Introduction to OOH Advertising

OOH, advertising is a type of marketing that uses physical media to reach consumers when they are outside of their homes. It includes billboards, bus shelters, and other forms of signage that can be seen in public spaces.

OOH, advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to reach consumers who are often on the go and may not be reached through traditional channels such as television or radio. Additionally, OOH advertising can be highly targeted to specific audiences, making it an efficient use of marketing dollars.

Automation is playing an increasingly important role in OOH advertising, making it easier for advertisers to plan and execute campaigns. Automation can help with everything from choosing the right locations for billboards to designing creative that will resonate with target audiences.

By leveraging automation, advertisers can make their OOH campaigns more effective and efficient, ultimately leading to better results.

1- The Benefits of Automating OOH Advertising

There are many benefits of automating OOH advertising, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and enhanced speed and flexibility.

With automation, agencies and advertisers can manage their OOH campaigns more efficiently, freeing up time to focus on other aspects of their business. Automation also allows for greater accuracy in campaign planning and execution, as well as granting agencies and advertisers the ability to make real-time changes to their campaigns based on data and feedback. Finally, automating OOH advertising can help to speed up the process of planning and buying media, as well as increase the flexibility of ad placements.
Overall, automating OOH advertising can help agencies and advertisers to maximize their ROI by streamlining processes, improving accuracy, and increasing speed and flexibility.

2- How to Automate OOH Advertising?

Out-of-home advertising is a key component of many marketing campaigns, but it can be a challenge to manage and optimize. Automation can help make OOH advertising more effective and efficient, by helping you to track and manage your campaign data, plan and buy ad space more effectively, and measure and optimize your results.

Here are some tips for automating your OOH advertising:

1. Use data to track and manage your campaign performance.
2. Use software to plan and buy ad space more efficiently.
3. Measure and optimize your results regularly.
4. Use digital media to extend your reach and boost engagement.
5. Leverage automation to streamline your processes and save time.
6. Utilize predictive analytics to identify potential opportunities for improvement.

By using these strategies, you can start to automate your out-of-home advertising and make more informed decisions that will result in better results for your campaigns.

3- The Future of OOH Advertising

Out-of-home advertising is one of the oldest and most effective forms of marketing, but it's also one of the most expensive and time-consuming. The good news is that advances in technology are making it easier and more affordable to run an OOH campaign. Here's a look at some of the ways that automation is changing the OOH landscape:

3.1. Programmatic buying: Thanks to programmatic buying, advertisers can now purchase OOH advertising space in real-time, using data to target specific locations and timeslots. This means that campaigns can be planned and executed much faster and more efficiently than before.

3.2. Digital displays: Digital displays are becoming increasingly common in OOH spaces, which gives advertisers the ability to change their messages on the fly and target specific demographics with more precision.

3.3. Mobile apps: There are now a number of mobile apps that allow users to control OOH display remotely, making it easy to make last-minute changes or respond to current events.

3.4. Big data: By tracking data points like foot traffic, weather patterns, and social media activity, advertisers can get a better understanding of which OOH locations are most effective for their campaigns.
5. Augmented reality: Augmented reality can be used to create immersive experiences that engage customers in a way that traditional OOH campaigns cannot.

The OOH industry is changing rapidly, and advertisers need to stay on top of the latest trends in order to get the most out of their campaigns. By taking advantage of automation, data, and emerging technologies like augmented reality, brands can create more dynamic and effective OOH campaigns than ever before.


Automation has become an essential part of OOH advertising, allowing companies to save time and money. By leveraging automation for smarter OOH advertising campaigns, businesses can reduce manual labour costs while simultaneously increasing their reach with targeted audiences. For those looking to make the most out of their outdoor advertising dollars, automation is a great way to get the most bang for your buck!