
In the world of advertising, hoardings are a ubiquitous sight. From busy city streets to quiet countryside roads, these large billboards have been an effective means of capturing people's attention for decades. Hoarding advertising campaigns have proven to be one of the most successful forms of outdoor advertising services available today. But how can you measure the success of your campaign? In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about measuring the success of a hoarding advertising campaign and highlight some examples that have achieved great results in their respective industries! Read on to find out more!

1- What is hoarder advertising?

Hoarder advertising, also known as outdoor or out-of-home (OOH) advertising, is a type of marketing strategy that involves the usage of large billboards. These billboards are strategically placed in high-traffic areas such as highways, busy streets, and public transportation hubs to capture the attention of potential customers.

Unlike other forms of advertising like television or radio commercials that can be skipped or ignored by viewers, hoarding advertisements are difficult to ignore due to their size and placement. They offer brands an opportunity to create a lasting impression on consumers while they go about their daily lives.

The creative possibilities for hoarder ads are endless since these billboards come in various sizes and shapes. Advertisers have plenty of space to showcase their products/services using eye-catching visuals and messages that will resonate with their target audience.

In today's fast-paced world where people spend most of their time outside their homes, hoarder advertising has become increasingly popular among businesses looking to expand brand awareness. Its effectiveness can easily be measured through metrics such as impressions made per day and engagement rates from passersby who view the billboard ad.

2- What are the benefits of hoarder advertising?

Hoarding advertising is a popular marketing strategy that involves placing large ads on billboards to promote products or services. There are several benefits of hoarding advertising, including increased brand exposure and awareness.

One of the main advantages of hoarder advertising is its ability to reach a wide audience. Billboards are often placed in high-traffic areas such as highways and busy intersections, allowing businesses to get their message in front of thousands of potential customers every day.

Another benefit of hoarding advertising is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other forms of traditional media such as television or radio ads, hoardings can be relatively inexpensive while still offering broad reach and visibility.

Hoarding advertisements can also be tailored to specific demographics or locations for targeted marketing campaigns. This allows businesses to create highly relevant and personalized messages that resonate with their target audience.

Hoardings have longevity compared to other types of advertisements – they remain visible 24/7 for weeks at a time without any additional investment required. They also have the capability in creating visual impacts that will leave lasting impressions on viewers long after they've viewed them.

These benefits make hoarding advertising an effective way for businesses looking for OOH Advertising Services who want maximum exposure and engagement from their target market while keeping costs low yet achieving greater return on investment (ROI).

3- How to measure the success of your hoarder advertising campaign?

Measuring the success of your hoarding advertising campaign is essential to determine whether or not it was a worthwhile investment. Here are some ways you can measure its effectiveness:

3.1. Track Calls and Website Visits - One way to know if your hoarding ad has piqued interest in your target audience is by tracking calls and website visits that come after the ad is displayed.

3.2. Monitor Sales Data - Another way to measure the success of your hoarding advertising campaign is by monitoring sales data before, during, and after its display.

3.3. Conduct Surveys - You can also conduct surveys with your target audience to gather feedback on their awareness and perception of your brand as well as their response to the hoarding advertisement.

3.4. Analyze Social Media Activity - By analyzing social media activity related to your brand during the duration of the hoarding advertisement, you can also gauge its level of impact.

To ensure an accurate understanding of how successful your campaign was, it’s important to use multiple measurement tactics rather than relying solely on one method. With these strategies in place, you’ll be able to better evaluate future campaigns and improve upon them for maximum results.

4- Case Study: The Most Successful Hoarding Advertising Campaigns

Hoarding advertising campaigns have proven to be a successful marketing strategy for businesses looking to reach a broader audience. In this section, we will look at some of the most successful hoarding advertising campaigns.

One of the most notable campaigns was launched by Red Bull in 2012 during the London Olympics. The company placed massive hoardings around several prime locations in London, featuring athletes drinking their energy drinks. The campaign generated significant buzz and increased brand awareness among sports fans.

Another outstanding example is Nike's "Find Your Greatness" campaign, which aimed to encourage people to get active and promote its products as essential workout gear. The ads featured inspiring images of everyday athletes pushing themselves beyond their limits while wearing Nike merchandise.

In India, Coca-Cola created an innovative hoarding ad campaign that involved placing specially designed billboards with detachable bottle caps on top. People could twist off these caps and use them to open bottles of Coke, leading to widespread engagement both on social media and in real life.

These case studies show how creative approaches can lead to highly effective results when it comes to outdoor out-of-home (OOH) advertising services like hoardings. By using bold visuals, unique messaging strategies or interactive features that catch people's attention - marketers can engage customers like never before!


Hoarding advertising campaigns can be a highly effective way to reach out to potential customers and raise brand awareness. However, as with any marketing strategy, measuring the success of your hoarding campaign is essential for achieving the desired ROI.

By keeping track of key metrics such as foot traffic, website visits and social media engagement levels, you can gain valuable insights into how well your campaign is resonating with consumers. Additionally, analyzing feedback from customer surveys or focus groups can help pinpoint areas where improvements could be made.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to hoarding advertising campaigns. The most successful campaigns are those that are tailored specifically to the needs and preferences of each business.

If you're interested in exploring OOH advertising services like hoardings further but don't know where to start, consider partnering with an experienced agency that specializes in this field. With their expertise and guidance on hand every step of the way, you'll have all the tools needed to create a winning campaign that delivers tangible results for your business.