Picture this: you're walking down a busy street, minding your own business when suddenly, a bright billboard catches your eye. It's advertising an upcoming concert that's happening just around the corner from where you're standing. You've never heard of the band before, but now you can't help but feel intrigued and curious about their music. This is the magic of location-based OOH advertising - it has the power to capture our attention and influence our decisions in ways we may not even realize. In this blog post, we'll explore how location-based OOH advertising is changing the game for brands and consumers alike, and why it's something worth paying attention to.

1- Defining OOH Advertising

OOH advertising is any type of advertisement that is not on traditional television, radio or print media. This can include billboards, bus stop benches, transit shelters and more. Location-based OOH advertising takes this a step further by using GPS technology to target ads to specific locations. This allows businesses to reach consumers when they are near their store or in the market for their product.

OOH advertising has been shown to be an effective way to reach consumers, especially when it is targeted to their location. A study by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America found that OOH advertising had a 97% recall rate among people who saw it. Studies have also shown that OOH advertising can increase foot traffic and sales for businesses.

Location-based OOH advertising is a new and growing form of marketing that has the potential to be very effective for businesses. As more businesses start using this type of advertising, it will become more commonplace and easier for consumers to find the products they need.

2- The Impact of Location-Based OOH Advertising

OOH advertising is one of the most popular and effective forms of marketing, but its impact can be greatly influenced by location. Placing ads in high-traffic areas with a lot of foot traffic can help ensure that your message is seen by as many people as possible. Additionally, targeting specific locations that are relevant to your target demographic can help increase the effectiveness of your OOH campaign. For example, if you're targeting young adults, placing ads near college campuses or popular nightlife spots can help ensure that your message reaches your target audience.

3- Pros and Cons of Location-Based OOH Advertising

Location-based OOH advertising can be an effective way to reach consumers when they are out and about, and more likely to be receptive to marketing messages. This type of advertising can be especially useful for targeting specific demographics or consumer groups in specific geographic areas.

Location-based OOH advertising can be costly, and the effectiveness of this type of advertising can be difficult to measure. Additionally, this type of advertising may not be well-suited for all brands or products.

4- Case Studies of Location-Based OOH Advertising

Out-of-home advertising has been around for centuries, but in recent years, technology has allowed for a new type of OOH advertising that can target consumers based on their location. This type of location-based OOH advertising (LBOA) can take many forms, from digital billboards that serve ads based on GPS data to smart city infrastructure that uses beacons to deliver targeted content to nearby consumers.

There are many potential benefits of LBOA for both advertisers and consumers. For advertisers, LBOA can provide a more efficient way to reach target audiences with relevant messages, while for consumers, LBOA can offer a more personalized and interactive experience with brands.

Despite these potential benefits, there are also some challenges associated with LBOA, including privacy concerns and the need for accurate location data. Nonetheless, as consumer preferences and technology continue to evolve, we believe that LBOA will become an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

To illustrate the impact of LBOA, we've compiled a few case studies from brands that in store visits and bike sales at locations near the digital billboards.

Case Study 2: Unifying Offline and Online Experiences with Beacons

McDonald's partnered with a beacon technology company to deploy beacons in select fast food restaurants. The beacons provided customers with targeted messages and offers based on their location within the restaurant. Customers could also redeem the offers via the McDonald's app, creating an integrated online-offline experience. According to McDonald's, this campaign resulted in an increase in customer engagement and sales.

Case Study 3: Engaging Tourists with Interactive Displays

To promote its new line of luxury resorts, Marriott deployed interactive displays in tourist hotspots across Europe. The displays featured videos, images, and information about Marriott's resorts and allowed users to explore different destinations through interactive games. The display also collected data about user preferences so that Marriott could tailor future campaigns accordingly. According to the company, this campaign increased brand awareness among tourists by 14%. are using this type of advertising:

Case Study 1: Targeting Commuters with Digital Billboards

As part of a campaign to promote its new line of commuter bicycles, Trek used programmatic buying to target digital billboards near transit hubs in major cities across the United States. The billboards served ads featuring images of Trek's bikes along with information about where commuters could find the nearest bike shop. Trek saw significant increases

5- The Future of Location-Based OOH Advertising

As the world becomes more connected, advertisers are looking for new ways to reach consumers where they are. Location-based OOH advertising is one way to do this. By targeting ads to specific locations, businesses can ensure that their message is seen by people who are nearby and likely to be interested in what they have to offer.

There are a number of different technologies that can be used for location-based OOH advertising, including GPS, beacons, and NFC. Advertisers can use these technologies to target ads to specific locations, such as retail stores, restaurants, and other businesses. GPS can be used to target ads based on a consumer's current location, while beacons can be used to target ads based on a consumer's location history. NFC can be used to target ads based on a consumer's proximity to an NFC-enabled device, such as a smartphone.

Location-based OOH advertising is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses advertise. By targeting ads to specific locations, businesses can ensure that their message is seen by people who are nearby and likely to be interested in what they have to offer. As location-based OOH advertising technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective ways for businesses to reach their target audiences.


Location-based OOH advertising can be a powerful tool for companies looking to target specific audiences in outdoor settings. By leveraging the latest technologies, businesses are able to reach potential customers more efficiently and effectively, allowing them to build brand awareness and increase sales. As more people become comfortable with location-based services, these types of campaigns will only continue to grow in popularity. For brands looking for new ways to reach their target audience, exploring the impact of location-based OOH advertising is an excellent place to start.