The days when advertising agencies and companies devoted much of their marketing budgets to print media are long gone. People are now more responsive to digital displays as a result of advancements in technology.


Because of this, we see brands gradually transition from outdoor advertising to digital outdoor advertising. Increased inventiveness and targeting, steady traffic, higher exposure, and numerous other attention-getting features are all provided by DOOH.


Out-of-home advertising that combines digital and offline components is known as digital out-of-home advertising. It is engaging and appealing advertising supported by digital platforms and shown in public spaces.


Using DOOH advertising to promote your business is a perfect fit, given the audience's growing demand for quicker, more personalized content they can access on the go. It completely satisfies these requirements while being more effective & efficient.

1. Is owning a digital billboard right for your brand?


A digital billboard is an LED screen that displays messages or images on a loop. It can be used for advertising or to provide information. Having a digital billboard for your marketing campaigns can be very beneficial for your business- 

a. It provides advertisers with another medium to reach potential consumers and show their message more personally. 


b. As digital billboards are now cheaper than conventional advertising methods such as TV commercials, they are a more cost-effective option.


c. Owning a billboard is a good way to get the attention of potential customers and increase reach. 


Suppose you want to create a significant amount of traffic and get noticed. In that case, buying a digital billboard may be the right decision for you. You will also need to see if any available billboards in your preferred location suit your budget.

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2. Why should a business or brand own a digital billboard?


Digital billboards are one of the most public forms of advertising. They have been around for a long time. With a digital billboard, you know exactly when and where your ads will appear - because the billboard displays your message for as long as you want.


What is new is that digital billboards offer advertisers one of the most fruitful ways to advertise and generate traffic to their websites. 


Here are some points on why you should own a digital billboard:


2.1 Enhanced visibility: Digital billboards can target specific audience groups and get them in contact with your brand message.


2.2 Targeted messages: You will know who has viewed your advertisement. You can use this information to send that particular person messages on your products or services in the future, meaning that you can reach out at scale without wasting resources and getting more done in less time.


2.3 Measurement tools: These tools measure interactions with these ads and help you gauge how effective your campaign has been thus far, so you know when it's time for a new campaign.


2.4 Maximum exposure: Digital billboards are the best way to reach a wider audience. Most of the time, they offer you an opportunity to interact with your customers in real time.


2.5 Bring Awareness: To reach consumers, you need to find them away from their smartphones. One medium that can draw attention and eventually convey your message is digital displays. 


For example Netflix purchased digital billboards in Los Angeles to promote its entertainment offerings. This action raises Netflix to the level of "luxury" brands like Nike and Apple.


2.6 Maintain Every Ad Slot: You want digital billboard advertising that never stops. Due to pre-existing commitments, exclusivity may be difficult with third-party advertising. Owning your digital billboard eliminates the rivalry for highly sought-after positions. 


2.7 Anytime, Content Change: You must be adaptable enough to adjust your message at any time. Moments do count in the case of companies' systems while attempting to connect with your audience. Being able to post that right away is crucial because it eliminates the extra step of getting in touch with the advertising provider to modify your material if an emergency room entrance closes and you need to reroute visitors.


2.8 Increase Your Reach: You want to increase your reach in particular locations with existing campaigns. Reaching a range of media is key to a campaign's success. Digital billboards certainly influence decisions by capturing an audience's attention where it matters most.


2.9 Raising brand awareness: You want to make the most of your social presence. Your digital billboard can use one of the marketing channels that are expanding the fastest right now: social media! A digital billboard is the ideal Instagram eye candy that draws new attention to you.

3. Create a DOOH Advertising Strategy.


Suppose you want a good ROI on your DOOH ads, just as with online advertising; you need to be clear on your marketing objectives. This is particularly crucial for small enterprises, who must stretch their limited marketing budgets as far as possible.


In your DOOH campaign, take into account the following:


  • Whom are your target customers are

  • where can you find them

  • when they're most likely to buy from you

  • What are your key success indicators?


DOOH advertising has typically been seen as a helpful brand recognition technique. While this is unquestionably true, and brand awareness will probably be one of your campaign's goals, new targeting techniques allow you to go beyond this to generate income directly.


4. Engage Users with Innovative DOOH Advertising.


4.1 DOOH Boosts Audience Engagement

Do you believe a brand's basic commercial is effective enough to leave a lasting impression on you when you see it? The consumer is affected in this way by user-generated content on DOOH. It provides the consumer with the relatability they look for in traditional advertising.


Effective display of advertisements can raise Awareness, increase exposure, and increase interaction. Place DOOH in places where people are more likely to be idle, such as bus stops, train stations, or commuter routes.

Almost every brand employs images of models that have been expertly airbrushed. A peer's endorsement of a brand would draw in customers and increase their engagement. Additionally, people will find it memorable and relatable.

4.2 User-generated Content Builds Social Proof


Online user behavior, when people imitate other people's acts, is known as the social proof phenomenon. It's almost like being herded along. A person's likelihood of acting in a certain way increases when they witness others acting that way online.


User-generated material affects a consumer in exactly that way. Your customers or any passersby who view your digital out-of-home advertising may be enticed to contribute content to you if you show user-generated content there.


Additionally, they are drawn to being on a digital display. It assists you in producing more UGC for your DOOH, improving your chances of obtaining social proof.

4.3 Display Dynamic & Creative content With DOOH


Any advertisement must prioritize content because that is what draws and engages people. Using digital out-of-home advertising displays, you can show engaging and imaginative content.


