One popular type of out-of-home advertising that displays commercial content on trains or their stations is train advertising. This type of transit advertising allows versatility; you may advertise on train platforms or train cars.


If you are looking for a more powerful way to reach your captive audience, look no further than train advertising. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the world of train advertising, explore the benefits of running a train advertising campaign, and take a closer look at in-station and out-station media. So could you sit back, relax, and let's get started?


1. What Is Rail Advertising?


Rail advertising is a powerful and effective way to reach a captive audience. Businesses can reach many people by targeting commuters and rail passengers with advertising messages.


There are several different types of rail advertising, including:


  • Station advertising: This type includes billboards, posters, and other displays at train stations. It is obvious and can reach a large number of people.

  • Carriage advertising: This includes ads on the outside or inside trains. It can be very effective in reaching passengers who are commuting long distances.

  • On-train announcements: This advertising includes announcements made over the PA system on trains. It is an excellent way to reach passengers who are not looking at other forms of advertising.


Rail advertising is a great way to reach a target audience with your marketing messages. It is cost-effective and can effectively reach commuters and other rail passengers.


2. Benefits of train advertising campaigns


There are many benefits to running a train advertising campaign, as opposed to other forms of advertising. 


  • For one, train advertising reaches a captive audience - people stuck on the train and have no choice but to look at the ads! Your ad is much more likely to be seen and remembered than if placed on a busy street or in a magazine.


  • It’s very targeted. You can place your ad on a specific route your target market will likely use, meaning that you can be sure that your ad will be seen by the people you want to see.


  • Great transit display advertising targets the hard-to-reach rail and subway commuter population, corporate decision-makers, and executives.


  • The frequency of exposure to your transit sign advertisements during morning and evening rush hours equals the frequency of ridership.


  • High impact value since thousands of commuters see those great poster ads every day.

  • Finally, train advertising is relatively affordable, especially compared to other out-of-home advertising. This makes it an ideal option for businesses of all sizes. Advertising on trains and subways reaches audiences when and where they are looking for a distraction.

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3. Types of rail station ads


When it comes to advertising training, you have several different options. Advertisements can appear in several different formats at one station, or choose one display system that stylishly suits your marketing pretensions and budget. With any form of out-of-door advertising, train advertisements give broad exposure to your content. 


  • In-station media- In-station media refers to the various forms of advertising in train stations. This can include traditional billboards and posters to more modern digital screens. In-station media is a great way to reach people waiting for their train, as they will likely have some time to kill and be more receptive to advertising. One of the great things about in-station media is that it can be very targeted. For example, you know that your target audience uses a particular train station regularly. In that case, you can place your ad and be confident they will see it. In-station media is also relatively affordable, making it an excellent option for small businesses or those on a tight budget.


  • Out-station media- Out-station media refers to any advertising placed outside the train station. This could include ads on buses or taxis, train windows, or the platform itself. Out-station media is a great way to reach people not waiting for their train, as they are likely to be in a hurry and may need more time to look at ads inside the train station. However, out-station media can be more expensive than in-station media, so it is essential to consider your budget when deciding which option is suitable. If you're looking for a more powerful way to reach your target audience, consider running a train advertising campaign!


  • Backlit Diorama- A backlit diorama is a mini digital billboard within a train station. These displays are located on train platforms and display your content on a bright backlit screen.    


  • 2- sheet- 2- sheet advertisements are deposited along station walls and give broad exposure to commuters passing through the station.     


  • Digital/ LED/ videotape- Digital/ LED/ videotape advertisements display digital content inside the train auto or within the station. Frequently featured in busier train stations, digital/ LED/ videotape advertisements are incredibly eye-catching and give trippers a commodity to watch. At the same time, they stay for the coming train. Content can include static digital images or videotape content. Digital advertisements offer new creative inflexibility; advertisements can be designed to modernize with the rearmost information, for illustration, or preamble to forthcoming events that you're trying to promote.     


  • Train Exterior- A train surface announcement wraps the train auto itself in your content. Exterior advertisements include full or partial train wraps. Exterior advertisements are famous for light rail since they do a significant quantum of trips alongside megacity thoroughfares, giving the announcement increased exposure.    


  • Interior Car Card- Interior auto cards include announcements placed inside the train auto itself. These are generally geared towards commuters since they will only be seen by passengers riding on the train. Different-sized cards are available, whether you choose a lower perpendicular or larger vertical format. Interior auto cards are generally one of the most affordable options.     


  • Urban Panel- Urban panels are out-of-door advertising boards that display your content outside the train station. Civic panels are mini billboards that either line a wall or mark a station entrance.

4. Reasons why railway stations ads are a very effective ad space


  • Advertising on specific physical locales can be a complicated task. Unlike other mediums like digital advertising, radio, or journals, these advertisements don't follow where the bystander goes. Instead, they've to be precisely set up in areas where the public follows these advertisements. There are colorful criteria that have to be considered while putting up these advertisements. One of the most important criteria is the footfall a particular position gets at different times across the day. The more advanced the footfall, the lesser it would be. Railway Station is similar with a veritably high footfall with people from different places traveling from one place to another; therefore, advertising on road stations would give any brand a great reach.  


  • Other than the footfall, another factor that has to be considered when it comes to similar mediums is the number of hours and timings throughout the day when advertisements have visibility. With utmost out-of-door advertising mediums, advertisements have a low reach at all times. Many places are active throughout the day, 24x7. Road stations are rare locales active throughout the day and have high footfall at odd times. Therefore, advertising on road stations gives the brands visibility throughout the day, unlike mediums confined by time.  


