1- Introduction to Robotics

Robotics is a branch of engineering that deals with the construction, design, operation, and use of robots. Robotics can be used in a variety of applications, including manufacturing, healthcare, security, and defense. The word "robot" was first used in a play by Czech writer Karel Capek called R.U.R., which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots. The play was published in 1920 and the term "robot" has been used ever since.

In advertising, robotics can be used to create dynamic and interactive displays. For example, a robotic arm can be used to write messages on a chalkboard or move objects around a display. This type of interaction can help to grab attention and engage viewers. Robotics can also be used to create large-scale displays or sculptures. For example, IBM's ThinkPad sculpture at CES 2018 was created using 100 robotic arms (https://www.engadget.com/2018/01/11/ibm-thinkpad-sculpture-ces-2018/).

Robotics offers a lot of potential for creating unique and impactful advertising displays. As technology advances, we will likely see even more innovative and creative uses for robotics in OOH advertising.

2- The History of Robotics in Advertising

Robotics has had a long and storied history in advertising. One of the earliest examples dates back to 1967, when the now-iconic "I'm a Pepper" ad campaign for Dr. Pepper featured a robot character called "Pepper" (played by actor Dick Gautier). The ads were an instant hit, and helped solidify Dr. Pepper as a brand for young adults.

In the 1980s, robotics began appearing in more commercials, including those for American Express and Honda. In the former, a robot named "Amex" (played by actor David Naughton) helps a customer use her card to make a purchase; in the latter, robotic Honda Accords dance alongside human drivers in a high-energy spot set to the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister.

More recently, robots have been appearing in ads for everything from vacuum cleaners (the Roomba) to cars (the Tesla Model S). As artificial intelligence and other forms of advanced technology continue to develop, it's likely that we'll see even more robots appearing in ads in the years to come - making them an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

3- The Future of Robotics in Advertising

The future of robotics in advertising is very exciting. Robotics are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are being used in a variety of ways to create interactive experiences for consumers. Here are just a few examples of how robotics will continue to shape the advertising industry:

3.1. Robot assistants will become more common in retail stores. These robots will be able to help customers find items, answer questions, and provide directions.

3.2. Interactive billboards will become more widespread. These billboards will use sensors to detect nearby pedestrians and engage them with targeted ads.

3.3. Flying drones will be used for a variety of marketing purposes, including delivering samples and coupons directly to consumers' homes.

3.4. Augmented reality will be used to create immersive ads that can be experienced through smart glasses or phone screens.

3.5. Self-driving cars will be equipped with technology that allows them to serve as mobile billboard platforms, providing valuable real estate for advertisers.

These are just a few of the ways that robotics will continue to shape the advertising industry in the future. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative and immersive ways for advertisers to reach their target audiences.

4- The Impact of Robotics on Advertising

In the last few years, robotics has made significant advancements and is increasingly becoming a staple in various industries. The impact of robotics can be seen in many aspects of life, including advertising.

The use of robotics in advertising allows for more accurate and personalized ads. For example, companies can now use robots to collect data about consumers’ preferences and target them with ads that are more likely to appeal to them. Additionally, robots can be used to create 3Dimensional (3D) images or videos, which can make ads more realistic and engaging.

Some critics argue that the increasing use of robotics in advertising might lead to a “creepy factor” where ads become too invasive and personal. However, many people believe that the benefits of using robotics in advertising outweigh the potential negatives. Overall, the impact of robotics in advertising is expected to be positive as it provides companies with new ways to target consumers and create more engaging ads.
Robotics has also opened up new opportunities for advertisers to optimize their campaigns. For instance, robots can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of ads by collecting data on consumer engagement and providing recommendations for improvement. Furthermore, robots can automate certain tasks such as ad scheduling and budgeting, which can reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Overall, the impact of robotics on advertising has been very positive. With its ability to collect data and automate various tasks, robotics has provided companies with new tools to improve their campaigns and reach larger audiences.


Robotics has changed the face of OOH advertising in many ways. By enabling more interactive and engaging campaigns, it creates a powerful and effective impact on consumers. Its ability to integrate with other media makes it an attractive option for marketers looking to reach their target audience, further powered by its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional means of advertising. With innovations such as AR/ VR displaying ads tailored for individual users taking robots in marketing one step further, there is no denying that robotics will continue to be a major player in out of home advertising for years to come.