
When it comes to advertising, hoardings have always been a popular choice for businesses looking to reach a wide audience. And what better place to do that than in the vibrant city of Jodhpur? With its rich culture and bustling streets, Jodhpur provides ample opportunities for businesses to make their mark with eye-catching hoardings. But with so many options available, where should you place your hoarding? In this blog post, we'll explore the best locations for placing hoardings in Jodhpur and provide you with some tips on how to get started. So let's dive right in!

1- The Different Types of Hoardings in Jodhpur

When it comes to advertising, hoardings are one of the most effective ways to grab people's attention. In Jodhpur, there are several types of hoardings that businesses can use to promote their products or services.

The first type is the standard billboard, which is a large outdoor advertising structure that typically measures around 14 feet by 48 feet. These billboards are placed in high-traffic areas like highways and busy intersections where they can be easily seen by motorists and pedestrians.

Another type of hoarding is the digital billboard. Unlike traditional billboards, these displays use LED technology to showcase dynamic ads with changing messages and graphics. They offer more flexibility for advertisers because they can be updated remotely from a central location.

In addition to these two types of hoardings, there are also mobile billboards which consist of trucks or trailers fitted with large screens displaying advertisements while driving through the city's streets.

Wall-mounted hoardings on buildings are another popular option in Jodhpur as they allow businesses to target specific neighbourhoods or areas with high footfall. Pole-mounted hoardings provide an alternative form of visibility for advertisers who want something different than wall-mounted options.

Each type has its unique advantages depending on the business needs and budget constraints when it comes to promoting itself via Hoardings in Jodhpur

2- The Best Locations for Placing Hoardings in Jodhpur

When it comes to advertising through hoardings, location plays a crucial role in determining the success of your campaign. In Jodhpur, there are several locations where you can place your hoardings for maximum visibility and impact.

One of the most popular locations for hoardings in Jodhpur is on the highways that connect different parts of the city. These highways witness heavy traffic throughout the day and night, making them an ideal spot for promoting your brand.

Another great location to consider is near popular tourist attractions such as Mehrangarh Fort, Umaid Bhawan Palace, and Jaswant Thada. These places attract a large number of tourists every year and placing hoardings here can help you reach out to both residents as well as visitors.

Apart from these locations, commercial areas like Sardarpura Market and Sojati Gate also offer great opportunities to advertise through hoardings. These markets have high footfall due to their popularity among shoppers and hence can provide good exposure for your brand.

In summary, choosing strategic locations based on factors like target audience demographics and high-traffic areas is key when it comes to placing effective hoarding advertisements in Jodhpur.

3- How to Place a Hoarding in Jodhpur?

When it comes to placing hoarding in Jodhpur, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to obtain the necessary permits and permissions from the local authorities before proceeding with any advertising campaign.

Once you have obtained all the required approvals, it's time to decide on the location of your hoarding. The best locations for placing hoardings in Jodhpur include high-traffic areas like busy intersections, highways or near popular landmarks.

When selecting a location for your hoarding, consider visibility as well as readability. Ensure that your billboard is positioned in such a way that it can be easily seen and read by passing motorists or pedestrians.

Next, focus on creating an eye-catching design that will grab people's attention. Use bold colours and large fonts to make sure that your message stands out from other competing advertisements.

Always keep safety in mind when installing your hoarding. Make sure that it is securely fastened and does not pose any risk of falling or causing damage to property or individuals nearby.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your hoarding placement campaign will be both effective and safe for everyone involved.

4- The Cost of Placing a Hoarding in Jodhpur

The cost of placing a hoarding in Jodhpur can vary depending on various factors. One of the main factors is the location where you want to place your hoarding. If you choose a high-traffic area or a prime location, then the price will be higher compared to other locations.

Another factor that affects the cost is the size and design of your hoarding. If you opt for a larger and more elaborate design, it will naturally be more expensive than a smaller and simpler one.

Furthermore, if you plan on renting the space for a longer duration, then it may come with discounts or special rates that are less costly in comparison to short-term rentals.

It's important to note that while cost should be considered when placing hoardings, investing in this form of advertising can bring significant returns on investment through increased brand awareness and sales. It's worth considering as part of your overall marketing strategy.

There are different costs associated with placing hoardings in Jodhpur based on multiple factors such as location, size/design and rental duration. However, despite these costs, investing in this mode of outdoor advertising has proven beneficial for many brands wanting to establish their presence within Jodhpur’s market and beyond.


In today's competitive advertising landscape, placing hoardings in Jodhpur at the right locations can be a game-changer for businesses. By understanding the different types of hoardings, identifying prime locations, and being aware of the costs involved, you can make an informed decision about where to place your advertisements.

To ensure maximum visibility and engagement with your target audience, consider partnering with experienced professionals who are well-versed in the nuances of placing hoardings in Jodhpur. With thorough research and strategic planning, your business will surely benefit from this effective outdoor advertising medium.