Introduction to DOOH Advertising

Welcome to the world of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising! In today's fast-paced digital age, DOOH advertising offers a dynamic and engaging way for marketers to reach their target audience. With its ability to display high-quality multimedia content in public spaces such as airports, malls, and transit stations, DOOH advertising has become an increasingly popular choice for brands looking to make a bold impact on consumers. But how much does it cost? That's the question we'll explore in this comprehensive guide for marketers - so buckle up and get ready to discover everything you need to know about DOOH advertising costs!

1- Types of DOOH Advertising

When it comes to DOOH advertising, there are several types of ads that brands can use to reach their target audience. The most common type is digital billboards, essentially large electronic screens placed in high-traffic areas such as highways and busy intersections.

Another popular form of DOOH advertising is video walls, consisting of multiple digital displays arranged in a grid-like pattern. These can be found in malls, airports and other public spaces where people gather.

Interactive kiosks are also becoming increasingly common in DOOH advertising campaigns. These touch-screen devices allow consumers to engage with brands by providing information or allowing them to make purchases directly from the kiosk.

In addition, there are also mobile billboards that travel around cities and towns showcasing ads for different products or services. This form of DOOH advertising has proven successful in promoting events or short-term promotions.

The various types of DOOH advertising offer unique opportunities for marketers to connect with audiences on a larger scale than traditional print or TV advertisements.

2- Cost of DOOH Advertising

The cost of DOOH Advertising can vary depending on various factors. Firstly, your ad's location is a significant factor in determining the cost. Ads placed in prime locations with high foot traffic and visibility will naturally be more expensive than those in less visible areas.

Another factor that affects the cost of DOOH advertising is the campaign's duration. Longer campaigns can be more expensive due to extended display periods and increased exposure to potential viewers. In contrast, shorter campaigns may have lower costs but also limited reach.

Additionally, creative production costs are another aspect that impacts DOOH advertising prices. Creating captivating content requires time, effort and resources, which might add to overall expenses.

To get an accurate estimate for your DOOH advertising campaign's total cost, it's essential to consult with a reputable agency or company specializing in this field, as they provide tailored services matching your budget and specific requirements. With their help, you can create an effective plan while ensuring maximum ROI (return on investment).

3- How to Plan a DOOH Advertising Campaign?

Planning a DOOH advertising campaign requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Before launching your campaign, it's essential to define your goals and objectives clearly. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve from this campaign. Is it brand awareness, lead generation or increased foot traffic?

Once you've defined your goals, the next step is identifying your target audience. Who are they? What do they care about? Understanding their demographics and psychographics will help you tailor your messaging effectively.

Now that you know who you're targeting, it's time to select the right locations for your DOOH ads. Consider high-traffic areas such as airports, malls or busy streets where people spend much time waiting or commuting.

The creative aspect of the campaign is just as important as its strategy. Ensure that the visual design and messaging align with your brand identity and the location context in which they'll be displayed.

Track and measure results throughout the campaign using analytics tools like heat maps and impressions data. You can adjust the course if necessary based on real-time feedback.

By following these steps thoughtfully when planning a DOOH advertising campaign, you'll increase its chances of success while also gaining valuable insights for future campaigns

4- Case Studies

To truly understand the impact of DOOH advertising and its associated costs, it's important to look at real-life examples. Case studies provide a unique insight into how brands have successfully utilized this form of advertising to achieve their marketing goals.

One such example is Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, which involved placing personalized messages on billboards across major cities in the UK. The result was increased brand awareness and an impressive 7% sales uplift.

Another successful campaign was Nike's use of interactive digital displays that allowed customers to design their sneakers in-store. This innovative approach attracted attention and resulted in a significant increase in foot traffic and sales.

When executed effectively, these case studies demonstrate the potential return on investment for DOOH advertising campaigns. Not every campaign will achieve similar results, but by carefully planning and executing your strategy, you can maximize your chances of success while keeping costs under control.


After going through this comprehensive guide, you should now better understand the cost of DOOH advertising, the different types available and how to plan a successful campaign. It's important to remember that while DOOH advertising can be more expensive than other forms, its benefits make it worth considering as part of your marketing strategy.

Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness or drive sales, with effective planning and execution, DOOH advertising can deliver results for your business. By choosing an experienced DOOH advertising agency or company that offers quality services, you can achieve the best possible outcome for your investment.

As technology continues to evolve and consumers become increasingly mobile-focused, we anticipate that DOOH will grow in popularity among marketers. So if you haven't yet explored this exciting form of advertising for your business - now is the time!