Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the world of advertising, with its ability to revolutionize how companies target their customers. In recent years, Out-of-Home (OOH) media has also started to embrace AI technology, enabling advertisers to create more efficient and personalised campaigns that resonate with their audience. From billboards to digital signage, OOH media is now leveraging AI's capabilities to deliver targeted messages at the right place and time. In this blog post, we'll explore how harnessing the benefits of AI for OOH media can lead to higher engagement rates, and greater ROI and ultimately help brands stand out from the crowd!

1- What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as a process of programming computers to make decisions for themselves. This is done by feeding them data and letting them learn from it. The goal is to create algorithms that can automatically identify patterns and insights in data, and then make predictions or recommendations based on those findings.

When it comes to out-of-home (OOH) media, AI can be used to help gather data about audience behavior and preferences, identify the best times and locations for OOH campaigns, and track the performance of those campaigns in real time. Additionally, AI can help automate the buying and selling of OOH media, making it easier for marketers to plan and execute their campaigns.

Ultimately, harnessing the benefits of AI can help marketers save time and money while also increasing the effectiveness of their OOH campaigns.

2- What are the benefits of AI for OOH media?

AI can help OOH media companies in a number of ways, from optimising campaigns to gaining insights into customer behaviour.

Some of the potential benefits of AI for OOH media include:

1. Optimizing campaigns: AI can help OOH media companies optimise their campaigns by analysing data and making recommendations on how to improve targeting, messaging, and placements.

2. Gaining insights into customer behaviour: AI can help OOH media companies gain insights into customer behaviour by tracking movement patterns and engagement with digital signage. This information can be used to improve targeting and campaign strategies.

3. Enhancing customer experiences: AI can also help OOH media companies enhance customer experiences by providing personalised content and recommendations based on individual preferences.

3- How can OOH media companies harness the power of AI?

OOH media companies have already begun to harness the power of AI and machine learning to improve their businesses. Here are a few ways they are doing so:

3.1. Automating ad buying and placement: AI can help OOH media companies automate the process of ad buying and placement. This can help simplify the process and make it more efficient.

3.2. Optimising campaigns: AI can also be used to optimise OOH campaigns. By analysing data, AI can help identify which channels are most effective and where ads should be placed for maximum impact.

3.3. Improving customer service: AI can be used to improve customer service by helping customers find the right products or services and providing them with personalised recommendations.

3.4. Generating new leads: AI can also be used to generate new leads for OOH media companies. By collecting data on potential customers, AI can help identify those who may be interested in what a company has to offer.

4- Case studies of AI in action within the OOH industry

OOH, media is one of the most effective forms of advertising. And, with the help of AI, it’s only getting better. Here are some case studies of how AI is being used within the OOH industry to create more effective campaigns and reach consumers in new and innovative ways.

4.1. Coca-Cola’s “AHH Effect”: Coca-Cola used AI to analyse social media data to understand how people feel when they see OOH ads for Coke. The result was the “AHH Effect” campaign, which placed Coke ads in unexpected places like gas station bathrooms and elevators, giving people a moment of joy when they saw them.

4.2. Pepsi’s “Live for Now”: Pepsi used AI to target young adults who are always on the go and don’t have time to stop and enjoy life. The “Live for Now” campaign used OOH ads that were interactive, allowing people to play games, listen to music, and take selfies with the ads.

4.3. McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”: McDonald’s used AI to target specific demographics with their “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign. The company placed ads near schools during lunchtime, targeting kids who were hungry and looking for a quick meal option. They also placed ads near colleges during midterms and finals

5- The future of AI and OOH media

The future of AI and OOH media is looking very promising. With the help of AI, OOH media can become more targeted, interactive, and effective. Here are some ways that AI can help improve OOH media:

5.1. Targeted advertising: AI can help collect data about people’s preferences and target them with ads that are more likely to be of interest to them.

5.2. Interactive ads: Ads that use AI can be more interactive and engaging, making the most out of the limited time people have to pay attention to them.

5.3. More effective ads: Ads that are powered by AI can be better at driving results such as sales or website traffic.

5.4. Smarter use of data: By using AI, OOH media companies can gather and analyze data more efficiently in order to make better decisions about where to place their ads and how to target their audience.
Overall, the future of AI and OOH media looks very bright. With the help of AI, OOH media can be more targeted, interactive, and effective.


With the power of AI, OOH media can be more powerful and effective than ever before. Data-driven insights allow for greater targeting accuracy, improved audience segmentation, and better ROI calculations that are guaranteed to help your campaign reach its goals. Whether it’s a billboard running an animated sequence or a bus shelter sending out personalised messages based on consumer behaviour – AI makes these scenarios possible. By taking advantage of the data-driven insights afforded by AI technology in OOH advertising today, you will be able to reap the rewards tomorrow.