Introduction to Augmented Reality Technology


What is Augmented Reality Technology?

Augmented reality technology (ART) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are "augmented" by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.


The Benefits of AR Technology for OOH Advertising:


1. Increased Engagement: AR allows consumers to interact with advertisements in a more engaging way, which can lead to increased brand awareness and recall.

2. Enhanced creativity: AR provides opportunities for advertisers to be more creative with their campaigns and create truly unique experiences that grab attention and stand out from the clutter.

3. Greater reach: With AR, advertisers can extend the reach of their campaigns beyond traditional media channels and onto mobile devices which consumers are using more and more each day.

4. Measurable results: AR provides measurable data that can be used to track campaign performance and ROI, allowing for better optimization and future planning.


How Augmented Reality Technology Can Benefit OOH Advertising


One of the most exciting and innovative uses for augmented reality technology is in out-of-home (OOH) advertising. OOH advertising includes any type of advertising that is seen by consumers when they are outside of their homes, such as billboards, bus stop ads, and even digital displays in store windows.


AR can be used in OOH advertising in a number of ways to create more engaging and interactive experiences for consumers. For example, AR can be used to add digital elements to a physical billboard, such as video content or 3D animations. This can capture the attention of passersby and help to deliver your message in a more memorable way.


AR can also be used to create interactive games or quizzes that can be played on digital displays in store windows. This can provide a fun and engaging way for consumers to interact with your brand while they are out shopping.


Overall, augmented reality technology offers a great opportunity for OOH advertisers to create more immersive and interactive experiences for consumers. This can help to capture attention and deliver messages in a more memorable way.


Case Study: The Coca-Cola AR Campaign


In 2018, Coca-Cola launched an augmented reality (AR) campaign in Russia that allowed people to view 3D AR images of Coke products when they pointed their phones at special billboards. The campaign was a huge success, with over 1 million people interacting with the AR content.


The Coca-Cola AR campaign is a great example of how augmented reality can be used to create interactive and engaging experiences for people who see outdoor advertising. AR can make traditional forms of out-of-home advertising more exciting and interactive, which can lead to higher levels of engagement and recall.

The Coca-Cola AR campaign also demonstrated how AR can be used to create powerful brand experiences. By engaging with the AR content, people were able to connect with the Coca-Cola brand in an interactive and immersive way. This allowed them to form a positive association with the brand, which can lead to higher levels of loyalty and engagement.


Overall, the Coca-Cola AR campaign was a great success, demonstrating how augmented reality can be used to create powerful and engaging experiences for people who view outdoor advertising.


Other Examples of AR in Advertising


There are many other examples of AR in advertising. Coca-Cola used AR in a campaign where people could “scan” a coke can and then see themselves inside a virtual snow globe. Another example is when IKEA created an AR app that allowed users to place virtual furniture in their homes to see how it would look before they bought it. These are just a few examples of how businesses are using AR to create more interactive and engaging advertising experiences for consumers.

The possibilities are endless with AR in advertising. It can be used to create immersive experiences, enable interactive product demonstrations, and drive engagement with customers. As more businesses embrace the technology, we’ll likely see even more creative uses of AR in advertising.


Potential Drawbacks of AR Technology


AR technology has the potential to revolutionize OOH advertising, but there are a few potential drawbacks that should be considered. One is the cost of developing and deploying AR applications. Another is the potential for user fatigue if AR experiences are not well designed. Additionally, privacy concerns could arise if AR technology is used to collect data about users without their knowledge or consent.

Moreover, AR applications may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and other malicious activities. As the technology becomes more widespread, it could also disrupt existing advertising and marketing strategies by introducing new competition into the market. Finally, some users may find AR experiences too intrusive or distracting.




Augmented reality technology has the potential to revolutionize OOH advertising by bringing it into the 21st century. By leveraging AR, marketers can now create interactive experiences that engage consumers in ways never before possible. The possibilities are endless and are sure to inspire and excite both advertisers and their target audiences alike. Through augmented reality, businesses can create dynamic content that captures attention, increases customer engagement, and boosts ROI. Ultimately, augmented reality is shaping up to be a valuable tool for out of home advertising campaigns and one that should not be overlooked or underestimated!