
Are you running an out-of-home advertising campaign but have no idea how to measure its success? Don't worry, you're not alone. Measuring the effectiveness of your OOH ads can be tricky without a proper strategy in place. But fear not, because, in this blog post, we will guide you on how to define your goals and choose the right metrics to track for a successful OOH advertising campaign. By the end of this article, you'll have all the tools needed to evaluate the performance of your campaigns and optimize them for maximum impact! So let's jump right in...

1. Define your goals

Before embarking on any out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaign, it's important to define your goals and objectives. Doing so will help ensure that the campaign is aligned with your overall marketing strategy and that you're measuring the right metrics.

So, what are some common goals of OOH campaigns? First off, increasing brand awareness is a popular objective. By displaying ads in high-traffic areas or along major highways, you can expose your brand to a large number of people.

Another goal might be driving foot traffic to a physical location. If you have a brick-and-mortar store or restaurant, using OOH advertising to attract nearby customers could be effective.

You may also want to focus on promoting a specific product or service. In this case, consider targeting ads towards audiences who would be most interested in what you're offering.

By defining clear goals for your OOH advertising campaign, you'll not only increase its chances of success but also make it easier to measure results down the line.

2. Out-of-home advertising options

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is a great way to promote your brand and reach a larger audience. It includes various mediums such as billboards, transit ads, street furniture, and more. Each option has unique features that can help you achieve different goals.

Billboards are the most common form of OOH advertising. They provide high visibility and exposure by being placed in strategic locations where people pass by frequently. Transit ads include bus wraps, taxi tops, subway posters, etc., which offer mobility and wider coverage for your message.

Street furniture includes benches, kiosks or trash cans with advertisements on them that are strategically placed in busy areas such as downtowns or tourist attractions. Digital screens also fall under this category providing dynamic content displays at events or public places.

Mobile billboard trucks are another popular option that allows advertisers to reach specific neighbourhoods during peak traffic hours while informational signage provides useful information about local businesses like directions or store hours.

Choosing the best OOH advertising option depends on your marketing objectives and budget constraints but it's important to remember that each one offers unique advantages for reaching your target audience effectively!

3. How to measure campaign reach?

Measuring the reach of your out-of-home advertising campaign is an essential aspect of determining its success. Reach refers to the number of people who have seen your ad at least once during a specific period. It's important to measure it, as it gives you an idea about how many potential customers you've reached with your message.

One way to measure campaign reach is through impressions. Impressions refer to every time someone sees your ad, whether they engage with it or not. You can calculate impressions by multiplying the number of displays (billboards, posters, etc.) by their estimated audience size.

Another method is based on GPS data and mobile device location tracking technology that tracks individuals' locations in real-time and identifies when they come into proximity with one of your ads.

You can also analyze traffic patterns around your displays for added insight into where and how many people are seeing them. This information helps determine if any adjustments need to be made regarding placement or display times.

By measuring reach using these methods, you'll get valuable insights into which areas perform best and make informed decisions regarding future campaigns based on accurate data rather than assumptions.

4. How to measure campaign frequency?

Measuring the frequency of your out-of-home advertising campaigns is crucial to determine how often your target audience sees or hears your ad. This helps you understand how well your message and brand are being communicated, and whether there's a need for adjustments.

To measure campaign frequency, start by determining the number of times an average person needs to be exposed to your ad before they act upon it. This can vary depending on the industry, product or service you're promoting.

Next, use data from media owners to calculate the total impressions generated by each channel used in your campaign. Then divide this number by the estimated reach of each medium to get an idea of how many times someone may have seen or heard your ad.

Compare these numbers against industry benchmarks and analyze if any changes need to be made in terms of increasing or decreasing exposure. Remember that too much frequency can result in diminishing returns as people become desensitized to seeing/hearing the same message repeatedly.

By measuring campaign frequency accurately, you'll gain valuable insights into how effective your OOH advertising services truly are!

5. How to measure ad recall?

Measuring ad recall is crucial in determining the effectiveness of your out-of-home advertising campaign. Ad recall refers to the ability of viewers to remember seeing and/or hearing your ads.

The first step in measuring ad recall is to survey whether the campaign has run its course. The survey should ask questions related to the advertisement such as, "Do you remember seeing this ad?" or "What do you remember about this ad?"

It's important to target your survey audience carefully so that you're getting responses from people who saw your ad. This can be done through location-based targeting or other methods like social media-targeted advertising.

Another way to measure ad recall is by tracking website traffic during and after an OOH advertising campaign. If there's a significant increase in website visits during or shortly after the campaign, it suggests that viewers are recalling your ads and taking action.

Ultimately, measuring ad recall can help you fine-tune future campaigns for maximum impact. By gathering feedback on what worked well and what didn't, you'll be better equipped to create effective OOH advertising campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

6. Other important metrics to consider

Apart from reach, frequency, and ad recall, there are other metrics that you should consider to measure the success of your out-of-home advertising campaigns. Here are some additional important metrics:

1. Engagement: This metric measures how much interaction your audience has with your ads. You can track engagement by looking at social media mentions or hashtags related to your campaign.

2. Conversion rate: A conversion happens when a viewer takes an action after seeing your ad, such as visiting a website or making a purchase. By tracking this metric, you can see how effective your ads were in driving conversions.

3. Cost per acquisition (CPA): To calculate CPA, divide the total cost of running the campaign by the number of people who took action as a result of seeing it. This will give you an idea of whether or not your ad was cost-effective in achieving its goals.

4. Return on investment (ROI): ROI measures the return on investment for each dollar spent on advertising. It's calculated by dividing revenue generated from the campaign by its overall cost.

By considering these additional metrics along with traditional ones like reach and frequency, you'll be able to gain deeper insights into how successful your out-of-home advertising campaigns are!


Measuring the success of your out-of-home advertising campaigns is an important step towards ensuring that you get good ROI from your investment. As we have seen, there are several metrics that you can use to measure the effectiveness of your OOH campaign, including reach, frequency, ad recall and other key performance indicators.

To maximize the impact of your OOH advertising services and ensure long-term success for your business or brand, it's crucial to work with a reputable OOH advertising company that has the expertise and experience needed to design effective campaigns and track their progress over time.

By following these tips and working with a trusted partner in the industry, you can create compelling outdoor ads that engage audiences across multiple channels while also achieving measurable results. So don't wait any longer – start optimizing your out-of-home advertising campaigns today!