
Are you looking for effective ways to advertise your dental practice beyond the online world? Out-of-home advertising might just be what you need! This type of advertising, also known as OOH advertising, is a great way to reach potential patients in your local area and make a lasting impression. In this blog post, we'll explore different types of out-of-home advertising that can help boost your dental practice's visibility and attract new patients. Whether it's billboards or vehicle wraps, we've got you covered with tips on how to choose the right option for your business. Let's dive in!

1- Billboards

Billboards are one of the most traditional forms of out-of-home advertising. They come in various sizes and formats, from small posters to large digital screens.

One advantage of billboards is their visibility. They are often placed in high-traffic areas, such as major highways or busy intersections, where they can attract the attention of a large number of people. This makes them ideal for creating brand awareness and promoting new products or services.

Another advantage is that billboards have a long lifespan. Unlike other types of advertisements that run for only a short period, billboards can remain in place for weeks or even months at a time. This means that they can continue to generate exposure and reach potential customers over an extended period.

However, there are also some limitations to consider when using billboards. For example, they may not be suitable for businesses with limited budgets because they can be expensive to produce and maintain. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that your billboard message is clear and concise since drivers typically only have a few seconds to read it while passing by.

If you're looking for an effective way to increase brand recognition and reach new customers within your local community without breaking the bank – then Billboards might just be what you need!

2- Bus Benches

Bus benches are a type of out-of-home advertising that can be found in busy areas such as urban centres and shopping districts. They are typically located at bus stops or transit stations, making them an effective way to target commuters and pedestrians.

One of the advantages of bus bench advertising is that it provides a captive audience for your message. Commuters waiting for their bus will often have time to read and absorb the information in your ad, which can help increase brand awareness and drive sales.

Another advantage is that bus benches are highly visible. They are often brightly coloured with eye-catching designs, which helps attract attention from passersby. This makes them an ideal choice if you want to get noticed in a crowded marketplace.

Bus bench advertising also offers flexibility when it comes to targeting specific demographics. You can choose locations near schools, hospitals or other places where your target audience is likely to be found, helping you connect with the right people at the right time.

If you're looking for an affordable and effective way to promote your dental practice through out-of-home advertising services, then consider investing in bus bench ads!

3- Public Transit Advertising

Public transit advertising is an effective way to reach a large number of people on the go. It includes advertising on buses, trains, and subway stations. With public transit being a common mode of transportation in cities, this type of advertising can be very impactful.

One benefit of public transit advertising is that it offers broad exposure to diverse audiences. People from various backgrounds and demographics use public transportation regularly. This means your dental practice's message can potentially reach a wide range of potential patients.

Another advantage is that with constantly moving vehicles or high-traffic areas like subway stations, ads are noticed more frequently than they would be on stationary billboards or bus benches.

Ad formats for public transit include full wraps and partial wraps for buses and train cars as well as posters at stops or inside trains themselves. When designing these ads, it’s important to keep them simple yet eye-catching since commuters don’t have much time to read lengthy messages.

If you’re looking for an affordable out-of-home advertising option that targets a vast audience with frequent impressions daily - Public Transit Advertising could be just what your dental practice needs!

4- Street Fencing

Street fencing is a form of out-of-home advertising that involves placing advertisements on temporary or permanent fences in high-traffic areas. These fences can be found around construction sites, sporting events, festivals, and other public gatherings where people are likely to congregate.

Street fencing ads are often eye-catching and creative since they have to grab the attention of passersby quickly. They can include images, slogans, or even interactive elements like QR codes. Street fencing ads can also be targeted towards specific demographics by choosing locations that those audiences frequent.

One advantage of street fencing advertising is its versatility. Advertisers can choose the size and placement of their ads according to their needs and budget. Street fencing ads are also cost-effective compared to more traditional forms of out-of-home advertising like billboards.

However, advertisers need to consider potential regulations or restrictions when using this type of advertising method. Some cities may require permits or limit the size and placement of street fence ads.

Street fencing offers a unique way for dental practices to advertise in highly visible public spaces at an affordable price point while still reaching specific target audiences with engaging content.

5- Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle wraps are a form of out-of-home advertising that involves completely covering a vehicle with an eye-catching design. This is a great way to get your dental practice noticed while on the road or parked in public areas.

One of the biggest advantages of using vehicle wraps is their ability to reach potential patients who may not have been actively seeking dental services. As your wrapped vehicle drives around town, it can draw attention from people who may need dental care but haven't yet made an appointment.

Another benefit of using vehicle wraps for advertising is their cost-effectiveness. Compared to other forms of advertising such as TV commercials or billboards, vehicle wraps tend to be much more affordable while still being just as effective at getting your message across.

When designing your vehicle wrap, it's important to keep in mind that you want it to be visually appealing and easy to read from a distance. Choose colours and fonts that will grab attention without being too overwhelming or difficult to read.

If you're looking for a creative and cost-effective way to advertise your dental practice, consider investing in high-quality vehicle wraps that will help you stand out on the road!

6- How to choose the right out-of-home advertising for your dental practice?

When it comes to choosing the right out-of-home advertising for your dental practice, there are a few things you should consider. Firstly, think about your target audience and where they spend their time outside of their homes. Do they commute by bus or car? Do they frequent certain areas in town?

Once you have identified your target audience's habits and preferences, research the different types of out-of-home advertising available in those locations. For instance, if your patients commute by bus or train, public transit advertising might be an effective option.

Consider the budget for each type of advertising as well as how long it will run. Some options such as billboards can be costly but have a longer lifespan than other forms like street fencing.

The design and messaging of the advertisement are also important. Ensure that it is eye-catching with clear call-to-actions that will drive potential customers to book appointments at your dental practice.

Track the results of each campaign so you can determine which form of out-of-home advertising works best for your dental practice and adjust accordingly for future campaigns.


Out-of-home advertising can be a powerful tool for dental practices looking to expand their reach and attract new patients. By considering the different types of OOH advertising available, such as billboards, bus benches, public transit ads, street fencing, and vehicle wraps, you can choose the option that best fits your practice's needs and budget.

It is important to remember that choosing the right type of OOH advertising requires careful planning and consideration. By working with an experienced OOH advertising company or service provider, you can develop a strategy that maximizes the impact of your ads while staying within your budget.

In today's competitive landscape for dental practices, utilizing effective marketing strategies like out-of-home advertising is essential to stand out from competitors and attract new patients. So why wait? Start exploring your options for OOH advertising today!