Are you tired of spending countless hours managing your out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaigns? Do you want to streamline the process and make it more efficient? Look no further than automation. With the rise of technology, OOH advertising has never been easier or more effective. In this blog post, we will explore the many advantages that automation can bring to your OOH advertising strategy. From increased accuracy to improved ROI, discover how automation can take your campaigns to new heights. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of automated OOH advertising!

1- What is OOH advertising?

Out-of-home advertising, or OOH for short, is a type of marketing that helps businesses reach consumers when they are away from their homes. It includes things like billboards, bus stop ads, and even digital screens in elevators.

OOH is an important part of the marketing mix because it allows businesses to reach consumers when they are outside of their homes and are more likely to be receptive to messages. Additionally, OOH advertising can be very targeted, so businesses can reach their ideal consumers with laser precision.

Automation is playing an increasingly important role in OOH advertising. With technology becoming more sophisticated, businesses are able to automate the process of buying and placing ads, as well as track consumer responses in real-time. This allows them to make adjustments on the fly to ensure that their campaigns are as effective as possible.

Overall, automation is making OOH advertising more efficient and effective for businesses. If you're not already using automation for your OOH campaigns, now is the time to start!

2- The benefits of automation for OOH advertising

If you're not familiar with Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, it essentially refers to any type of advertising that reaches consumers when they're outside of their homes. This can include everything from billboards and transit ads to place-based digital displays and street furniture.

And while OOH has typically been seen as a more traditional form of advertising, there's no doubt that automation is starting to play a big role in the industry. Here are just a few of the benefits that automation can provide for OOH advertisers:

2.1. Increased Efficiency: Automation can help make the process of planning and buying OOH ad space much more efficient. For example, programmatic buying platforms like PlaceIQ allow advertisers to quickly and easily identify locations that will reach their target audiences. This can save a lot of time and effort compared to the manual process of researching and purchasing OOH ad space.

2.2. Better Targeting: Automation also allows for more precise targeting of OOH campaigns. Advertisers can use data sources like demographic information and foot traffic data to identify the best locations for their ads. They can also use programmatic buying platforms to automatically serve ads only to consumers who are likely to be interested in them, based on things like their past purchase history or online behavior. This helps ensure that your OOH campaign reaches its intended target audience.

2.3. Improved Measurement: Automation provides access to better data and analytics tools, which can help advertisers measure

3- How to get started with automating your OOH advertising

If you're like most people, the thought of automating your OOH advertising might seem a bit daunting. But there's no need to worry! In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to get started with automating your OOH advertising.

First, let's take a look at why you might want to automate your OOH advertising in the first place. There are several advantages to doing so, including:

3.1- Increased efficiency: Automating your OOH advertising can help you save time and be more efficient in your planning and execution.

3.2- Greater accuracy: With automation, you can be sure that your ads will be placed accurately and on time. This is especially important if you're running a high-stakes campaign.

3.3- Reduced costs: Automating your OOH advertising can help you reduce your overall costs by eliminating the need for manual labor.

Now that we've looked at some of the reasons why you might want to automate your OOH advertising, let's take a look at how to get started. The first step is to find a software platform that offers OOH ad automation. Once you've found a platform you're comfortable with, the next step is to create your account and set up your campaign.

When creating your campaign, be sure to specify the locations where you would like your ads to appear. You can also specify the days and times when you would like your ads to run. Once you've

4- Case studies of successful OOH campaigns that used automation

There are a number of case studies that show the advantages of automation for OOH advertising. One such case study is from Coca-Cola, who saw a 42% increase in sales after implementing an automated OOH campaign. The key to their success was in targeting specific locations and times of day when people were most likely to be thirsty.

Another example comes from apparel company UNIQLO, who saw a 5x return on investment after using programmatic OOH to target consumers near their stores during peak shopping times. By deploying digital billboards that changed in real-time based on weather and traffic conditions, they were able to deliver highly relevant messages that resulted in more foot traffic and higher sales.

Finally, McDonald's used programmatic OOH to target commuters with ads for their breakfast menu items. The campaign ran during the morning rush hour and resulted in a 4% lift in breakfast sales. Automated OOH campaigns like these are proving to be highly effective at driving results for businesses across a variety of industries.


Automation is now a key part of the OOH advertising industry and has been proven to be more effective in terms of reaching target audiences, increasing engagement, and improving ROI. By leveraging sophisticated technology, brands can now create powerful campaigns that deliver tangible results for their business. As automation technologies continue to evolve and improve with the help of AI-powered data analysis tools, it will become increasingly important for advertisers to stay abreast of these new technologies in order to remain competitive within this ever-evolving landscape.