User-generated content can be gathered, controlled, and presented as part of your digital out-of-home advertising strategy. User-generated material has a huge impact.


Putting user-generated content on display encourages greater engagement. Customers are more satisfied, rewarded, and more likely to believe that an advertisement is genuine. Additionally, you receive more original and creative content from various audience segments and viewpoints for the same product & brand.

4.4 It Drives Better ROI


In contrast to traditional OOHs, DOOH displays can be deployed fast for a one-time cost of screens and setup with no ongoing expenses for manual labor or printing.


With maximum engagement, little expense, effort, and time commitments, DOOH lowers the advertising budget. Additionally, when your primary material is user-generated, you can save money by not having to hire models, actors, or professional photographers because the customers themselves produce the content.


Additionally, real-time modifications and moderation of display panels allow for showing new content with ongoing updates to maintain audience interest.


4.5 DOOH Enables Offline Personalization


You may develop customized advertising with DOOH and its interaction with artificial intelligence and recognition. Personalization is crucial to modern advertising because it shapes the consumer's first impression of the company.


By becoming the brand's spokesperson, the average consumer is almost like creating user content on the spot. Customers' initial interaction with a brand significantly impacts how they proceed further down the engagement and purchase funnel.


Digital out-of-home advertising and recognition technology with capabilities like sentiment recognition, behavior analysis, facial expression analysis, and image identification could greatly aid in delivering targeted advertising offline.

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5. Why is DOOH Advertising a Wise Choice For Your Business?


Whether you typically publish digital out-of-home ads or not, there are several advantages. This ad style might persuade you otherwise.


5.1 Increase Revenue by Exploiting Excellent Pricing Opportunities

Through improved price dynamics, digital out-of-home advertising gives greater revenue potential. A real-time bidding option is available, and marketers are prepared to pay quite profitably—at least over the standard pre-booked ad rates. This might be far more profitable than ordinary, pre-booked banner rate cards.


5.2 Cannot be overlooked


It's simple to ignore advertisements on mobile devices. They are more likely to be overlooked, particularly with banner ads. Big, colorful DOOH advertisements, however, are impossible to overlook. As a result of their increased ability to reach a larger and more diverse audience, these draw advertisers more, giving publishers a chance to charge higher prices for ad inventory.


5.3 Animated Ad Formats


Advertising on DOOH is difficult to overlook. They also offer a lot of design and innovation flexibility. Traditional OOH Ads cannot compete with them for attention, no matter how captivating one makes them. Advertisers can experiment with movement, space, and concepts in DOOH advertising to promote your business with different techniques. 


5.4 Privacy issues under control


Users are becoming more and more concerned about their privacy in this age of digital awakening. Thus they are pressing businesses like Google to take severe action by banning cookies. To keep the ad's viewers safe and out of the advertisers' reach, DOOH does not use personal user information.


5.5 Reduction of manual labor


A digital server will increase your DOOH advertising flexibility, which will benefit your ability to generate income. For example, you can decide which advertisement is displayed when and for how long. You have complete control over the ad rotation and can easily change it within an hour.

5.6 Ad Blockers Are Not Allowed Here


It is no wonder that as time passes, more people are turning to ad blockers. Mobile advertising may eventually even become outdated in this way. With DOOH Marketing, though, it is not a risk you need to be concerned about.

6. Embrace the Power of Digital Billboards


A digital billboard is ideal for displaying your new look if you're updating some elements of your branding. Your audience will begin associating your familiar, slightly modified, or entirely updated name with your new identity!


Proving to clients that you haven't changed. Branding on a digital billboard's side reassures your audience that you are still dependable and well-liked, although sporting a fresh appearance.


Developing a New Audience. While you might be concerned about losing your current clients, keep in mind the opportunity to gain new ones! Mobile billboards ensure that your message gets the most exposure possible.

7. Invest in Creative Out-Of-Home Marketing with OOHAP 


Digital billboards can be compared to other advertising channels businesses, and brands use to promote themselves, such as TV ads or online banners. Suppose you want to advertise your business or product on a digital billboard. In that case, there are certain aspects about them that you should know about before placing an order for one. For example you need to know how much space is available on the digital billboards, where they are located, and what their reach is like.


Contact us at, to create your own DOOH advertising to promote your business.



In contrast to the dozens of competitors who advertise online, DOOH commercials appeal to audiences when they are more receptive because DOOH displays, such as digital billboards, target individuals when they are traveling or in public spaces.


Due to its very nature, the precautions taken by marketers, and their desire to engage with their prospects and customer base and to establish a lasting relationship, DOOH advertising is also thought to be extremely trustworthy and reputable.


FAQs About Digital Out-of-Home Advertising


1. What DOOH advertising format is the most popular?


Transit advertising is the most common form used by many businesses. Even advertisers that are only dimly aware of the potential of DOOH advertising are aware of transit advertising, which involves placing advertisements on public transportation systems like planes, trains, and metros to target commuters.


2. How Can DOOH Impressions Be Measured Accurately?


Observing a mobile device within the viewing distance and determining whether it is moving toward the screen is one precise method found in attempts to measure DOOH impressions. This still needs some work, as indoor display devices are constrained by this method.


3. Describe the DOOH screen.


There are no restrictions on what qualifies as a decent screen. It is any form of digital display available in the environment, such as a network screen or a digital billboard housed in a mall, stadium, hospital, etc.