Introduction to wearable technology

In the past few years, we have seen a surge in wearable technology, with devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers and even clothing embedded with sensors becoming more commonplace. This trend is only set to continue, with research firm Gartner predicting that by 2020, one in five people will be wearing some form of wearable device.

With this increase in popularity comes new opportunities for advertisers, who can now use this technology to reach consumers in new and innovative ways. For example, interactive billboards could be used to target passers-by with ads based on their demographic data or location. Or, retailers could use beacons to send special offers and coupons to shoppers’ smartphones as they enter or move around a store.

Wearable technology also has the potential to change the way we interact with Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising. For example, QR codes and NFC tags could be used to enable consumers to instantly engage with an ad by scanning it with their smartphone or smartwatch. Or, ads could be made interactive using Augmented Reality (AR), allowing consumers to view additional content or even make a purchase without having to leave the street they are on.

The possibilities are endless and it’s an exciting time for both advertisers and consumers alike. So what are you waiting for? Get innovating with wearable technology today!

What is OOH advertising?

Out-of-home advertising, also known as OOH advertising, is a form of marketing that reaches consumers when they are away from home. It includes billboards, bus shelters, transit ads, and other environmental media.

OOH advertising is a powerful way to reach consumers because it allows businesses to target specific audiences in specific locations. For example, businesses can target commuters with ads on bus shelters or subway platforms. Or they can target shoppers with ads in retail malls.

Wearable technology is changing the landscape of OOH advertising. Businesses can now use wearable devices, such as Google Glass, to deliver targeted content to consumers in real-time. This new form of OOH advertising is interactive and engaging, which makes it more effective than traditional forms of OOH advertising.

So why should businesses use wearable technology for OOH advertising? There are three main reasons:

1. Wearable technology allows businesses to deliver targeted content to specific audiences in specific locations.

2. Wearable devices are interactive and engage consumers in a new and innovative way.

3. The use of wearable technology for OOH advertising is still relatively new, which gives businesses an opportunity to stand out from their competitors.

The benefits of using wearable technology for OOH advertising

Wearable technology is revolutionizing the world of marketing and advertising. For out-of-home (OOH) advertisers, wearable technology presents a unique opportunity to reach consumers in a more personal and interactive way. Here are some of the benefits of using wearable technology for OOH advertising:

1. Increased Engagement: Wearable devices allow for more engaging and interactive OOH campaigns. Consumers can interact with ads using their hands, voice, or even body movements. This increased engagement leads to higher brand recall and awareness.

2. Greater Flexibility: With wearable technology, advertisers can be more flexible in how they create and execute their OOH campaigns. For example, they can target specific demographics or locations with personalized messages.

3. Improved ROI: By using data collected from wearable devices, advertisers can better track and measure the success of their OOH campaigns. This insights into campaign performance helps improve ROI by optimizing future campaigns for greater effectiveness.

How to use wearable technology for OOH advertising

There are many ways that wearable technology can be used for OOH advertising. One way is to use smartwatches to display ads. Smartwatches are becoming increasingly popular and many people wear them all day long. This provides a great opportunity for advertisers to reach their target audience with wearing ads.

Another way to use wearable technology for OOH advertising is to use Google Glass. Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display. Ads can be displayed on the Google Glass display, which people will see when they look at theirGlass device.

Yet another way to use wearable technology for OOH advertising is to use fitness trackers. Fitness trackers are devices that people wear to track their physical activity levels. Some fitness trackers also have displays that can show ads. This provides a great opportunity for advertisers to reach people who are interested in health and fitness.

All of these methods provide great opportunities for advertisers to reach their target audiences with OOH advertising.

Case studies

Out-of-home advertising is one of the most traditional and well-known forms of marketing. Yet, in recent years, it has undergone a digital makeover thanks to the advent of new technology, particularly wearable technology.

Wearable tech is increasingly being used in out-of-home advertising campaigns to create interactive and engaging experiences for consumers. For example, in 2015, Coca-Cola installed 'happiness machines' in mall food courts across America that dispensed free Coke products to people who danced for them. The campaign was activated by motion sensors that were built into the machines, which detected when someone was dancing and then dispensed a free drink.

This type of interactive experience is not only fun for consumers but also creates a more memorable and positive association with the brand. Other examples of out-of-home campaigns that have used wearable tech include an augmented reality art installation by Hyundai and a virtual reality experience created by Samsung.

As wearable tech becomes more commonplace and affordable, we can expect to see even more out-of-home advertising campaigns incorporating this innovative technology.


In conclusion, wearable technology is a rapidly growing area of advertising and presents numerous opportunities to reach potential customers. Wearable devices are stylish and convenient, making them an attractive way for brands to capture attention in the physical world. But it’s not enough to just create campaigns; businesses must also consider how they can leverage the data that these devices generate in order to better understand their target audiences and deliver tailored advertising experiences. When utilized properly, wearable technology can be used as a powerful tool for driving engagement with OOH campaigns.