
Are you tired of traditional out-of-home (OOH) ads that fail to grab your attention? Well, get ready for a revolution in advertising technology! Voice technology is here to shake things up and offer advertisers a new way to engage with their audience. From interactive billboards to personalised voice assistants, the possibilities are endless. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising and how it can transform the way we think about marketing. So, sit back and let us take you on a journey through the exciting world of voice-powered OOH ads!

1- What is voice technology?

Voice technology is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing fields in advertising and marketing today. It allows businesses to communicate with their customers in a more natural and conversational way, using the power of voice to deliver information and engage with consumers.

There are a number of different voice technologies available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular voice technology platforms include Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana, and IBM Watson.

Each of these platforms has its own strengths and weaknesses, but they all offer businesses a way to reach out to their customers using the power of voice. Voice technology is still in its early stages, but it has already shown great potential for revolutionising the way businesses communicate with their customers.

2- How can voice technology be used for OOH advertising?

Voice technologies are revolutionising the way we interact with the world around us. With the advent of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home, more and more people are using voice to control their devices and access information. This trend is also making its way into the world of out-of-home (OOH) advertising.

OOH, advertisers are finding that voice technology can be used to great effect in reaching and engaging consumers. Voice-activated OOH ads can provide an interactive experience that draws people in and allows them to learn more about a product or service. And because voice technologies are still relatively new, they can help create a sense of excitement and interest around an ad campaign.

There are a number of ways that voice technology can be used for OOH advertising. Here are just a few examples:

2.1. Voice-activated billboards: Billboards equipped with voice recognition technology can respond to passersby who say certain keywords or phrases. This interactive element can pique people's curiosity and encourage them to stop and learn more about the ad campaign.

2.2. Voice-enabled bus stops: Bus stops equipped with voice-enabled displays can provide information about nearby attractions or businesses, as well as give directions or answer questions from waiting for passengers. This helps to make the wait for the bus more enjoyable and informative, while also promoting local businesses.

2.3. Talking street furniture: Benches, trash cans, and other pieces of street furniture that have been outfitted with voice-enabled displays can provide information to passersby, such as directions to nearby attractions or special events. This type of interaction with the public helps to create a fun, engaging experience.

By using voice technology for OOH advertising, brands can create a more interactive and engaging experience for their target audience. This helps to capture people's attention and encourages them to take action — whether that means visiting a store or website or making an immediate purchase.

3- What are the benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising?

Voice technology is becoming increasingly popular in a variety of industries, and OOH advertising is no exception. Here are some of the benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising:

3.1. Increased Engagement: Voice technology can help to increase engagement with OOH advertising, as people are more likely to stop and listen to an advertisement when it is being spoken aloud.

3.2. Greater Flexibility: With voice technology, advertisers have the ability to change their message on the fly, which can be helpful in reacting to current events or trends.

3.3. More Personalised Messages: Voice technology allows for more personalised messages, as advertisers can target specific demographics with tailored messages.

3.4. Enhanced Measurement: Voice technology can help to enhance the measurement of OOH advertising campaigns, as advertisers can track how many people hear and interact with their ads.

4- How can marketers make sure their OOH campaigns are using voice technology effectively?

As the use of voice technology continues to grow, it's important for marketers to understand how to use this new form of communication effectively. Here are a few tips:

1. Keep your message clear and concise. People using voice technology are typically doing so while they're on the go, so they don't have time to listen to long, drawn-out messages.

2. Use simple language that can be easily understood. Again, because people are likely using voice technology while they're multitasking or in a hurry, they won't be able to process complex language.

3. Take advantage of the fact that people can interact with voice technology hands-free. This means your message should be designed to provoke an immediate response or call to action.

4. Make sure your message is loud and clear. Because people are likely using voice technology in noisy environments, you'll need to make sure your message can be heard loud and clear above the din.

5. Test your message to ensure it works with various voice technologies. Different voice technologies may interpret your message differently, so you'll need to test and refine it accordingly.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your OOH campaigns are using voice technology effectively and reaching your target audience in the most effective way possible.


Voice technology is beginning to revolutionise the way that OOH advertising is experienced. By making it easier for users to interact with advertisements and access relevant information, voice technology provides a powerful tool for both advertisers and consumers alike. With its increasing popularity, voice-based OOH advertising will continue to be an attractive option for companies looking to reach new audiences in innovative ways.