  • The time people spend viewing a particular can produce much difference to any crusade. The longer the exposure period, the higher the probability of recall. But the problem with utmost mediums is that either they can be skipped fluently like television commercials, or they're placed in locales where observers are in too crucial of a rush to view them for a more extended period. But when it comes to Railway Station, people then spend a long duration of time staying for trains in which they're suitable to observe advertisements for a longer time, giving brands a more extended period of exposure and allowing them to give a lot further information than they can give through other mediums.  


  • Demographic targeting is one of the most dependable ways to separate your target member from the general crowd to concentrate on them better. It allows you to direct all your sweat and budget toward your target group. Essentially, middle- and lower-income people prefer to travel by train. This medium would be salutary for any brand that wishes to communicate to this demographic.  


  • Road station branding also gives various options and announcement spaces to the brands to announce on, similar to advertising at the entrance, advertising near the exit, television advertising, advertising through road station jingles etc.  


  • Since people at road stations generally travel long distances from and to different colorful places, it can help your brand reach out to geographically different followers.  


  • With television, radio, and other mediums, the followership might skip, ignore, or tune out of the advertisements as they're seen as interruptions. Still, road station advertisements must be addressed fluently. They're fluently suitable to catch the followership's eye.  


  • Affordability is another significant and veritably egregious concern for advertisers when opting the advertising mediums for their crusade. With the large number of people that view advertisements on Railway Station, the cost per reach is significantly low, making them highly affordable.  


  • The intrusiveness of these advertisements is another factor that gives them an edge over colorful other mediums like radio, reviews, and TV. The bystander isn't needed to explicitly assent to view these advertisements as in the case of the below mediums, where the bystander can purposely decide to view or not to view the announcement.  


  • People who travel by train on a routine base back and forth view these advertisements multiple times, therefore further adding recall and brand mindfulness.  


  • Railway Stations have served as an announcement space for a good quantum of time and are a veritably well-trusted medium for brand advertising; therefore, investing in this medium is much less perilous than other-traditional ones announcement formats.  

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5. Why Choose Train Rail Advertising?


There are many reasons to choose train rail advertising, but three stand out above the rest. Train rail advertising is an affordable way to reach your target audience, it is easily accessible to advertisers, and it offers outstanding targeting options. Train rail advertising is an excellent choice if you're looking for an effective and affordable advertising option.


5.1 Low Price Point for Train Rail Advertising


Train rail advertising offers a low price point compared to out-of-home (OOH) advertising, such as bus shelter ads and billboards. In addition, train rail advertising allows advertisers to target a specific audience, as well as reach a large number of people in a short time.

One of the main benefits of train rail advertising is its low price point. A study by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) found that the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for train rail advertising was $3.50, compared to $21.00 for bus shelter ads and $11.00 for billboards. Train rail advertising is much more affordable than other OOH advertising.


In addition to its low price point, train rail advertising allows advertisers to target a specific audience. For example, advertisers can target commuters who take the train to work every day. This is a significant benefit because it allows advertisers to reach their target audience with a high degree of accuracy.

Finally, train rail advertising also allows advertisers to reach a large number of people in a short time. This is because trains travel to many places and reach many people daily. For example, a single train can carry up to 1,000 passengers per trip. This means that advertisers have the potential to reach a large number of people with their message through train rail advertising.


5.2 Outstanding Targeting for Train Rail Advertising


Only some advertising methods can match train rail advertising when targeting a specific audience. Train rail advertising allows advertisers to target commuters with laser precision. By understanding the patterns and habits of commuters, train rail advertisers can deliver their message to the right people, at the right time, in the most effective way possible.


For example, let's say you're a clothing retailer looking to target young professional women. You could place your ad on a busy commuter route into London during rush hour. This would ensure that many young professional women see your ad on their way to work in the city.

Or, if you're looking to target students, you could place your ads on routes between universities and student areas. This would ensure that your ad reaches students when they're most likely to be thinking about making a purchase.

Train rail advertising is an incredibly effective way to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.


5.3 Train Rail Advertising Is Easily Accessible to Advertisers


Train rail advertising is easily accessible to advertisers, as there are various ways to reach this target audience. Train companies offer a variety of advertising products and services that can be customized to meet any advertiser's needs. In addition, several third-party providers offer train rail advertising services. Advertisers can work with these providers to create customized campaigns that target their specific audience.


Train rail advertising offers advertisers several advantages, including reaching many people with a targeted message. Train companies offer a variety of advertising products and services that can be customized to meet any advertiser's needs. In addition, several third-party providers offer train rail advertising services. Advertisers can work with these providers to create customized campaigns that target their specific audience.



Reaching out to the enormous crowds of people moving from place to place throughout the day is possible at railway stations. Train advertising is a great way to promote forthcoming sales and events or increase brand awareness. Trains are localized. Thus, advertisements can target particular regions and demographics with relevant material. Residents can learn important facts about your firm and the many services you provide if you run a local business through railway advertising.


OOH, marketing is a fantastic way to give your business the attention it deserves. When developing your train advertising campaign, it is essential to consider the kind of advertisement you want, its price, and its design. Consider rail advertisements for your business for excellent brand exposure and successful promotion.