Digital outdoor advertising successfully attracts customers and prospects to a business. This is because of the versatility and visibility of these ads. They are also cheaper than traditional outdoor advertising, which means that you can promote your brand for less money. Digital outdoor ads provide the same comprehensive visibility as traditional signage but with less light pollution.


DOOH  has been an effective method for brands to engage with their audiences. Digital OOH advertising uses digital screens as media channels in public spaces (e.g., airports or retail stores) or on cinema and TV screens when they're off-air to promote their products and services.


It's an excellent way for brands to engage with their audience today!


With digital OOH advertising, you can reach your customers differently. You can have them feel the same advertising emotions they felt when they saw the TV or heard a radio ad. This type of advertising is effective because it generates awareness and creates an emotional response through sights and sounds.


These ads can be used for branding purposes or to drive sales. It all depends on your goals and what you want them to achieve - so it's essential to ensure that you set your objectives before creating digital OOH ads of any kind.

1. Using DOOH as an Interactive Advertising. 


Creativity in advertising can be used in any form of media, OOH advertising is where it is most prevalent. Static billboards and LED screens, often known as DOOH, are frequently used in OOH advertising media. Digitalization in outdoor advertising makes it simpler to put concepts in advertising into practice. By adopting DOOH, many firms are now expressing their commercials in distinctive and eye-catching ways. 


For example- By presenting games on digital screens with AR technology integrated to manage the movement of game participants, they leverage DOOH as an interactive advertising tool. Participants in the game must stand five meters away from the screen and then move to the right and left to follow the falling water into the bottle. Participants are represented on the screen as Nescafe packing bottles. Each water drop that enters the bottle is worth points, and the points can be traded.


People were spotted walking by, and participants were ecstatic that the interactive game was there. 

2. What is interactive advertising, and why should marketers practice it?


Among other advantages, interactive advertising enables firms to convey stories, improve customization, and leave a lasting impact on consumers. Marketing professionals in any sector that want:


  • Create brand awareness

  • Generate leads

  • Boost sales

  • Gain customer insights

  • Increase social sharing


The following are benefits of the great interactive ads:

2.1. Increased brand recall and awareness


Compared to non-interactive video advertisements, interactive video commercials can increase time spent with the advertisement. Due to this, the ad style is more memorable than typical advertising. It has a more significant effect on buying intent.


Additionally, interactive advertising is a great way for firms to stand out from the crowd of marketers.


2.2. Improved performance rates


Comparing interactive and traditional static ads showed that the former is viewed more:


  • Fun 

  • Engaging 

  • Stimulating 

  • Creative 


It's also proven to generate these impressive results:


Brands must use the post-click landing page to their advantage by linking their CTA straight to one because it increases conversion rates. Interactive advertising has a higher conversion rate than typical video ads.


2.3. Data driven


Compared to other ad formats, interactive advertising provides more (and more detailed) information. They offer specific details on the following:


  • how long have viewers watched your ad for

  • What they selected and whether they responded to any questions

  • If they saw the video again

  • Whether they disclosed it to anyone else


All this information can aid marketers in creating a more sophisticated advertising strategy, enhancing the effectiveness of upcoming campaigns.


2.4. Interactive commercials can keep viewers interested.


Interactive advertising gives marketers many options for innovative campaigns that increase interaction, engagement rates, and brand memory. It has more chances to increase conversion rate and can boost your brand awareness. 

If you are looking for an advertising service provider with several premium outdoor advertising spots that can make your dreams come true by generating these innovative and engaging campaigns, reach out to us at 

3. Increase the Effectiveness of Outdoor Advertising 


Using outdoor advertising to reach large audiences is incredibly effective. There are more digital billboards than ever before, so it's easy to find and probably most significantly affordable.


With a well-thought-out campaign and a few helpful tricks, you could boost your profits in a market with little rivalry.


