there are other types of advertising that dental practices should consider. One option is digital advertising on platforms such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads. With these platforms, you can target specific demographics and locations to ensure your ads reach the right people. Plus, with tracking and analytics tools provided by these platforms, you can measure the success of your campaigns.

Another type of advertising to consider is print media such as local newspapers or magazines. This can be particularly effective for reaching older demographics who may not be as tech-savvy and rely more on traditional forms of media.

Sponsoring local events or sports teams is another way to get your brand name out there while also supporting the community. You could even offer free oral health screenings at these events to attract potential new patients.

Don't forget about word-of-mouth marketing which remains one of the most powerful forms of advertising for any business. Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews online or refer their friends and family members to your practice.

By diversifying your marketing efforts beyond just out-of-home advertising, you increase your chances of reaching a wider audience and generating more leads for your dental practice.


Out-of-home advertising can be a highly effective way for dental practices to reach potential patients. By following the dos and avoiding the don'ts, you can create impactful ads that will grab people's attention and drive them to your practice.

Remember to keep your messaging clear and concise, use eye-catching visuals, and target high-traffic areas where your ideal patients are likely to see your ads. And don't forget about other forms of advertising like digital marketing and patient referrals.

By combining these strategies, you can create a comprehensive marketing plan that will help grow your practice and attract new patients. So get started today on creating an unforgettable out-of-home advertising campaign for your dental practice!