Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home advertising, is unquestionably a tried-and-true marketing tactic that consumers adore. However, since outdoor advertising is viewed as a traditional and out-of-date advertising strategy, we must recognize the uncertainty and reluctance of businesses to choose it.


In reality, major brands have always understood the power of the best outdoor advertisements to leave a lasting impression on consumers and reap the benefits to the fullest.


An outstanding example of a mass-market medium that may be used for outdoor branding, broad message delivery, campaign support, etc., is outdoor advertising. When compared to other forms of advertising, outdoor advertising has a huge impact because it has the dual benefits of scale benefit and mass outreach.


What will the world of outdoor advertising and media look like in 2023? Here is the brief about the new trends in outdoor advertising:


1. Tips for OOH campaigns in 2023


OOH, advertising requires deep planning, just like other forms of marketing do. Here are some pointers to ensure the success of your outdoor advertising campaigns:


  • Data is a valuable tool. Therefore, ensure your OOH advertising contains enough relevant data for your target audience.


  • Make your OOH advertising shareable on social media or other internet platforms to reach a bigger audience. OOH, commercials are mainly found outdoors.


  • Choose your placement - While some advertisers love to have their advertising almost everywhere, it could be wiser to place your advertisement in more crowded locations. You merely need to use your money properly; you don't need to spend more.


  • It's crucial to keep things straightforward since, in most cases, a straightforward presentation makes your message easier to understand. Ensure your advertisement's key message is obvious to anybody who sees it.

2. Trends in outdoor advertising


Any marketing or advertising effort must include out-of-home advertising.


But what trends will likely dominate the market in the coming few years?


You may have noticed advertisements on billboards outside of large buildings and on public vehicles. However, OOH makes a bigger impact because the images are more appealing and brighter and provide more options.


Screen optimization has improved, enabling advertisers to utilize a more individualized strategy. In addition, OOH allows for more visuals and text so visitors can learn more about the goods or services.


As we move into 2023, we'll likely see some exciting outdoor advertising and media changes. Here are trends to watch out for:


2.1 Location-Based OOH Advertising


Out-of-home advertising comprises all forms of advertising that reach consumers outside their homes. This includes traditional media such as billboards, transit advertising, and DOOH formats like digital signage and place-based video.

Location-based OOH advertising is a type of OOH advertising that uses location data to target consumers with relevant ads in real-time. For example, this could involve targeting consumers near a particular store or landmark with an ad for that store or targeting people who have been to a competitor's store with an ad for your own business.


Location-based OOH advertising can be highly effective. It allows businesses to reach consumers at key moments when they are most likely to purchase. However, it is important to note that this type of advertising can also be intrusive if not done in a way that respects the consumer's privacy.


Personalization and location-based OOH advertising are two of the most significant OOH digital advertising trends for 2023. Why does this matter? The main point is that advertisements you encounter while walking down the street, waiting for the train, or shopping at a mall are becoming more environment- and audience-specific, which makes you see them as more significant and deeply embedded in your memory.


Technology, particularly the Internet of Things, has improved this marketing trend. For instance, sensors that gather data on the state of the traffic, the quality of the air, or the temperature are being installed in more and more places.

Advertisers can utilize all this information to send out advertising relevant to residents' needs and issues. Furthermore, the brands themselves might use this data for additional internal purposes. 


In other words, if there is a place where much traffic builds up, installing advertising panels, there might be a good idea to capitalize on the inhabitants' waiting time.

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2.2 Increasing Popularity of 360-Degree Video


As technology continues to develop, so too does how we consume media. 360-degree video is an example of a trend that will continue gaining popularity in the coming years.

The availability of Google's Display and Video 360 for out-of-home advertising in 2023 will significantly boost OOH and DOOH. Therefore, XR (Extended Reality) OOH screens might be present at stadiums, airports, shopping malls, or bus stops. These technological advancements will allow OOH to increase its efficacy and popularity.


360-degree video offers viewers a fully immersive experience, allowing them to feel as though they are right there in the thick of the action. This contrasts traditional 2D video, which can often feel quite flat and lifeless.


The popularity of 360-degree video is largely driven by the growth of virtual reality (VR). VR headsets allow users to get involved with the content they are watching, making it even more immersive than regular 360-degree video.

Several businesses and organizations are already utilizing 360-degree video and VR for marketing and advertising purposes. However, it is still very much in its early days, and there is much potential for further growth in this area.


So what does this mean for outdoor advertising and media? First, businesses must consider utilizing these new technologies to reach their target audiences. For example, they may want to consider creating 360-degree videos of their products or services in action.

