Billboards and other out-of-home (OOH) advertisements have been a staple of the advertising industry for decades. But with the emergence of big data, marketers now have access to unprecedented amounts of information that can help them create more effective OOH campaigns. From tracking foot traffic patterns to analyzing social media activity, big data is revolutionizing how advertisers approach OOH marketing. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways in which businesses can use big data to improve their OOH advertising strategies and ultimately drive greater ROI. So buckle up and get ready to learn how you can take your outdoor advertising efforts to the next level!

1- What is Big Data?

Big data is a term that refers to the large volume of data that organizations generate on a daily basis. This data can come from a variety of sources, including social media, internet-connected devices, and transactions. While this data can be helpful for businesses, it can also be overwhelming. Big data analytics is a process that helps organizations make sense of this large volume of data and use it to improve their operations.

In the context of OOH advertising, big data can be used to track consumer behavior and understand how people interact with OOH ads. This information can then be used to improve the effectiveness of OOH campaigns. For example, if data shows that people are spending more time looking at OOH ads near bus stops, businesses can use this information to create more effective bus stop ads.

2- How can Big Data be used to improve OOH advertising?

In order to understand how big data can be used to improve OOH advertising, it is first important to understand what big data is. Big data is a term that refers to the large and complex datasets that are becoming increasingly common in the business world. These datasets are often too large and complex for traditional data processing applications to handle.

There are a number of ways that big data can be used to improve OOH advertising. One way is by using big data to better target ads. For example, if a company knows that a certain demographic is more likely to respond positively to a certain type of ad, they can use big data to target that demographic specifically. This ensures that the company's advertising budget is being spent in the most effective way possible.

Another way that big data can be used to improve OOH advertising is by using it to track customer behavior. This information can be used to better understand customer needs and desires. This information can then be used to create more targeted and effective ads. Additionally, this information can also be used to improve the overall customer experience. By understanding how customers interact with ads, companies can make changes that will lead to more sales and happier customers.

Overall, big data can be extremely beneficial for companies who want to improve their OOH advertising. By using big data, companies can better target their ads, track customer behavior, and improve the overall customer experience.

3- Case studies of businesses that have used Big Data to improve their OOH advertising

There are many case studies of businesses that have used Big Data to improve their OOH advertising. One such case study is that of Coca-Cola. They used Big Data to improve the targeting of their OOH advertising. By analysing the data, they were able to identify where their target market was and what type of advert they would be most responsive to. This resulted in a more efficient use of their OOH advertising budget and an increase in sales.

Another example is that of Ford. They used Big Data to target specific locations for their OOH advertising. By knowing the routes that people took to work, they were able to place ads in strategic locations where they would be seen by the most people. This led to an increase in brand awareness and car sales.

These are just two examples of businesses that have used Big Data to improve their OOH advertising. There are many more out there, and we're sure that more will come as Big Data becomes increasingly commonplace in business.

4- The Future of Big Data and OOH Advertising

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, so too does the way that companies reach and engage with their audiences. Traditional advertising mediums such as print, radio, and television are no longer the only – or even the most effective – way to reach consumers. Instead, companies are turning to big data and OOH (out-of-home) advertising to target and engage with their audience.

4.1- What is Big Data?

Big data is a term used to describe the large volume of data that is generated on a daily basis. This data can come from a variety of sources, including social media, online transactions, and sensor data. Big data can be used to track trends, understand consumer behavior, and predict future outcomes.

4.2- What is OOH Advertising?

OOH, advertising includes any type of advertising that is not contained within the home, such as billboards, bus stop ads, or sidewalk chalk art. OOH, advertising is unique in its ability to reach consumers when they are outside of their homes and therefore more likely to be exposed to new products or services.

5- The Future of Big Data and OOH Advertising

As big data continues to grow in importance, so too will OOH advertising. Companies will use big data to better understand consumer behavior and target their advertising accordingly. For example, if a company knows that its target audience is mostly female millennials who live in urban areas, it may choose to place billboards near popular yoga studios or coffee shops in those areas.

Big data and OOH advertising will also be used to create more personalized marketing campaigns. Companies will use the data they have gathered to create ads that are tailored specifically to each individual consumer, allowing them to connect with their audience in a more meaningful way.

Finally, big data and OOH advertising will also be used to measure the effectiveness of a particular campaign. Companies can use real-time analytics to track how many people saw their ad, when they saw it, and if they took any action as a result of seeing it. This data can then be used to refine future campaigns and ensure that the company’s efforts are having the desired effect.

As technology continues to advance, big data and OOH advertising will become even more important for companies looking to reach their target audiences in new and innovative ways.


Big data can help marketers make better decisions, leading to more effective OOH campaigns. With the right tools, marketers can analyze user behavior and local market dynamics to identify the best opportunity for their OOH campaign. By using big data, they are able to target the most relevant people in their desired audience segment and deliver messages that will resonate with them. We believe that this is a great way to maximize your marketing spend while still reaching a wide range of potential customers.