Step into a new world, where reality meets imagination and creativity reigns supreme. Virtual Reality (VR) technology has revolutionized the way we experience entertainment, education, and even advertising. Out-of-home (OOH) marketers have been quick to recognize the potential of this immersive technology in creating unforgettable brand experiences for consumers.


In today's blog post, we explore how OOH advertisers are leveraging VR to create unique and engaging brand experiences that leave a lasting impression on their target audience. From virtual product demos to interactive installations that transport users to new worlds, join us as we take a deep dive into the exciting possibilities of VR in OOH marketing!


The Power of Virtual Reality


Virtual reality is a powerful tool that can be used to create unique and immersive out-of-home experiences. By leveraging virtual reality, brands can transport consumers to new and exciting environments that are not possible in the physical world. Additionally, virtual reality can be used to create personalized experiences that are tailored to each individual consumer.


Virtual reality has the power to transform out-of-home advertising from a passive experience into an active one. Consumers who are fully immersed in a virtual environment are more likely to remember the brand and the message that they were exposed to. Additionally, virtual reality can help brands cut through the clutter of traditional out-of-home advertising and break through the noise to reach consumers in a new and innovative way.


What is OOH Advertising?


OOH advertising is a form of marketing that uses physical settings to reach consumers. Common examples include billboards, bus stop benches, and building wraps. While traditional OOH media has its benefits, recent advancements in technology have made it possible for marketers to create unique and interactive experiences for their audience.


One such example is virtual reality (VR). VR allows users to immerse themselves in a completely different environment, making it an ideal tool for OOH advertising. Marketers can use VR to give consumers a taste of what their product or service is like without them having to actually purchase it. For example, a luxury car brand could use VR to give potential customers a test drive of their latest model.


Not only does VR provide an immersive experience for users, but it also allows marketers to track consumer engagement data. This data can be used to understand how consumers interact with your brand and make necessary adjustments to your marketing strategy.


How Virtual Reality is Changing OOH Advertising


Virtual Reality (VR) is slowly but surely becoming more mainstream, with hardware and content offerings becoming more accessible to consumers. While VR has traditionally been associated with gaming and entertainment, it is also being used in a number of other industries, including advertising.


Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is one area where VR is starting to make a big impact. By leveraging VR technology, advertisers can create unique and immersive experiences that grab attention and leave a lasting impression. Here are some ways that VR is changing OOH advertising:

1. Allowing advertisers to tell stories in new and exciting ways: Traditional OOH ads are often static and lack the ability to tell a story in an engaging way. VR allows advertisers to create ads that are interactive and narrative-driven, giving audiences a reason to stop and take notice.

2. Making ads more interactive and engaging: Along with being able to tell stories, VR also allows ads to be interactive, making them more engaging for audiences. For example, BMW created a VR experience at the Frankfurt Motor Show that allowed visitors to test drive its new 7 Series car without ever leaving the show floor.


3. Creating truly unique experiences: With VR, there are no limits to what advertisers can create. This means that OOH campaigns can be truly unique and unlike anything else on the market. For example, Coca-Cola created a virtual reality snowboarding experience as part of its "Happy Energy" campaign in Japan. Visitors


The Benefits of Virtual Reality in OOH Advertising


Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience that simulates physical presence in a real or imaginary environment. It employs virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. A person using VR equipment is able to look around the artificial world, move about in it and interact with virtual features or items. The aim of VR is to immerse the user in the experience so that they forget they are viewing a computer-generated world and believe they are in the alternate reality.


OOH advertising is any form of marketing that uses physical outdoor spaces to promote goods, services or ideas. It includes billboards, bus shelters, street furniture and other structures that are designed to catch attention and deliver messages to passersby. OOH advertising is highly effective at reaching large audiences in public places, but it can be expensive and difficult to change or update once it has been installed.


VR provides an opportunity for OOH advertisers to create unique and immersive experiences that will capture attention and engage viewers in a way that traditional OOH advertising cannot. VR can transport viewers to another place or time, allow them to interact with products or characters, and provide an immersive experience that encourages positive brand associations.


Some examples of how VR could be used in OOH advertising include:


A food company could create a VR experience that transport viewers to their farm where they can see


The Future of Virtual Reality in OOH Advertising


The future of virtual reality in OOH advertising is very exciting. There are many potential applications for this technology that can create unique and interactive experiences for consumers. For example, brands could use virtual reality to give consumers a tour of their product or service, or even allow them to experience it firsthand. This would be an incredible way to engage with consumers and create a memorable brand experience.


Another great way to use virtual reality in OOH advertising is to create interactive games or challenges that consumers can participate in. This would not only be a great way to promote your brand, but also get people talking and interacting with each other. Virtual reality has the potential to completely change the way we interact with outdoor advertising, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for this exciting technology.


Wrapping Up


As the technology continues to evolve, so too do the opportunities for branded experiences using virtual reality. While there are still some kinks to work out, such as nausea and motion sickness, the potential for truly immersive and interactive OOH experiences is vast. For now, brands should keep an eye on the VR space and experiment with early adopters to see what works and what doesn't. As always, it's important to stay ahead of the curve and be open to new possibilities when it comes to marketing experiences.




Virtual reality is an incredibly powerful tool for creating memorable OOH experiences. It enables brands to engage with their audience in entirely new ways, driving greater brand awareness and loyalty. With the right creative vision, virtual reality can help you create unique experiences that will leave a lasting impression on your target customers. As the technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, leveraging virtual reality for unique OOH experiences has never been easier or more cost effective.