As always, staying ahead of the curve will be crucial for outdoor advertising and media businesses. Those able to capitalize on emerging trends like 360-degree video will likely reap the rewards of increased engagement and ROI.


2.3 Anamorphic Advertising


Anamorphic advertising uses anamorphosis, which is the geometric projection of an image or scene onto a surface, typically distorted or deformed. This type of advertising can be used to create optical illusions, which can be used to catch people's attention and make them take notice of a product or service. Anamorphic advertising can be used in various ways, such as on billboards, buses, and buildings.


The OOH advertising trend that uses illusions or anamorphosis to raise brand recognition is anamorphic advertising. The same principles apply to other 3D displays to 3D digital billboards. For example, a video is created by combining two images shot from different perspectives.


The impact and retention of anamorphic advertising on consumers are significant. It would be a visual pleasure for the general public while also informing your potential customers of the tale of your brand. When compared to other advertising strategies, anamorphic advertising is more realistic. They can alter the world by blending in with the environment when placed in the ideal spot.


Customers are left with a lasting impression due to the 3-dimensional images employed in anamorphic advertising, and the message has a significant impact. Customers would be curious to discover and experience the brand even after seeing an anamorphic advertisement, which will negate effective conversions. Working with a specialized anamorphic advertising agency, you can create outstanding anaphoric outdoor ads using the greatest outdoor marketing strategies.


2.4 Smart Ads


Smart ads are advertising that uses technology to target a specific audience. This type of advertising is made possible because people are increasingly using devices connected to the internet. This allows businesses to collect data about people's interests and target them with relevant ads.


To improve the outdoor offering and provide more individualized, immersive, and interactive experiences, smart billboards, gamification, QR codes, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and other smart elements will become more prevalent.


One of the advantages of smart ads is that they can be very effective in reaching a target audience. Businesses can use data to identify the people most likely interested in their product or service. This means that businesses can save money by not wasting their advertising budget on people who are not interested in what they offer.


Another advantage of smart ads is that they can be customized to the individual. Businesses can create ads specifically tailored to each person's needs and wants. This makes it more likely that people will click on the ad and learn more about the advertised product or service.


However, if used correctly, they can be a very effective way for businesses to reach their target audience and save money on advertising costs.


2.5 Multi-Channel Integration


Another rapidly expanding trend in outdoor advertising is the combination of conventional outdoor advertising tactics with multi-channel advertising media, including radio, television, and the internet. The brands will be able to reach many audiences thanks to this technique simultaneously. Multi-channel integration is a type of marketing that uses multiple channels to reach a target audience. 


One size fits all solutions will no longer be effective for all the brands." The top advertising agency in India, AD Vantage Marketing, is renowned for its optimized and customized outdoor digital advertising that follows the out-of-home advertising trends of 2023. Based on shifting media tastes, client preferences, and the financial crisis, we make every effort to increase the Reach of our outdoor advertisements. To acquire the best results for your company with the best outdoor advertising campaigns, we adapt to the latest trends in outdoor advertising.


The advantages of multi-channel integration include the fact that it can be very effective in reaching a target audience and that it can be customized to the individual. 


2.6 Focused Reach will Lower Expenses.


It is predicted that by 2023, outdoor advertising and media will be more focused on lowering expenses. This means that advertisers will be more strategic in their placement of ads, and media buyers will be more selective about the outlets they choose to place ads in.


One reason for this shift is the increasing cost of advertising. Advertisers are looking for ways to get more bang for their buck as ad prices continue to rise. By targeting specific audiences with laser-like precision, they can ensure that their ads are seen by people who are more likely to be interested in what they have to say.


Another reason for the trend toward focused Reach is the growing popularity of ad-blocking software. However, when ads are placed on websites or apps that use ad blockers, they are not seen by the people who have installed the software. This means advertisers must find other ways to reach their target audiences.


The good news for advertisers is that many options are available for reaching specific audiences. One popular option is programmatic advertising, which uses data to target ads to specific groups of people. Programmatic advertising is expected to grow significantly over the next few years. It provides a great way for advertisers to reach their target audiences with laser-like precision.


So if you're an advertiser, don't despair – there are still plenty of ways to reach your target audience, even if traditional methods like print and broadcast aren't as effective as they used to be. By getting creative and thinking outside the box, you can ensure that your message reaches the people who matter most.

2.7 Embrace the Power of Storytelling


In recent years, there has been a shift in the way that outdoor advertising and media are consumed. We live in a world where people are bombarded with marketing messages from all angles. As a result, traditional forms of advertising are becoming increasingly less effective. To reach consumers in an impactful and memorable way, brands need to start embracing the power of storytelling.


One of the most traditional and powerful means of communication is storytelling. It enables stronger interpersonal connections while igniting our creativity and feelings. When used well, narrative may be a very effective marketing strategy.


