
When it comes to promoting their brand, businesses are always on the lookout for new and effective ways to reach out to their target audience. In Kolkata, hoardings have been a popular advertising medium for decades, and big brands have capitalized on this trend by using hoardings strategically in prominent locations throughout the city. These towering structures not only catch the eye of passersby but also serve as an excellent tool for building brand awareness and increasing visibility in a highly competitive marketplace. So let’s dive into how big brands use hoardings in Kolkata to their advantage!

1- The History of Hoardings in Kolkata

Kolkata is a city of culture and history, and its love affair with hoardings dates back to the early 20th century. In those days, hoardings were used mainly for promoting movies, theatre shows, and other cultural events. The first-ever commercial hoarding in Kolkata was erected in the late 1800s by J.

Walter Thompson Agency (JWT) on Dharmatolla Street.

During British rule, Kolkata became an important centre of commerce and industry. As a result, more businesses began using hoardings as a means of advertising their products or services to potential customers. The popularity of this form of advertising grew rapidly over time due to its broad reach among the masses.

In fact, during the 1960s and 70s when television was not yet popularized in India; large colourful billboards were commonly used for advertisements across major cities like Kolkata.

However, over time there has been some criticism regarding visual pollution caused by these massive billboards that could divert drivers' attention leading to accidents or traffic jams. Today billboard sizes have shrunk considerably with new regulations banning oversized ads within city limits.

Despite these changes though - Hoardings continue to be an integral part of advertising campaigns today – especially amidst increasing competition from digital media platforms like social media which are viewed as complementary tools rather than one replacing another!

2- How Hoardings Are Used Today?

In today's digital age, hoardings may seem like a traditional form of advertising, but they are still widely used due to their effectiveness in reaching a large audience. Hoardings can be seen all over Kolkata, from busy streets to shopping malls and airports.

One way that hoardings are utilized today is by targeting specific demographics. Advertisers carefully choose the location and design of the hoarding based on factors such as age, gender, income level and lifestyle of those passing by or living nearby.

Another advantage of hoardings is their ability to create brand awareness. By placing an eye-catching advertisement in a high-traffic area, brands can increase their visibility among potential customers.

Moreover, with advancements in technology, hoardings have become more dynamic and interactive than ever before. Digital screens allow for moving images and videos which can enhance the impact of the advertisement.

While there are newer forms of advertising available today such as social media marketing and influencer endorsements; it is important not to underestimate the power of traditional methods like hoarding advertising services in Kolkata when it comes to reaching a broad audience quickly and effectively.

3- The Different Types of Hoardings

Hoardings, also known as billboards, are one of the most common forms of outdoor advertising. They come in different shapes and sizes, serving various purposes for businesses. Here are some of the different types of hoardings commonly used today:

Static Hoardings: These are traditional hoardings that display a fixed message or image for an extended period. Static hoardings offer high visibility and can be seen from long distances.

Digital Hoardings: These types of hoarding display digital content using LED screens or projectors. Digital hoardings allow advertisers to change their messages frequently, which helps them stay relevant.

Mobile Hoardings: As the name suggests, mobile hoarding refers to advertising on wheels like trucks and buses. This type of advertising is highly effective because it reaches people who may not see other forms of outdoor advertising.

Interactive Hoardings: Interactive billboards use technology to engage with consumers in real time. For example, they might respond to gestures or show customized ads based on facial recognition software.

Inflatable Hoardings: Inflatable billboards add an extra dimension to outdoor advertising by creating large three-dimensional displays that capture attention effectively.

Choosing the right type of billboard depends on your target audience and campaign objectives. By selecting a suitable form factor for your messaging needs, you will increase brand exposure and generate more leads!

4- The Advantages of Hoardings

Hoardings, also known as billboards, are a popular form of outdoor advertising that has been around for many years. There are several advantages to using hoardings as part of your advertising campaign.

Firstly, hoardings have high visibility and reach a large audience. They are often placed in busy areas such as highways or near train stations where many people pass by daily. This means that the message you want to convey will be seen by a lot of people which increases brand awareness.

Secondly, hoardings allow for creative freedom when it comes to designing your advertisement. You can use eye-catching visuals and bold typography to make your message stand out from the crowd. This is important in today's world where consumers are bombarded with advertisements everywhere they turn.

Thirdly, hoardings provide 24/7 exposure which means that your advertisement can be seen day or night. This is especially useful for businesses that operate outside regular business hours like restaurants or bars.

Hoardings have a long lifespan which makes them cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising like TV commercials or print ads. Hoarding advertisements can stay up for months at a time without needing replacement.

There are many advantages to using hoardings in Kolkata as part of an advertising campaign including high visibility and reach, creative freedom in design, 24/7 exposure and cost-effectiveness over time.

5- The Disadvantages of Hoardings

While hoardings can be a great way to reach a large audience, there are also some disadvantages to this type of advertising.

One major disadvantage is the cost. Hoardings can be very expensive, especially in high-traffic areas or during peak times. This may not be feasible for small businesses with limited budgets.

Another disadvantage is that hoardings can become easily damaged or defaced. Weather conditions like heavy rain and strong winds could cause damage to these billboards if they’re not sturdy enough. Moreover, graffiti artists may use them as canvases for their artworks resulting in poor brand image.

Hoardings are often seen as intrusive by some people who find them visually cluttered and distracting while driving on the roadways leading to accidents which could put lives at risk.

Furthermore, it can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of hoarding advertisements because there’s no accurate way of tracking how many people have viewed your ad and acted upon it.

Despite these drawbacks, many brands continue using hoarding advertising services in Kolkata due to its numerous advantages such as wide coverage and visibility among others.

6- How to Make the Most Out of Hoardings?

When it comes to making the most out of hoardings in Kolkata, there are several strategies that brands can employ. One of the first things to consider is location - choose a high-traffic area where your target audience is likely to see your hoarding. You should also ensure that your message is clear and concise, as people will only have a few seconds to take in the information.

Another way to make the most out of hoardings advertising in Kolkata is by being creative with your design. Use eye-catching colours or imagery that will grab people's attention as they pass by. Remember, you want your hoarding to stand out from all of the other advertisements vying for attention.

In addition, it's important to think about timing when using hoardings for advertising purposes. Consider events or holidays when foot traffic may be higher than usual and plan accordingly.

Don't forget about measuring and analyzing results. Track how many leads or conversions come from your hoarding campaign so you can adjust future strategies accordingly.

By following these tips and incorporating them into an overall marketing plan, brands can effectively use hoardings in Kolkata to their advantage and ultimately achieve their desired outcomes.


To conclude, hoardings in Kolkata have come a long way since their inception. From simple billboards to eye-catching digital displays, they have proven to be an effective advertising medium for big brands. With the right design and placement, hoardings can grab people's attention and leave a lasting impression.

However, it's important to keep in mind that hoardings also have their limitations. They may not always reach the intended target audience or attract enough attention amidst the clutter of other advertisements.

Incorporating hoarding advertising into your marketing strategy can be a wise investment for your brand as long as you approach it strategically and creatively. Find a reliable hoarding advertising company that offers quality services at reasonable rates and work with them to create compelling designs that will make your brand stand out from the rest.