
OOH advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers. However, it's not always easy to achieve results with OOH advertising. The following article explores some common challenges and opportunities that can help your business succeed with OOH marketing strategies.

Market Overview

The OOH advertising industry is currently growing at a rate of 5% per year and is expected to reach $74.4 billion by 2022.

The market has been driven by the increasing demand for mobile devices along with the proliferation of internet-connected devices, including smart TVs and other appliances. The global proliferation of video content is also expected to contribute significantly towards the growth of this sector over the next few years.

The market is driven by the increasing demand for mobile devices along with the proliferation of internet-connected devices, including smart TVs and other appliances. The global proliferation of video content is also expected to contribute significantly towards the growth of this sector over the next few years.

OOH Advertising Trends

As the digital advertising industry continues to grow, OOH advertising will likely follow suit. With the rise of smartphones, people are spending more time on their devices than ever before. This means that it's becoming easier for companies and advertisers to reach consumers who may not be familiar with their brand or product.

Additionally, OOH ads are more targeted than other forms of media because they can show up right next to your target audience: consumers walking by an outdoor billboard near them might see what you're trying to get across! This kind of targeting is also helpful since some audiences (such as millennials) are less likely than others (like older generations) to engage with traditional forms of advertising like print ads or radio spots--they'll only see those things if they know about them beforehand through word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or family members who've already seen these products in person before purchasing them themselves.

Challenges in OOH Advertising

  • The digital revolution

  • More data is required for advertising

  • Better targeting is needed to reach the right audience in the right way at the right time, with the right message, on their preferred platform of choice (mobile or desktop).

  • Measurement needs to be more sophisticated and able to measure advertising effectiveness over multiple platforms and touch points (TV, radio, OOH), as well as when consumers interact with brands beyond just their awareness levels

Opportunities for OOH Advertising

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of mobile devices to access social media sites. An individual's ability to access these sites will depend on their location and device capabilities. Users who are located close to universities or companies with campuses may have better access than those who live further away from them. As such, this could be an opportunity for advertisers if they target these areas with campaigns that encourage students and employees to visit their brand's website or store while they are at school or work respectively.

Another opportunity is targeting based on similar demographics like age range or gender identity/expression (for example: "We're hiring women only," "Come join our team"). This allows advertisers to reach specific audiences more effectively than generalizing across all demographics as most businesses do today (or did until recently). The result is higher returns on investment for less cost due to lower marketing costs per customer reached compared with traditional methods such as print ads placed next door where everyone passes by every day - so many people see it but few remember what was said long enough afterwards

The potential for OOH advertising continues to grow, but it is important to understand the challenges and opportunities.

The potential for OOH advertising continues to grow, but it is important to understand the challenges and opportunities.

Digital marketing is becoming more targeted and measurable. It's also more cost effective, personalised and interactive. This means that it can be used to target specific audiences on an individual basis rather than just blanket coverage across a large area such as a billboard or bus shelter.

OOH advertising needs to adapt to these changes in order stay relevant in today's ever-changing world of consumer behavior where people are increasingly using digital devices such as their phones rather than going outside at all times of day/night


OOH advertising is an extremely effective way of reaching customers and building brands. However, it has many challenges that need to be addressed. In this article I will discuss these challenges and discuss opportunities for OOH advertising in the future