Here's how:


3.1. Encourage audience participation to boost interest


If appropriately used, OOH advertising is a beautifully engaging medium. Interacting with your advertisements enhances brand identification and recall, which can result in direct sales.


There are two basic but efficient ways to promote audience interaction: outdoor advertising on digital billboards, bus station advertising, digital street furniture, and other types of place-based OOH.


a. Social media and OOH


Your first choice is to incorporate your outdoor advertising into a more extensive social media campaign, such as by enticing users to post a photo or something else on social media with a specific hashtag. Prizes from the competition are a terrific method to motivate this and promote more interaction.


This contributes to creating social media trends and offers user-generated content that may be useful, making outdoor advertising an essential component of a multi-platform advertising strategy.


b. QR Codes and OOH


Consumers can use their smartphones or tablets to scan QR codes and barcodes created digitally. When this occurs, they take action, like launching a web page or a navigation app.


These are incredibly effective strategies for converting mildly interested bystanders into quick consumers.


On customers' mobile devices, a QR code could instantly open your homepage, e-commerce site, booking page, or directions to your place of business. This eliminates the dependency on customer recall that traditional OOH relies on and enables you to close a direct sale right from your advertisement.


3.2. Promote Passing Trade Through Nearby Media


In the case of a high street café or an out-of-town restaurant, For example, proximity-based marketing can increase the effectiveness of your outdoor advertising. It's an incredibly successful local kind of highly focused marketing, and outdoor advertising is particularly well suited to it.


Purchasing advertising space on merchandise close to your physical store can significantly increase local foot traffic. If you provide directions with your company or in your OOH advertisements, this rises even more. 


3.3. Use Programmatic DOOH to Target Audiences Who Are Ready to Buy


Instead of utilizing intermediaries like buying agencies, automated bidding platforms can now be used to purchase outdoor advertising space. The term "programmatic DOOH" refers to this.


With programmatic DOOH, you can reach consumers who are better prepared to make a purchase choice and huge audiences. For instance, a neighborhood sports pub with a terrace will sell more drinks on a sunny home game day. Given that there is a greater probability of a return on investment during those times when more potential customers are present, why not only pay for outdoor signage then?


To boost the effectiveness of your advertising by reaching the proper target demographic, use programmatic DOOH to acquire ad space depending on foot traffic, weather, and time of day, among other factors.

3.4. Use ooh to approach outdoor advertising with a data-driven strategy.


On all of your other platforms, you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing activities. You can now do it in real-time for outdoor advertising as well.


In the end, you can only enhance a campaign if you measure it. The inability to measure traditional OOH media in real time has been an enormous problem. Your media buying firm may create reports, but the findings need to be updated by the time you receive them.


Suppose you want to purchase outdoor advertising programmatically. In that case, as the data is generated, you will have access to analytics, including information on overall impressions, CPM, screen performance, and planned/spent budget data. This is because DOOH platforms send data directly from real-time monitoring of ad performance to your dashboard.


This dramatically facilitates identifying fundamental problems and optimizing your campaign, increasing overall effectiveness.

3.5. Locate a Successful DOOH Platform


Utilizing the advantages of programmable DOOH requires the proper demand side platform. Do you want to be unrestricted by a provider of outdoor advertising or left unsatisfied with the array of analytics alternatives available?


DOOH platform that rapidly links you to various inventory holders worldwide. Single-click procedures and real-time data feed make it easier to plan and carry out your outdoor marketing campaign, which makes it easier to get a return on your investment.

                                                  CTA- GET A QUOTE

4. Interactive ads for brand recognition 


Interactive DOOH ads on digital screens are a new way to activate viewers in the digital world. The interactive DOOH ads, also known as responsive screen advertising, are an effective way for brands to create awareness about their products. 


The time has come when brands need to be visible across all marketing channels, including all forms of advertising, such as print ads, billboards, etc. Interactive DOOH Ads are helping brands do just that by being effective.