A great story has a few essential components. A strong plot with interesting characters is essential, but so is the ability to transport the reader or listener to another place and time. Good stories can captivate an audience and leave a lasting impression.


As we move into 2023, outdoor advertising and media will need to evolve to keep up with the changing landscape. Brands that embrace the power of storytelling will be well-positioned for success.


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2.8 Mobile Integration in Outdoor Advertising


Mobile technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and consume information. As a result, it is having a major impact on outdoor advertising. More and more people are using their smartphones to access the internet, and this trend will only continue in the years ahead. As a result, brands need to find ways to integrate mobile into their outdoor advertising campaigns.


There are several ways to do this, and the best approach will vary depending on the campaign's goals. One option is to create QR codes that smartphone users can scan. These codes can link to a brand's website or social media page, providing an easy way for consumers to learn more about the company.


Another option is to use location-based data to target consumers with relevant ads. For example, if a consumer is searching for a new pair of shoes online, they might see an ad for a nearby store that carries the same brand. This type of targeted advertising is becoming increasingly common, and it's an effective way to reach consumers who are already interested in what you offer.


As outdoor advertising becomes more digital, brands must experiment with mobile strategies to see what works best. Those that embrace this change will be well-positioned for success in the years ahead.

2.9 Consistent Increase in Digital Outdoor Advertising


Digital outdoor advertising is becoming increasingly popular as it offers several advantages over traditional methods. Digital signage is more eye-catching and can be updated in real-time, making it ideal for promoting sales or special events. Additionally, digital screens can be interactive, allowing brands to gather valuable consumer data.


The current demand for 4K resolution advertisements among consumers aligns with the digital trend. Digital technology can help outdoor advertisements if used properly because it uses 4K quality boosting high resolution and vibrant, colorful graphics that can hold consumers' attention for extended periods.


Due to how much quicker and more convenient it is to move enormous digital billboards, which helps save unnecessary costs, digital advertising will continue to grow in popularity in the upcoming year. The capacity to display several digital outdoor adverts on a single screen demonstrates cost dynamics. In addition, multi-image advertising gives owners greater control over the medium and final ad outcomes than static ads.


As we move into 2023, increased digital outdoor advertising will likely continue. Brands that can take advantage of this medium will be well-positioned for success. Conversely, those who don't embrace digital outdoor advertising will risk being left behind.


2.10 Think outside the frame


As we move into 2023, it will be important for brands to think outside the traditional advertising framework. There are several ways to do this, but one of the most effective is to use experiential marketing. This type of marketing focuses on creating immersive and interactive experiences that engage consumers on a personal level.


Experiential marketing is often used with other marketing channels, such as digital or outdoor advertising. When used together, these channels can create a powerful and multi-dimensional campaign that leaves a lasting impression on consumers. 


Another thing I'd advise is for businesses to look outside the box, or the frame, of a billboard.


Making an experience that engages and enthralls viewers will encourage them to share it with their social networks, whether on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, or any other platform.


Expanding a company's Reach and increasing talkability can be accomplished by developing shareable campaigns that are interesting, original, and aesthetically beautiful; in other words, viewers will essentially do some extra marketing for the business.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when planning an experiential marketing campaign:


  • Focus on creating an emotional connection with consumers.

  • Make sure the experience is interactive and engaging.

  • Ensure the experience is relevant to your brand and target audience.

  • Plan for scalability so your campaign can reach as many people as possible.


By keeping these things in mind, brands can create experiential marketing campaigns that are truly impactful and memorable.


OOH advertising is ready for the wild ride of 2023


The main lesson here is rather straightforward: 2023 will push many things that were formerly thought of as stalwarts to shift significantly because it will follow one of the most volatile financial years in recent memory. Probably for the better.


Habits will need to change, budgets will need to change, and eventually, a new status will emerge as inflationary headwinds continue to pressure both businesses and consumers—and potentially lead us straight into a period of less-than-desirable recession—and potentially force us into a recession.


However, from our vantage point, we see a tonne of opportunity for the out-of-home advertising industry to flourish, expand, and innovate like never before.


After all, outdoor advertising has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to endure even the most adverse economic conditions. And 2023 won't be an exception to this norm. We're certain of it.




Despite a year that was full of uncertainty and unanticipated challenges, we were able to complete another full orbit of the sun. Nothing makes us happier than looking back on all the lessons we've learned from the previous year and making some predictions about what the coming year will bring.


Outdoor advertising enables businesses to make bold claims that no one can ignore. It's the ideal medium for communicating what a brand stands for, its purpose, and what it can accomplish to benefit society.