Have you ever walked past a billboard or advertisement and wished it could come to life? Well, now it can with the power of augmented reality (AR). AR is revolutionizing the out-of-home (OOH) advertising industry by creating unique experiences that capture attention like never before. In today's blog post, we'll explore how brands are leveraging AR technology to create immersive OOH campaigns that leave a lasting impression on their audiences. Get ready to step into a new dimension of advertising!

1- What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital content and information onto the real world. This can be in the form of text, images, videos, or 3D objects. AR has been around for years, but it has only recently become more mainstream with the advent of AR-enabled smartphones and tablets.

AR can be used for a variety of purposes, including gaming, education, navigation, and entertainment. For businesses, AR can be used to create unique and engaging customer experiences. For example, businesses can use AR to provide interactive product demonstrations or virtual tours. AR can also be used to create immersive advertising campaigns that allow customers to interact with products in new and innovative ways.

There are many different types of AR experiences that businesses can create. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!

2- How is Augmented Reality used in Out-of-Home Advertising?

Augmented reality is a technology that allows for computer-generated images to be superimposed on a user's view of the real world. This can be used in out-of-home advertising to create unique and interactive experiences for consumers.

There are a number of ways that augmented reality can be used in out-of-home advertising. One way is to use it to create interactive displays. For example, a billboard could be equipped with an augmented reality system that would allow passersby to interact with the advertisement. This could include playing games, viewing product information, or even making purchases.

Another way that augmented reality can be used in out-of-home advertising is to create digital signage. This could include anything from displaying directions to nearby businesses to providing information about current sales and promotions. Augmented reality can also be used to create virtual tours of properties or products. This could be particularly useful for real estate or automobile dealerships.

Finally, augmented reality can also be used simply to add an element of fun or excitement to an advertisement. For example, a poster for a new movie could come to life with characters and scenes from the film using augmented reality.

3- Pros and Cons of using Augmented Reality for OOH Advertising

When it comes to out-of-home (OOH) advertising, augmented reality (AR) provides an innovative way to engage with consumers and deliver a unique experience. AR can be used to overlay digital content onto real-world objects, providing a new level of interactivity and engagement. However, there are both pros and cons to using AR for OOH advertising.

1. Increased Engagement: AR allows consumers to interact with advertisements in a new and unique way, which can lead to increased engagement and excitement about the product or service being advertised.

2. Memorable Experience: A well-executed AR campaign can provide a memorable experience that consumers will remember and talk about long after they've experienced it. This could lead to more word-of-mouth marketing for the brand.

3. Interactive Content: AR can allow brands to create interactive content that is more engaging than traditional ads. Consumers can interact with the content and learn more about the product or service being advertised.

1. Expensive Technology: Developing an effective AR campaign requires costly technology and skilled developers, which can be expensive for many brands.

2. Limited Reach: Not all consumers have access to the necessary technology to experience an AR campaign, limiting its reach.

3. Lack of Control: Since most AR campaigns are experienced in public places, there is a lack of control over who sees the advertisement and how it is experienced.

4- Case Studies of Effective AR OOH Advertising

AR can be used to create unique and interactive OOH experiences that grab attention and leave a lasting impression. Here are three case studies of effective AR OOH advertising:

1. In 2016, Heinz created an AR experience in Times Square that allowed people to virtually "catch" flying ketchup bottles. The campaign was a success, with over 1 million ketchup bottles being caught.

2. In 2017, T-Mobile created an AR experience at the Coachella music festival that allowed people to see themselves on a giant T-Mobile screen. The campaign was a hit, with over 100,000 people interacting with the T-Mobile AR experience.

3. In 2018, Pepsi created an AR vending machine that dispensed free soda to people who interacted with it. The campaign was successful, with over 500,000 people interacting with the machine.
These case studies demonstrate the potential of AR OOH advertising to create unique, interactive experiences that engage and entertain viewers. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for creative AR OOH campaigns are immense.

5- Guidelines for Creating an Effective AR OOH Advertisement

There are a few key things to keep in mind when creating an AR OOH advertisement that will make it more effective. First, the ad should be highly visible and attention-grabbing. This can be accomplished by using bright colours, interesting graphics, and/or animation. Second, the ad should be interactive and engaging. This means that viewers should be able to interact with the ad in some way, whether it’s by moving their phone around to see different elements of the ad or by inputting information to personalize the experience. Third, the ad should provide value. This could be in the form of educational content, entertaining content, or even just a coupon or discount code that viewers can use. Lastly, the ad should be easy to understand and quick to load. If an ad is too complicated or takes too long to load, viewers are likely to give up and move on. By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can create an AR OOH advertisement that is more likely to grab attention and drive results.


Augmented reality is a powerful tool for creating unique OOH experiences. It can help brands stand out and engage with their audiences in innovative ways that are both entertaining and informative. With the right techniques, augmented reality can be leveraged to create exciting campaigns that leave an impactful impression on consumers. If you’re looking for the latest way to get your message across in a unique way, consider leveraging augmented reality for your next OOH campaign.