An interactive DOOH ad usually consists of 3 modes:


a. Content mode: the viewer can scroll through the screens in this mode and catch up with the latest details of a brand or product, update their social media, or find out more about promotional offers. 


b. Poll mode: Viewers cast votes for one of two elements on the screen. 


c. Campaign mode: This option allows viewers to participate in campaigns based on specific themes, making them shareable and engaging content.

Interactive DOOH ads are a new way for brands to interact with customers. Brands can use these ads in interactive kiosks, showtime screens, and touchscreens. They have the potential to provide a more captivating experience that keeps the user engaged in the brand.


These interactive adverts can also be used to increase customer retention and drive up sales.


How Interactive DOOH ads are designed varies depending on the desired outcome of the campaign. Still, they usually include some or all of these features:


  • The ability for touch-enabled devices to change between screens

  • The ability for content to move across multiple screens

  • The ability for users to engage with content through touch or by clicking on objects

  • Quick transitions from one screen to the other


Interactive DOOH ads are a great way to increase brand recognition. They engage the audience and allow them to explore your product or service fun and safely.

Interactive DOOH helps brands to stand out among the competition.


Many digital agencies are now offering these types of interactive ads for their clients, even though it can be challenging to create one from scratch.

Additionally, this fosters a relationship of reciprocal trust between brands and consumers, which is crucial given that people are more likely to purchase products from businesses they know and believe to be genuine.

Of course, OOH's location-based nature also makes it a potential  marketing tool for small and local businesses in terms of long-term reach and triggering immediate activations. 

Billboards can give an extraordinarily high return on investment for organizations looking to target relatively youthful consumers and establish brand recognition through regular contacts.


For local businesses, OOH advertising and billboards present a distinctive approach to engaging target customers as they go about their everyday business. This is a tremendous benefit.

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5. Evaluation of Long-term Impact and Short-Term Activation: The Goal of Using DOOH


As a marketing channel, DOOH is very much about the now. It could be about the now for long-term impact or short-term activation. This evaluation of DOOH typically has two main stages: testing and activation.


The testing stage involves analyzing and discussing among stakeholders to see if DOOH can be used for their goals and how to measure its success. The activation stage means turning marketing plans into action by executing the agreed-upon strategy with high quality and consistency.


The long-term impact of using DOOH is that it helps to create a more interactive and personalized shopping experience for consumers. It also helps engage with customers through interactive mobile screens in public and home spaces. This can be seen in its ability to stimulate social behaviors and promote a company's values.


The short-term impact of using DOOH is to increase sales by displaying new products. This can be done through advertising a product on TV or print media, but by doing so in an immersive way on digital screens for increased consumer interaction and engagement with the product.


DOOH screens are a relatively new way for advertisers to advertise their products, rather than traditional methods such as television broadcasts or billboard ads. DOOH screens are also used for public service announcements; the video can be streamed from any device with internet access.


DOOH screens can be found at popular locations such as airports or on the sides of highways. They will sometimes be set up in a motion-sensor-activated format to turn on when passing people come near them.


In urban areas, these screens are typically placed on light posts and street signs so drivers and pedestrians alike can see them. The advertisements on these screens can range from one animated image to a looping series of videos with sound accompaniment.

Are You Looking for a Reliable Outdoor Advertising platform?


I hope these excellent digital OOH examples have inspired you to make your own. If so, you'll require a reliable OOH platform to guarantee that the correct individuals view your adverts at the proper time and place. To ensure you get the most out of your OOH ads, oohap cutting-edge outdoor platform connects media buyers with vendors directly and offers cutting-edge behavioral analytics capabilities. To learn more, reach out to us right away.



As we can see, OOH channels are particularly effective in raising and promoting consumer engagement when employed as a component of complex and integrated campaigns.


This shift in strategy and inclusion of humor ultimately increased brand recognition, which led to an uptick in activity. As a result, the brand's momentum peaked with an increase in sales and conversion.


These initiatives confirm how well OOH works with oth