Are you ready to take your out-of-home (OOH) advertising game to the next level? Look no further than wearable technology! With the rise of smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearables, there's never been a better time to harness their power for OOH campaigns. In this blog post, we'll explore how wearables can enhance your messaging and engage with consumers like never before. So strap on your own wearable device and let's dive in!

1- What are wearables?

Wearables are defined as digital devices that are worn on the body. Common examples of wearables include fitness trackers, smartwatches, and Google Glass. While many wearables are designed for personal use, there is a growing trend of incorporating them into out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaigns.

OOH, campaigns that utilize wearables can provide a more interactive and immersive experience for consumers. For example, a campaign could involve distributing smartwatches to passersby and having them unlock special content or discounts when they view an ad. Additionally, data collected by the wearables can be used to generate insights about consumer behaviour and preferences.

When used correctly, wearables have the potential to transform OOH advertising by making it more engaging and targeted. However, it is important to note that not all consumers are comfortable with wearing digital devices in public, so advertisers must tread carefully when planning a campaign that involves wearables.

2- How do wearables work?

Most wearables are equipped with sensors that track a variety of data points, including but not limited to steps taken, heart rate, calories burned, and quality of sleep. This data is then transmitted to a corresponding app on the user’s smartphone, where it can be analyzed and used to improve the wearer’s health and wellness.

In addition to tracking health data, many wearables also feature built-in GPS capabilities that allow them to track the wearer’s location. This information can be used by advertisers to deliver targeted ads and content to users based on their current location. For example, a user who is walking near a fast-food restaurant may see an ad for a discount on a meal, or a user who is running near a sports store may see an ad for a sale on running shoes.

By harnessing the power of wearables, advertisers can deliver highly targeted and relevant ads and content that have the potential to reach consumers at key moments in their day.

3- The benefits of using wearables for OOH advertising

There are many benefits of using wearables for OOH advertising. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that they offer a new and innovative way to reach consumers. With so many people now wearing devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers, there is a huge opportunity to place ads directly on these devices.

Another benefit of using wearables for OOH advertising is that they offer a more personal form of advertising. Because consumers are wearing these devices, it provides advertisers with an opportunity to deliver messages in a way that feels more personal and intimate. This can be especially effective for brands looking to build trust and credibility with their target audience.

Finally, wearables also offer a unique way to track consumer behaviour. By understanding how consumers interact with your ads, you can gather valuable insights that can help you improve your overall marketing strategy.

4- Case studies of successful OOH campaigns that used wearables

When it comes to outdoor advertising, wearables are still a relatively new concept. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t been used to great effect in a number of campaigns. Here are some case studies of successful OOH campaigns that have used wearables to great effect:

4.1. Google Glass campaign for Virgin America: In 2014, Virgin America ran a campaign that made use of Google Glass to give users a first-person view of the airline’s inflight experience. Passengers boarding flights were given the opportunity to try out Google Glass and then take part in a photo shoot that would be beamed back to Virgin America’s website and social media channels in real time.

4.2. wearable LED display for Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola has been at the forefront of using wearables for marketing purposes. In 2016, the company trialled the use of LED displays built into baseball caps as part of a promotional event in Japan. Fans at the game were able to see live updates of stats and other information on their caps, as well as messages from Coca-Cola – all while enjoying a cold beverage!

4.3. Smartwatch activation for Pepsi: Pepsi also got in on the wearable action with a smartwatch activation during the 2015 Super Bowl. Fans who downloaded the official NFL app had the chance to unlock special Pepsi content on their smartwatches during the game. This included behind-the-scenes footage, player statistics, and more

5- The future of wearables in OOH advertising

As the wearables market continues to grow, so too does the potential for using these devices in out-of-home (OOH) advertising. While early attempts at using wearables in OOH campaigns were often clumsy and not well thought out, recent years have seen a number of innovative and effective uses of wearables in OOH advertising.

One of the most common ways that wearables are being used in OOH campaigns is as a way to deliver targeted, personalized messages to users. For example, a campaign for a new movie could target people who have been identified as fans of the genre, or a campaign for a new product could target people who live in the same city as the product's launch.

Another way that wearables are being used in OOH advertising is as a way to interact with digital displays. For example, a user might be able to use their wearable device to get more information about an advertisement they see on a billboard or bus stop shelter. This type of interaction can help to create a more engaging and interactive OOH campaign.

Finally, wearables are also being used to track data about users' interactions with OOH advertisements. This data can be used to improve future campaigns by helping advertisers understand what types of ads are most likely to generate interest from users.

Overall, the future of wearables in OOH advertising looks very promising. As these devices become more commonplace and more sophisticated, they will continue to offer new and unique opportunities


Wearables have quickly become an essential part of our lives. By leveraging their popularity and ubiquitousness, companies can now reach vast audiences via OOH advertising campaigns that are both engaging and interactive. With the power of wearables, companies can easily convey their messages to consumers in innovative ways that grab attention and create a lasting impression. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity – get creative with your use of wearables for your next OOH marketing campaign!