As we continue to immerse ourselves in a world of technology, it comes as no surprise that voice technology has taken the advertising world by storm. With the rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants, OOH (Out-Of-Home) advertisers are now tapping into this potential market. Voice technology presents an exciting prospect for brands looking to connect with their target audience in innovative ways. In this blog post, we will delve deep into unlocking the potential of voice technology for OOH advertising and explore how brands can take advantage of this booming trend to engage with consumers on a whole new level!

1- The current state of voice technology

Voice technology is still in its early stages, but it has great potential for OOH advertising. Here are some of the current limitations:

1.1 - A limited number of platforms: Voice technology is currently only available on a few platforms, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri. This limits the potential reach of voice-enabled OOH advertising.

1.2 - He limited number of voice-enabled devices: There are currently only a limited number of voice-enabled devices on the market, such as the Amazon Echo and Google Home. This means that not all consumers have access to this technology.

1.3 - Lack of standardization: There is no standard format for voice-enabled OOH ads, which makes it difficult for advertisers to create consistent campaigns across different platforms.

Despite these challenges, voice technology holds great promise for OOH advertising. The key benefits include:

- Increased engagement: Voice-enabled OOH ads can capture attention in a way that traditional static signage cannot. Consumers are more likely to interact with an ad that they can talk to.

- Greater flexibility: Voice technology opens up new possibilities for creative and interactive OOH ads. For example, advertisers could create choose-your-own-adventure style ads that allow consumers to control the outcome by making choices through voice commands.

As voice technology continues to evolve, it will become an increasingly important tool for OOH advertisers looking to engage consumers in new and innovative ways.

2- How voice technology can be used for OOH advertising

Voice technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us, and it’s also starting to change the face of out-of-home advertising.

OOH has always been about using creative techniques to grab attention and capture imaginations, but voice-enabled OOH is taking things to a whole new level. Here are just some of the ways that advertisers are using voice tech to make their OOH campaigns more interactive and engaging:

2.1. Voice-activated billboards: Billboards are one of the most popular forms of OOH advertising, but they can be made even more eye-catching and interactive with voice activation. Advertisers can use voice commands to trigger animations, videos or other types of content on their billboards, making them more likely to stop passers-by in their tracks.

2.2. Voice-enabled bus shelters: Bus shelters are another key OOH ad medium, and they too can be enhanced with voice tech. For example, advertisers could use voice recognition to target ads at specific demographics, such as parents with young children or commuters who are looking for information about local businesses.

2.3. Voice-powered street furniture: Street furniture includes items like benches, phone booths, and public art installations, all of which can be used for OOH advertising. And with voice tech, these pieces of street furniture can become even more powerful marketing tools. For instance, advertisers could use voice commands to trigger content on digital screens or play audio ads

3- The benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising

Voice technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. And, as consumers continue to adopt this technology, it's also changing the way brands reach and engage with their audiences.

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is one area where voice technology is starting to make a big impact. Here are just a few of the benefits that brands can enjoy when they use voice technology for OOH advertising:

3.1. Increased Engagement
One of the biggest benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising is that it can help increase engagement. Traditional OOH ads are often ignored or forgotten about quickly, but when you add voice to the mix, people are more likely to stop and take notice.

3.2. Greater Reach
Voice technology also gives brands the opportunity to reach a wider audience than ever before. Thanks to voice-enabled devices like smart speakers and smartphones, your OOH ad can be heard by people who might not even be in your target market.

3.3. Improved ROI
OOH, advertising can be expensive, so anything that can help improve your return on investment (ROI) is a major plus. And thanks to the increased engagement and reach that voice technology provides, you're likely to see a better ROI from your OOH campaigns than ever before.

4- The challenges of using voice technology for OOH advertising

One of the key challenges of using voice technology for OOH advertising is that it can be difficult to target specific demographics with traditional OOH ad placements. For example, you might place an ad at a bus stop, but you don't know who will see or hear it. With voice technology, you can target ads more precisely by placing them in locations where your target consumers are likely to be.

Another challenge is that voice technology is still in its early stages, which means there are not yet many options for targeting consumers with OOH ads. However, as voice technology evolves, we expect to see more options become available for targeting consumers with OOH ads.

Finally, another challenge of using voice technology for OOH advertising is that it can be expensive. Voice-enabled devices typically cost more than traditional OOH ad placements. However, we believe the benefits of using voice technology for OOH advertising outweigh the costs.

5- How to overcome the challenges of using voice technology for OOH advertising?

Voice technology has the potential to revolutionize OOH advertising, but there are several challenges that need to be overcome before they can truly be realized.

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of standardization in the voice technology industry. There are many different platforms and technologies available, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. This makes it difficult for advertisers to know which one to use, and how to best integrate it into their existing campaigns.

Another challenge is the high cost of voice technology. The hardware and software needed to power voice-based OOH advertising can be very expensive, and it can be difficult to justify the investment when traditional methods are still working well.

Finally, there is a lack of understanding of how voice technology works, and how it can be used effectively for OOH advertising. This lack of understanding often leads to poor implementation, which can result in a waste of resources and disappointing results.


Voice technology is quickly becoming a part of everyday life, and its potential for OOH advertising should not be overlooked. By leveraging this powerful medium, advertisers can help their brands engage with consumers in a more meaningful way that has the potential to drive tangible results. Through voice-activated advertising solutions, marketers have a unique opportunity to create interactive experiences that capture the attention of their target audience and bolster brand recognition. With continued innovation and investment in this space, voice tech could soon become an integral part of any effective OOH campaign strategy.